Although the top level of the Star Luo Empire has basically been settled by the Golden Crocodile Douluo and others, but without the royal family Zhou family, other city officials of the Star Luo Empire began to move, and they all wanted to become kings or seek revenge for the emperor. In the name of expelling the staff of the Spirit Hall.

The usurpation of the Xingluo Empire is different from the actions against the Tiandou Empire. The Tiandou Empire has been run by Qian Renxue for many years, and after the usurpation, the prince named "Xue Qinghe" succeeded the throne. Ren Xue's method was very smooth in transition.

However, the royal family of the Star Luo Empire was the Zhou family, and Dai Mubai's high-ranking name was not right, so it was difficult to convince the public.

Therefore, the entire Star Luo Empire was eager to move, and they all wanted to be their own kings.

Since Qian Renxue seized the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire, the power of the Wuhun Temple and the Heaven Dou Empire could be said to have exploded. In every city, the power of the Wuhun Temple could overtake the official power of the Heaven Dou Empire.

However, the Star Luo Empire has always been wary of the Spirit Palace, which restricted the development of the Spirit Palace. In every city in the Star Luo Empire, the Spirit Palace was very weak.

After Ye Hai left Wuhun City, Bibi Dong began to summon spirit masters to all the Wuhundian branch halls. If Ye Hai succeeded, these spirit masters would settle in the various Wuhundian branch halls of the Star Luo Empire. Assist in the suppression of rebellions and stabilize the situation in the Star Luo Empire;

If Ye Hai fails, these spirit masters will act as the vanguard forces to launch a national war against the Star Luo Empire and officially begin to attack the Star Luo Empire.

Ye Hai put on a mask and slowly stepped into Wuhun City.

He calmly watched as batches of Spirit Hall Spirit Masters left Wuhun City and headed for the Star Luo Empire.

In the past three days, Ye Hai was on his way during the day? At night, he slept with the little rabbit that Xiao Wu transformed into.

This little rabbit is even cuter than the six-year-old Xiao Wu that Ye Hai first saw? She eats grass when she feeds grass, and carrots when she feeds carrots?

After staying with Xiao Wu for three days, Ye Hai's mind, which had been almost swept away by anger and hatred, gradually recovered.

It was past noon? All the Spirit Hall Spirit Masters left the city. In the entire Spirit City, there were only a few Spirit Masters with low spirit power and a few super Douluo-level elders.

Ye Hai took Xiao Wu to lunch and slowly walked towards the Pope's Palace.

The Pope's Hall is the tallest building in the main hall complex of the Wuhun Temple. According to visual inspection, the Pope's Hall is over 300 meters high!

Standing tall? Bathed in golden sunlight, with a sense of majesty and inviolability, anyone has to give birth to the idea of ​​​​wanting to worship.

Ye Hai approached the Pope's Palace step by step.

"Stop! Who are you? The Pope's Hall is the sacred place of the Spirit Hall, and no one is allowed to enter!"

There are guards who want to stop Ye Hai.

Ye Hai raised his head and looked at the towering Pope's Palace? After staring blankly for a while, Ye Hai suddenly laughed? He murmured, "Bibi Dong, did I die today? It was you and the Spirit Palace that were destroyed together..."

At the foot of Ye Hai, a spirit ring rose, red, red, red, red, red, red, six blood-red spirit rings rose up, and a powerful pressure spread out, and several guards were not high in spirit power. The soul master, being oppressed by this coercion, retreated step by step, and kept retreating for more than ten meters, and then stopped with a pale face.

Ye Hai looked at the six red spirit rings around his body, his expression did not fluctuate.

Outside the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, he ran into another 10-year-old soul beast. After killing it, he attached a sixth soul ring to the "Golden Dragon Seat".

After obtaining the sixth spirit ring, Ye Hai's spirit power still did not reach rank seventy.

In fact, Ye Hai also has a "Sura Heart" martial spirit, but Ye Hai feels that it is very likely that after attaching a spirit ring to "Sura Heart", he will still not be able to break through level [-].

The hurdle of level [-], for Ye Hai, seems to be not only the accumulation of soul power, but also an opportunity.

Since he couldn't break through level [-], it would not make much sense to add a spirit ring to the "Heart of Shura", so Ye Hai gave up the plan to add a few more spirit rings and went directly to Wuhun City.

