Zhu Zhuqing replied without thinking: "That's right, we just set foot on the snow-covered place in the afternoon. When we ate at the large tribe just now, it has been five or six hours since we first arrived, probably at night. Around [-]:[-], I ate dinner, and now it’s probably around [-]:[-] pm, but…”

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky. Although the sun had already gone down, it was still a long way away, but it was already ten o'clock in the evening...

Ning Rongrong pondered: "I have only heard of strange weather phenomena in the extreme north, but I have never heard that the days here are longer than normal..."

"Let me explain this problem..." Ye Hai thought for a while, thinking about how to explain the "extreme day" and "extreme night" phenomena to them directly, "Well, the extreme north is in a very strange place, There will be a very unique angle here, you can see the sun all day long, and it starts to spread out from that point, and the farther you are from that point, the less the sun you see..."

"If we keep going forward, we will see the sun longer and longer, until we get to that point, we will see the sun all day long, there is no night there, the sun is always there..."

Ye Hai's language is very straightforward. He did not tell Ning Rongrong about their rotation and revolution, nor did he say that this planet is a sphere. If you see polar day at the North Pole, then the South Pole is polar night. He simply explained the polar day situation. .

So it is easy for a few girls to understand.

It's just this way, if Ye Hai meets Ji Ye, it will take a lot of time for Ye Hai to explain it clearly, but it will be Ji Ye after half a year, and Ye Hai thinks they shouldn't stay for half a year.

Ning Rongrong was obviously taken aback by this explanation, she murmured, "There is such a strange place in the world, Ye Hai, we must go and see it, okay?"

Ye Hai smiled and said, "If we are lucky enough, we may be able to see another beauty that only exists in the polar regions..."

Ye Hai was referring to the aurora. This thing really depends on luck. If you are lucky, you may be able to see it in a day or two. If you are not lucky, you may not see it for several years.

In his previous life, Ye Hai had never been out of his own country, and he had never been out of this province a few times, let alone to the polar regions.

In fact, very few people can adapt to such a harsh environment in the polar regions. In Ye Hai's previous life, let alone no chance, even if he had the opportunity, he would not dare to go.

If you can watch a beautiful aurora in Douluo Continent, it will be a regret in the past life.

Chapter 298 When You Sleep At Night

"The extreme north is so fun, we should have come a long time ago!"

Ning Rongrong said happily.

Ye Hai glanced at her and said, "Come early, then we will feed the soul beasts early."

Although the quality of the soul beast in the Extreme North is weaker than that of the Star Dou Great Forest, it still has the Snow Emperor, a 70-year soul beast. Before he got the ring blast and the sixth soul ring, he would definitely not be able to defeat Xue God, even the Ice Emperor can hit him.


With the current strength of Ye Hai, it is just right to come to the extreme north.

Stop and go all the way, go to eat a meal and take a rest when encountering a large tribe, Ye Hai and the others took several days to walk within a hundred miles of the spirit beast circle in the extreme north.

The farther you go, the more obvious the extreme day phenomenon is. When you get here, you will not see the sun for only four or five hours.

After walking for another day, Ye Hai and the four officially set foot on the soul beast circle in the extreme north. From here, they can often see soul beasts.

In fact, to be honest, in addition to wanting to see the aurora, Ye Hai didn't know what else would be fun to come to the extreme north.

But seeing how Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing were enjoying themselves, he didn't care, as long as they were happy.

After stepping into the spirit beast circle in the extreme north, Xiao Wu and the others were obviously more serious. Although there was a strong and powerful guy like Ye Hai, it was better to be careful.

Xiao Wu said: "There are many 10-year-old soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, even if the extreme north is inferior to the Star Dou Great Forest, there are definitely more than ten 10-year-old soul beasts, so we have to be careful. "

Ye Hai thought for a while, then said: "Actually, you don't have to be too careful, the Arctic Icefield is a bitter cold place, and there are not too many soul beasts living here, much less than in the Great Star Dou Forest, we just need to be careful. The two soul beasts here will do."

