Qian Renxue handed the "Vast Sea Universe Cover" to Ye Hai and said, "I've given you something, you can start to try to escape, but as soon as you start to escape, I will start calling out to people outside, after all, if I don't If you call, you might leave quietly."

Ye Hai took the "Hanhai Universe Cover", looked at it carefully, and put it away. He looked at Qian Renxue and smiled, "You can call now."

Qian Renxue raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you serious?"

Ye Hai smiled and said, "I never joke."

Qian Renxue: "..."

She suddenly remembered what Ye Hai said to her just now...

Isn't it a joke?

Qian Renxue took a deep breath, used her soul power, and shouted loudly:

"Come on, there are assassins!"

At the same time, Ye Hai's figure flashed, and he came to the door. The breath of the whole person instantly converged, and it was empty. If you didn't pay attention to the exploration, you would not be able to find a person standing at the door.

In Ye Hai's induction, an extremely terrifying aura came from a distance, even faster than the aura of the two Titled Douluos in front of him!


After just two breaths, the door of the emperor's bedroom was violently slammed open, and a savage aura like a wild beast rushed toward the face, and an old voice sounded: "Young master, where is the assassin..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Hai rushed out and rushed towards the tall figure at the entrance of the palace!

In the process of throwing out, Ye Hai was covered in golden armor, holding a golden hammer in his right hand, a silver "pocket watch" in his left hand suddenly appeared, four black, two red six spirit rings appeared, and the fifth blood red 's spirit ring suddenly lit up!

Golden Crocodile Douluo has a simple face, a tall stature, and a golden crocodile shadow on his back. His aura is extremely terrifying, which makes Ye Hai feel like he is facing the 10-year-old soul beast Titan Giant Ape when he is at level [-]. Almost suffocating!

At the same time, Golden Crocodile Douluo also saw Ye Hai's figure clearly.

Ye Hai's iconic golden armor, Golden Crocodile Douluo, naturally knew him, but he didn't understand why Ye Hai came to the young master late at night, and the young master would call out that there were assassins...

However, this did not delay his judgment. The young master is the young master of the entire Spirit Hall, the daughter of the previous Pope and the current Pope, and the granddaughter enshrined in the Elder Hall. His dignity is higher than that of someone who has just joined the Spirit Hall for five years. "Ordinary" elders are much taller.

Since the young master said that Ye Hai is an assassin, then Ye Hai is an assassin!

Golden Crocodile Douluo's sixth spirit ring and Ye Hai's fifth spirit ring lighted up at the same time. Golden Crocodile Douluo's body just swelled, and then he was frozen in place. He threw himself at the Golden Crocodile Douluo, and then smashed the Golden Crocodile Douluo with a few hammers, and then flew away!

Three seconds later, the Golden Crocodile Douluo returned to normal, he felt the severe pain like a broken bone, and said angrily, "Bastard!"

The Golden Crocodile Douluo just took two steps and stumbled to the ground. Just now, in order to prevent the Golden Crocodile Douluo from pursuing him, Ye Hai smashed the Golden Crocodile Douluo's right leg with those hammers.

Golden Crocodile Douluo's speed is too fast, if he is allowed to pursue Ye Hai, Ye Hai will not even want to escape from Heaven Dou City!

Seeing this, Qian Renxue immediately possessed her martial spirit. A dazzling six-winged angel appeared behind Qian Renxue. The spirit rings on her body changed rapidly. It was unknown which number of spirit rings lit up, and a blazing white flame covered her. On Golden Crocodile Douluo's right leg, treat his injuries.

At this time, Ye Hai was already [-] meters away, and his spirit ring was constantly lit up. The two Titled Douluos, Snake Spear and Thorn Dolphin, did not stop him for even a second, and were directly broken through by Ye Hai.

The Snake Spear Douluo originally stabbed Ye Hai's head with the Snake Spear, but Ye Hai used the top of his head to force it over; before the Thorn Dolphin Douluo attacked, he was pointed by Ye Hai, the martial spirit instantly retracted into the body, and then the sledgehammer After sweeping away, the two Titled Douluos, Snake Spear and Thorn Dolphin, avoided them one after another.

There were only two titled Douluos, Snake Spear and Thorn Dolphin, who were guarding the vicinity of the emperor's palace. The Golden Crocodile Douluo and Ju Gui Douluo were both farther away. Just now, Snake Spear Douluo and Thorn Dolphin Douluo burst out with imposing aura, causing them Golden Crocodile Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo sensed it and came to the rescue.

The speed of the Golden Crocodile Douluo was so fast that he actually rushed in front of the two Douluos, Snake Spear and Thorn Dolphin not far away.

Ju Gui and the Douluo saw Ye Hai in the golden armor, looked at each other, and slowed down their pace very tacitly.

Qian Renxue saw that Ye Hai was about to break out of the siege, and the two Douluo Jugui seemed to be paddling, so she immediately shouted: "Yueguan, Guimei, take Ye Hai, or you are the only ones to ask!"

A hint of helplessness flashed in the eyes of Ju Gui and Douluo. It would be impossible not to make a move. However, how to make a move is also worth discussing...

"You don't have to keep your hands, this is a bet I made with Qian Renxue, that I can escape from the two of you's 'two-meter still field'."

Ye Hai said lightly.

The two Douluos of Ju Gui immediately lifted their spirits, and instantly completed the possession of their martial spirits. They then glanced at each other and hugged each other!

Ye Hai: "..."


Ye Hai's body that was like a sharp arrow stagnated slightly, and then he continued to run quickly!

Qian Renxue's "Seraph" spirit not only possesses extremely powerful attack power, but also has a very powerful healing and recovery ability. In just a few breaths, Golden Crocodile Douluo's right leg is connected, although there is no The response is as usual, but at least it has normal mobility.