Each part of Ye Hai's body was covered with golden armor, and a golden hammer with a weight of tens of thousands of kilograms was held in his hand.

After attaching the spirit ring to the "Golden Dragon Seat", the power of the peerless martial spirit was finally revealed.

Douluo Dalu is a middle martial world. If you only talk about the power level, it is a low martial arts world.

An ordinary third-level god's power is only [-] catties. After Tang San became a titled Douluo, when he added half of his spirit rings to the Clear Sky Hammer, his strength was only [-] catties.

Ye Hai is now holding the [-]-pound golden hammer, and it is not difficult.

Although strength does not represent all strength, how can someone with such terrifying strength be so weak?

Ye Hai, who has absorbed six soul rings over 10 years old, is now no worse than a 99-level Ultimate Douluo. If he can obtain the seventh soul ring and use his martial soul avatar, even if he doesn't have the "Golden Dragon" The six 10-year soul rings of "Seat" can also fight against Limit Douluo!

But nothing is perfect in this world, and if you fail to break through the seventieth rank, then rely on the spirit ring to make up for it!

Ye Hai stepped on the ground with both feet, shooting up into the sky like cannonballs. When he flew into the sky, the golden hammer in his hand was gradually getting bigger. When Ye Hai rushed to a place higher than the Pope's Palace, the golden hammer in his hand had become very Huge, more than 100 meters, like a hill across the sky.

Holding a huge golden hammer in his hand, Ye Hai slammed into the Pope's Palace, shouting violently:

"Bibi Dong, get out of here!!"

Chapter 274 Dragon

A purple streamer flew out from the Pope's Palace, and Bibi Dong was covered in purple armor, holding the "Rakshasa Demon Scythe" exuding an evil aura, floating in the air.

She stood above the Pope's Palace and looked at the huge golden hammer above her head with a solemn expression.

"Ye Hai! How dare you!"

Bibi Dong said loudly.

The "Rakshasa Demon Scythe" in Bibi Dong's hand ticked upwards, and a huge "Rakshasa Demon Scythe" phantom ticked backwards on the golden hammer.

There was a roar when the two clashed, the "Rakshasa Demon Scythe" phantom shattered, and the huge golden hammer returned to its normal size.

Although Ye Hai's hammer didn't blow up any soul rings, with his current strength, this hammer was more powerful than the hammer that Tang Hao displayed by blowing up nine soul rings five years ago.

But this hammer was blocked by Bibi Dong lightly.

But Ye Hai didn't imagine that he could destroy the Pope's Palace with a single hammer. He was very clear about Bibi Dong's terrifying strength. With level 99 soul power and "Rakshasa Scythe", Qian Daoliu was no match.

Ye Hai's body slowly descended, Bibi Dong looked at Ye Hai indifferently, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

At this time, Bibi Dong's face was still fair and flawless, but there was an evil aura flowing in her pupils, and her expression was extremely indifferent. Facing Ye Hai, she seemed to be facing a stranger.

Ye Hai just looked at Bibi Dong for a moment, then slammed the hammer on it.

Bibi Dong was not someone who would change her mind easily, and Ye Hai was also tired of reasoning with her. Now Ye Hai was talking about physics with her. Whoever wins will live, and whoever loses will die.

Bibi Dong frowned, and a group of purple light shot out from the "Rakshasa Demon Scythe", blocking Ye Hai's hammer, purple light wings appeared behind her, and her figure floated and retreated.

"What's so good about that soul beast? If you die, you will die, in exchange for my chance to become a god, and your chance to be a pope, isn't it good?"

Bibi Dong said coldly.

Ye Hai was silent, and struck Bibi Dong with another hammer.

Bibi Dong's purple wings of light, and at the same time as her body retreated, the sickle blade of the "Rakshasa Demon Scythe" slashed, hooking off the golden hammer.

Bibi Dong looked at Ye Hai indifferently, and said lightly, "I originally thought that I needed to kill you and Nana, so that my body and soul would perfectly fit the Rakshasa god position, so that I could finally take the last step. …”

"But what I didn't expect was that I struggled for many years whether to kill the 10-year-old soul beast. When I finally made a decision, I took that hurdle all at once. Now I am only one step away from becoming a god... ..."

"If you're willing to help me, I can marry Xiaoxue and Nana to you? Don't worry about them disagreeing? I said yes, it's all right, and I'll make you the emperor of the entire Douluo Continent? As long as you nod your head, you can Is the ruler of the entire continent."