"Which two?" Xiao Wu asked.

Ye Hai said lightly: "The 70-year-old Ice and Snow Girl, and the 40-year-old Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion."

Xiao Wu was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously asked: "70 years of cultivation?"

Ye Hai nodded.

Xiao Wu's complexion changed, and she immediately grabbed Ye Hai's hand and pulled him back: "No, we won't play anymore, go back quickly! With a cultivation base of 70 years, even your human Limit Douluo can't beat it!"

Ye Hai smiled and said, "But I'm better than Limit Douluo!"

Xiao Wu paused for a while, and then she was a little stunned, and said, "Oh, I forgot, it turns out that you are already more powerful than Limit Douluo..."

Several people walked and talked.

Ning Rongrong asked from the side: "How do you know that there are 70-year-old soul beasts here?"

Ye Hai looked up at the few snow wolves that were running towards here in the distance, and said with a smile, "Just think I made it up."

After a pause, he looked at the three snow wolves that had entered within ten meters, and said, "Rongrong, I'll leave it to you."

Xiao Wu was eager to try, but one foot had already stepped out, but when she heard Ye Hai's words, she pulled her foot back again.

Seeing that there were only three snow wolves with ten years of cultivation, Ning Rongrong snorted, took out a dagger, and rushed out.

Three minutes later, Ning Rongrong walked back with a slight panting, and the bodies of three snow wolves were lying on the ground.

She looked at Ye Hai and asked, "You three beat them more easily than me, why do you have to let me go?"

Ye Hai smiled and said, "You have eaten too much along the way. You need to exercise more to lose weight... In the future, as long as it is a soul beast under a thousand years, it will be up to you."

Ning Rongrong was slightly startled, but this time she didn't rush to Ye Hai to pull his face, but asked Zhu Zhuqing next to her, "Zhuqing, am I fat?"

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Ning Rongrong's chest, then glanced at Ning Rongrong's waist, and said, "The places that should be fat are not fat, but the places that shouldn't be fat are rather round."

Ning Rongrong also glanced at Zhu Zhuqing's chest and fell into deep thought.

After entering the spirit beast circle in the extreme north, the temperature dropped significantly. The three girls all wore thick clothes. Ye Hai had a strong physique, and the temperature of minus ten degrees was nothing.

As he continued to penetrate into the extreme north, when he reached the place where he would probably meet the ten thousand-year-old soul beast, it was already extremely daylight.

Further north from here, the sun will hang in the sky all day long and will not set.

Ning Rongrong looked at this scene in amazement and exclaimed, "Wow! There is really no night here. It's all day and you can see the sun!"

Zhu Zhuqing was also a little excited, and said, "And the sun here is not dazzling. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be really hard to believe that there would be such a place."

Ye Hai looked at the three girls with a smile. Although he had never seen Ji Ri, he had seen it in books in his previous life and knew the principle, so he was not too excited.

Since they have entered the range of polar day, it proves that they are not far from the polar region. Even at their current speed, they can reach the polar region in ten days at most.

Since entering the range of the ten thousand year soul beast, Xiao Wu and the others don't have to take action, they can just watch with peace of mind.

It was Ye Hai who started.

For the current Ye Hai, the ten thousand year soul beast is also a matter of one kick, but the growth of the ten thousand year soul beast is not easy, Ye Hai did not kick to death, but just kicked out a hundred meters to let the other party know that it is no longer powerful. hands-on.

Seeing Ye Hai kicking the ten thousand-year-old spirit beast was like kicking a chicken, the spirit beast with a body size of four or five meters was kicked out hundreds of meters with one foot, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but envy: "It's really an animal, when did I become so smart……"

"When you sleep at night." Ye Hai struck without hesitation.

"Right!" Ning Rongrong suddenly stopped, looked at Ye Hai and said, "Have we not slept for several days?"

