In fact, with Ye Hai's current physical fitness, even if he practiced for three consecutive days, he would not feel tired, but the taste of Oscar's sausage was something that a royal chef could not make. Ye Hai now eats sausage to satisfy his appetite. want.

After taking the sausage, Ye Hai patted Oscar on the shoulder and said, "Go back to sleep."

Oscar gave a wry smile. In the five years he has traveled to Douluo Continent, he has long since changed his habit of sleeping in.

Walking out of Oscar's room, Ye Hai happened to meet Tang San who had returned from practicing with the Purple Demon Eye.

"Brother Hai, good morning."

Tang San said hello.

"Little San, then."

Ye Hai smiled and threw a sea blue object to Tang San.

"what is this?"

Tang San's eyes were fast, his right hand was quickly dyed mysterious white, and he caught what Ye Hai threw.

This is a palm-sized thing, the whole body is crystal clear, and the circles of blue ripples spread out like ripples.

"Hanhai Qiankun Cover..." Ye Hai said lightly, "Let's play with it, as long as you inject mental power into it, you will know how to use it."

"Hanhai Qiankun Cover..." Tang San muttered the name and muttered, "I don't know if it's a good name for a very high-level name..."

The two passed by, Tang San rudely took the "Vast Sea Universe Cover" and returned to the room.

In Tang San's eyes, Ye Hai's things were his, and Ye Hai never refused to give him things.

Ye Hai went downstairs to the first floor and ordered some food.

After a while, Ma Hongjun swayed downstairs—it wasn't people swaying, it was stairs swaying.

Ye Hai saw Ma Hongjun and said, "Fatty, get up so early? This is not your character."

Ma Hongjun said solemnly, "Today, I'm going to officially report to Shrek Academy to become a teacher. This is a big business. I naturally have to get up early... eh? You're going to eat that much now?"

Ye Hai looked down at himself, two meat, two vegetarian dishes, four dishes, three steamed buns, and two large bowls of rice. He smiled and said, "Yeah, I have no money to eat recently, why don't you invite me? ?"

Ma Hongjun hesitated for a moment, then said boldly: "No, I'm also poor recently, so I won't invite you this time."

Ye Hai smiled and said: "Have the same virtue as your teacher, and the iron cock will not pull out a single hair."

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun was immediately angry, and he said, "Waiter, this table is mine, and I will settle the bill later!"

Then he turned his head, looked at Ye Hai, and said with some self-satisfaction: "See, you have money!"

Ye Hai praised: "Okay, fat man, be generous."

Ma Hongjun suddenly laughed.

After the two finished eating, Ma Hongjun went to pay.

Ye Hai looked at Ma Hongjun's face, first stunned, then furious, then unbelievable, and finally turned pale, took out the money, gritted his teeth and paid, then walked back with a gloomy face.

He looked at Ye Hai, and the first sentence was: "You ordered meals for everyone for a month?"

Everyone here refers to the Shrek Seven Devils.

Ye Hai smiled and said: "Yes, tentatively set for a month, add more if you can't eat, and you can refund the money."

That's okay... Ma Hongjun's expression softened a little, Ye Hai and the others will definitely not be able to stay here for a month, and the money they withdraw is still theirs.

Ye Hai sighed and continued: "Of course, the money you withdraw is also mine. If you invite me to dinner, I can't eat the money that is converted into equivalent value. Isn't that still mine?"

Ma Hongjun was stunned, and finally he could only say: "Ye Hai, your uncle!"

Ye Hai smiled and didn't think he was embarrassed, "Actually, you shouldn't have paid this money, but you just caught up. I originally thought of pitting Mubai..."

"Hehe, I blame you for meeting the right person at the wrong time..."

Ma Hongjun walked away angrily.

In fact, the hotel accommodation and meals for seven people for a month, even if the meals are very rich, it is only three or five gold soul coins.

For Ma Hongjun, this is nothing at all.

He was annoyed that he was slapped by Ye Hai again, as if his IQ was low...

Ye Hai returned to the room after eating and drinking.

He only came out of the palace last night, Qian Renxue will definitely increase the search, without Ning Rongrong's makeup skills, Ye Hai can't go out.

As for Ning Rongrong, this girl is probably still dreaming big dreams.

Tang San returned to the room, took out the "Vast Sea Universe Cover" with ripples, and said to himself:

"This Vast Sea Universe Cover is an extraordinary item at first glance. Brother Hai seems to know how to activate it. Why don't you keep it for yourself, but give it to me?"

Tang San thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of a name, so he simply stopped tangled, anyway, no matter what Ye Hai gave him the "Vast Sea Universe Cover", it definitely wouldn't hurt him.

"Inject spiritual power into it..."

Tang San recalled what Ye Hai told him just now, stared at the "Vast Sea Universe Cover", then reached out his spiritual power, slowly spreading into the "Vast Sea Universe Cover".

But what Tang San didn't expect was that as soon as he penetrated his spiritual power, a mighty mighty power popped out from within the "Vast Sea Universe Cover".

In front of this vast abyss of spiritual power, Tang San's Ziji Demon Eye spiritual power, which had already entered the third realm, was like a basin of clear water, not an order of magnitude at all.