Regarding Bibi Dong's lobbying? Ye Hai just replied:


Ye Hai had no interest in being an emperor or a pope at first, and what he wanted to do before was just to make Bibi Dong not inherit the Rakshasa throne? And to realize some of his ideas.

If it weren't for the above reasons? He wouldn't want to be an emperor!

The emperor can go wherever he wants, and do whatever he wants.

Ye Hai beats people if he wants to, and curses if he wants to, but if he is an emperor? All of these are not allowed.

When Ye Hai is willing to be this emperor?

As for Qian Renxue and Hu Liena? Beauty is indeed beauty, but Ye Hai is not an animal with lower body thinking, and Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong are no worse than Qian Renxue and Hu Liena.

If Ye Hai wanted to push and could push Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong easily, would he agree to Bibi Dong because of Qian Renxue and Hu Liena?

Bibi Dong thought Ye Hai was too cheap!

Xiao Wu's death? Destroying the entire Spirit Hall is not enough to repay, Ye Hai has already made up his mind? Today, either Bibi Dong will die? Spirit Hall will be destroyed, or Ye Hai will be destroyed!

Bibi Dong heard the words? A trace of anger flashed on her face? She said coldly:

"Don't make a toast or eat a fine drink? Since I became the Pope, I have never been so sullen to anyone. I think you are a talent, so it doesn't hurt you. If you are obsessed, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

Bibi Dong didn't know whether she was speaking to Ye Hai or to herself. Over the past 20 years, she had met countless people, but Ye Hai was the only one who really made her think about the other party's feelings.

Bibi Dong forced herself to think in this regard, she thought she couldn't bear to destroy a talent, that's how it was.

Ye Hai sneered, "I don't dare to 'keep your breath' under the crown of the Pope, I'm a rude person, I'm really not used to toasting, I'll just say it..."

After a pause, Ye Hai looked at Bibi Dong and said word by word, "Today, either you die or I die, unless the sun and the moon are reversed, there is no third possibility."

Bibi Dong stared blankly at Ye Hai, her expression gradually turned cold, she spit out a word coldly:

"it is good!"

Purple light flashed on Bibi Dong's body, and a ferocious spider phantom appeared behind her. Nine blood-red spirit rings slowly rose from the soles of her feet, and a terrifying aura rushed toward her, as if she was facing a god!

If it weren't for the fact that Bibi Dong's spirit power was less than [-] rank, I'm afraid Bibi Dong would have obtained the tenth spirit ring directly and ascended the throne!

Ye Hai looked at the nine blood-red spirit rings on Bibi Dong's body, her facial features twisted and ferocious, and her voice was cold as if it had come out of hell:

"You have all nine spirit rings?"

In other words, when she killed Xiao Wu, she was simply killing her, not to hunt for spirit rings!

If it's the latter, Ye Hai wants to kill Bibi Dong, but he still understands Bibi Dong; but if it's the former, Ye Hai can't wait to burn Bibi Dong to ashes!

Killing a soul beast to hunt for a soul ring is always a matter of position. Bibi Dong kills Xiao Wu, that is also an option; but simply killing Xiao Wu, not for the purpose of hunting for a soul ring, is no different from killing. If Ye Hai blocks her Lu, Bibi Dong would also kill Ye Hai without hesitation.

This made Ye Hai feel a chill.

Ye Hai laughed at himself and said no more. He put away the "Golden Dragon Seat", and the armor and golden hammer on his body disappeared.

A silver "pocket watch" appeared in his left hand, and six spirit rings, four black and two red, slowly moved.

Without any sign, the four black and two red six soul rings began to crack one by one, and the energy did not dissipate in the slightest, and they all rolled back into Ye Hai's body.

Bibi Dong frowned, Ye Hai's aura became more and more terrifying, even approaching her current strength.

Just when she was hesitating whether to interrupt Ye Hai, the six spirit rings on Ye Hai's body all exploded, and the energy like a frenzy was swept into Ye Hai's body.

The silver "pocket watch" in his hand seemed to have absorbed enough energy and began to disintegrate step by step.

The dial is blurred, leaving only the outermost circle, which turns red, and then turns red again.

The red lines seemed to be blown, getting thicker and thicker, and gradually became the thickness of the arms, with eyebrows and facial features growing on one end, and a tail on the other.

like a little snake or...


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