Two days have passed since the sun did not go down, and Ye Hai and the others have not slept in these two days.

Ye Hai smiled and said, "Didn't I say it before, you actually don't need to sleep for a long time, you can relieve your body fatigue by cultivating your soul power for a while."

"That's different." Ning Rongrong rolled his eyes, "Sleeping is faith, you don't have to sleep anymore, are you still human?"

Ye Hai raised his eyebrows and asked, "It's not human, what is that?"

"Animals!" Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing said in unison.

Ye Hai: "..."

He suddenly felt that taking three girls at once might not be a good choice...


At this moment, the sound of shaking the ground suddenly came from a distance, and the ground trembled slightly.

Ye Hai stared at it and saw that a huge shadow was chasing a smaller one in the distance.

Ning Rongrong and the others didn't have such good eyesight as Ye Hai, so they couldn't help asking, "What is that? Is it a soul beast?"

Ye Hai said lightly: "You will know right away."

Chapter 299 Eat two more bowls of rice?



The sound is getting closer and closer, and the ground under your feet can already feel quite obvious tremors, like an earthquake.

Ning Rongrong was finally able to see exactly what those two figures were.

Running in front was an ice bear, and chasing behind was a big snow monster ten meters tall.

Xiao Wu looked at the ice bear and the snow monster, thought for a while and said: "Based on my experience, the ice bear has a cultivation base of about 10 years, and the snow monster has a cultivation base of about 5 to [-] years."

Ye Hai and the others have never been to the extreme north, so they don't know what the names of these two soul beasts are. They can only be described as "ice bear" and "snow monster".

Ning Rongrong said, "This ice bear looks rather naive, and I don't know how to provoke that big snow monster."

The big ice bear ran away, running on both legs, swaying his hands in a balancing position on both sides, and with his huge round body, it was indeed a bit silly.

Ye Hai said: "The 'big snow monster' at the back should be the 'Titan Snow Demon' family, and the ice bear and the ice bear are natural enemies, and it is normal to fight each other."

When Bingxiong saw Ye Hai and the others, he shouted loudly, "Help! Help! If you can beat the idiot behind you, do yourself a favor. If you can't beat him, run away!"

Xiao Wu looked at Ye Hai and said, "Can you save it?"

Ye Hai shook his head. The extreme north has its own ecological circle. The 'ice bear' and the 'titan snow demon' are hostile, and it is not appropriate to rashly intervene in the battle between the two clans.

Xiao Wu said, "Brother, you have a martial soul, and I will save it."

"...Co-authored when you ask if I can save you, do you mean I can save it or not? If I don't save it, you will save it yourself?" Ye Haidao.

"That's right." Xiao Wu nodded.

Ye Hai rolled his eyes, but didn't say much. He actually felt that it didn't matter if he could save him or not. Since Xiao Wu wanted to save him, it would be very easy to get a spirit.

A dazzling golden light emerged from Ye Hai's right hand, and Xiao Wu's body lit up with pink light. The two colors of pink and gold light echoed each other, and instantly merged into one, turning into a beautiful pink gold. Xiao Wu's body was originally very tall, at this moment. A pair of "crystal dancing shoes" appeared under his feet, making his figure more slender.

Xiao Wu smiled sweetly and said, "Big Bingxiong, big sister is here to save you!"

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Wu came to the top of the big snow monster, her slender thighs kicked violently, and her toes kicked fiercely on the big snow monster's head.

With a "bang", the big snow monster fell directly to the ground!

Xiao Wu grabbed the big head of the big snow monster with both hands, twisted her waist and threw the big snow monster that was more than ten meters high, and flew out dozens of meters away before hitting the ground with a bang.

The big snow monster got up in a daze, then shook his head, glanced at Xiao Wu, and immediately turned to flee.

Ning Rongrong was stunned when she saw Xiao Wu's terrifying power just now. After a long time, she muttered, "This world is so crazy, how can this girl Xiao Wu have such great power..."

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