The vast mental power bounced Tang San's mental power back, making him instantly feel suffocated, and there was a sharp pain in his head. The next moment, Tang San fainted.

Before fainting, Tang San only had time to flash a thought:

Brother Hai, you are a pit brother...

Chapter 245 See what I do continue!

As soon as Ye Hai returned to the room, he heard a bang from the opposite room.

"Hey, it's Little San's room, what is he doing?"

Ye Hai let out a sigh, and then seemed to have thought of something, with a strange look on his face.

In the original book, Tang San entered his mental power without authorization after obtaining the "Vast Sea Universe Cover", and was stunned by the huge energy contained in the "Vast Sea Universe Cover".

Just now, Xiaosan wouldn't be in the same situation...

Ye Hai hurriedly opened the room, holding down the door of Tang San's room with his right hand, pushing it hard, and the door opened in response.

Ye Hai swept his gaze, and instantly froze in one place. At this moment, Tang San's forehead oozes blood, and he fainted beside the bed.

Ye Hai walked over quickly, helped Tang San up, and said softly, "Little San, Little San..."

Tang San was still unconscious.

Ye Hai pondered for a while, holding Tang San's wrist with his right hand, slowly inputting spirit power into Tang San's body.

Ye Hai's soul power is peaceful, very strong, and can be combined with soul power of any attribute.

Following the input of Ye Hai's spirit power, Tang San frowned slightly, and after a while, he woke up.

Tang San opened his eyes and saw it was Ye Hai, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Brother Hai, you're a real scumbag..."

"I told you to input your mental power, but you directly input your mental power without making any preparations. Don't you know how to protect yourself?" Ye Hai frowned.

Although he was careless and didn't remind him, he absolutely couldn't let Tang San see it, um, it's better to strike first, throw the pot out first.

Tang San:"……"

I didn't even think it would be so powerful...

Ye Hai waved his hand and said, "Okay, hurry up and try the effect of this 'Vast Sea Universe Cover', this is a good thing."

"...Uh, Brother Hai, how do you use this thing? You still need to input mental power, right?"

Tang San looked at the "Vast Sea Universe Cover" in his hand and hesitated.

Ye Hai smiled and said, "No, you just need to input your soul power. It was just the ceremony of recognizing the master."

"En." Tang San responded, inputting a trace of soul power.

With the injection of this trace of soul power, the "Vast Sea Universe Cover" suddenly shot out a brilliant blue light. Tang San felt that the "Vast Sea Universe Cover" seemed to be thirsting for more soul power, so he couldn't help looking at Ye Hai.

"Look at what I'm doing, go ahead!" Ye Hai said angrily.

"Oh." Tang San continued to input his spirit power.

As more and more soul power was input, the blue light on the "Hanhai Universe Cover" became stronger and stronger. When the blue light reached a limit, a ripple suddenly flashed inside the "Hanhai Universe Cover", and then condensed into a bright crystal. The blue light beam shot into Tang San's eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, Tang San closed his eyes abruptly, and a huge stream of information entered his mind through the blue light beam just now.

Tang San just closed his eyes and began to digest the huge information just now.

Seeing this, Ye Hai walked out of Tang San's room and gently closed the door.

It took Tang San a day to absorb this information, Ye Hai didn't want to wait for him in the room.

The "Hanhai Universe Cover" is a treasure left with a trace of the Seagod's divine sense. It is a legacy token left by the Seagod to mortals to inherit the Seagod's divine position. Its real name should be called "Poseidon's Heart".

Of course, without the "Vast Sea Universe Cover", it is possible to inherit the Seagod's position, but it will be much more difficult. Even a genius like Tang San, without the "Vast Sea Universe Cover", may not be able to complete all the "Seagod Nine Tests". Poseidon.

In addition to being a token of inheritance, the "Hanhai Universe Cover" also possesses a very powerful power.

Possesses four skills: [Vast Sea Body Shield], [Qiankun Ding Divine Cover], [Vast Sea Raging Waves], and [Qiankun Breaking Demons].

[Vast Sea Body Shield] can form a huge mask to hide the body and breath.

[Qiankun Ding Divine Cover] can control a thing and make it unable to move.

The last two skills are attack skills, [Vast Sea Crazy] is a group attack skill, and [Qiankun Breaking Demon] is a single attack.

This "Vast Sea Universe Cover" has four skills, and the other person's four spirit rings on the top, even just two skills away, can be comparable to Ye Hai's external spirit bone, it can be seen that the "Vast Sea Universe Cover" sharp.

Ye Hai sighed and found that the "Vast Sea Universe Cover" itself only had four skills, and it was not as good as the spirit bone attached to it. …

In fact, with Ye Hai's current vision, apart from divine tools, he really has nothing to admire.

He already has more than ten skills, more than the average Title Douluo. Even if neither of them are soul bones, Ye Hai has seven soul ring skills, and they are all super high quality, no better than having nine soul ring skills. The title Douluo difference.

"It seems that my next pursuit is a divine weapon..."

Ye Hai thought to himself.

Afterwards, Ye Hai was a little discouraged.

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