Golden Crocodile Douluo's figure flashed and quickly chased after Ye Hai!

Golden Crocodile Douluo's speed is extremely fast. His own martial spirit is a power-type beast spirit, but his speed is not bad, only slightly weaker than Bibi Dong's speed, and much faster than Ye Hai's.

At this moment, the spirit fusion skills of the two Douluos of Ju and Gui have been prepared. Not far in front of Ye Hai are the two Douluos of Ju and Gui, and the Golden Crocodile Douluo is catching up quickly, and they are within [-] meters of Ye Hai. , the mouth opened to an exaggerated range, and a golden ball of light spurted out of the mouth, coming to Ye Hai's back almost in the blink of an eye!

Ye Hai fell into a very unfavorable situation in an instant.

s: Thanks to the big guy 20206139 for the reward

Chapter 240 Young people don't talk about martial arts

A sense of extreme danger rushed towards his face, and a sense of crisis was in his mind. Ye Hai believed that if he was hit by this golden ball of light, he would definitely suffer serious injuries.

Ye Hai didn't panic, even if the golden light ball had come to his back, it was only an inch away from touching him.

Just as the golden ball of light was about to touch Ye Hai's golden armor and then expand and explode, the fifth blood-colored soul ring on Ye Hai's body suddenly lit up.

In the dark, Ye Hai felt that he had established a link with the golden light ball, and a terrifying thrust came from the golden light ball. Ye Hai did not stop it, so he also flew out at the speed of the golden light ball!


The corners of Golden Crocodile Douluo's mouth just rose, and it seems that in the next second, he will see Ye Hai's bloody appearance, but he didn't expect Ye Hai to fly directly out, almost a hundred meters in the blink of an eye, even surpassing Ju Two ghosts Douluo!

The golden ball seemed to provide Ye Hai with infinite power, and it seemed to be in contact with Ye Hai's back, "pushing" him to continue away!

"Come on!"

A moment of astonishment flashed across the Golden Crocodile Douluo's face, and then he shouted violently, awakening the equally sluggish Chrysanthemum Douluo.

Ye Hai laughed loudly and said, "Thank you Golden Crocodile Douluo for sending me off!"

"Bastard!" Golden Crocodile Douluo was furious.

The golden light ball did not last for too long. After about two or three seconds, the golden light ball gradually disappeared without touching the target.

But at this time, Ye Hai has already surpassed Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo by hundreds of meters and Golden Crocodile Douluo by 300 meters. As long as he teleports away immediately, there is a high probability that he can escape directly.

Chrysanthemum Douluo's body suddenly spread a golden and silver halo. Wherever the halo went, time and space solidified. In an instant, it spread to a hundred meters away, and almost spread to Ye Hai, which was more than a hundred meters away. body.

Ye Hai chuckled lightly and his figure disappeared.

During his years in the Spirit Hall, the one with whom he had the best relationship was Chrysanthemum Douluo, and he knew the two of them's "two ceremonies static field" like the back of the hand.

The core area of ​​influence of the "Liangyi Stationary Field" is 100 meters, and all things in it are in a static state, unable to attack, and are not attacked.

As the distance increases beyond 300 meters, the effect will gradually attenuate, and the effect will disappear at a maximum of [-] meters.

Ye Hai is now far away from the core of the "Liangyi static domain", as long as he teleports out of 200 meters, he will not be affected at all.

Golden Crocodile Douluo came around from the edge of the "two-meter static domain" and chased after Ye Hai again!

Golden Crocodile Douluo's speed is very fast, only slightly weaker than Bibi Dong, and much faster than Ye Hai. If he were allowed to chase like this, it would most likely lead to the same result as Bibi Dong chased last time.

That is, Ye Hai's spirit power was almost exhausted, and was caught up by Golden Crocodile Douluo.

Ye Hai looked back at the Golden Crocodile Douluo who was chasing after him, and said loudly, "Golden Crocodile Douluo, if you stop here and stop chasing me, then we are still good friends, otherwise, I will let you I can't eat and walk around!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo said furiously, "Go away! Who is your good friend! Just look at this old man, how can you let me go!"

Ye Hai looked back again. The two Douluo, Chrysanthemum Ghost, had been thrown at least 500 meters away by Ye Hai and Golden Crocodile Douluo. Qian Renxue who was farther away could barely see a golden light. 2000 meters away.

good chance!

Ye Hai's figure suddenly paused, the spirit ring on his body kept rhythm, black and red complemented each other, and then the fifth spirit ring suddenly lit up!

Golden Crocodile Douluo's pupils shrank suddenly, without even thinking about it, he spit out a golden ball of light!

Ye Hai's fifth spirit ability "Time Stop", the control ability can be called abnormal, but there is a problem, that is, it can only control one thing, it can be a person or a thing.

This shortcoming can allow the enemy to make targeted countermeasures, such as summoning one or more things to block in front of him, consuming Ye Hai's "time-stop" times.

Although Ye Hai's fifth soul skill "Time Stop" is a 10-year soul skill, it can only be used three times a day. As long as these three "Time Stop" are consumed, Ye Hai is equivalent to abolishing a skill.

There are two spirit skills on Ye Hai's fifth spirit ring. When the fifth spirit ring lights up, it may be "time stop" or "synchronization", but seeing Ye Hai stop and turn around to release the skills, he must be It was going to counterattack, so Golden Crocodile Douluo judged that Ye Hai was definitely using "time stop".

Of course, Golden Crocodile Douluo wouldn't dare to gamble even if it wasn't "time to stop".

Three seconds of being charged is enough for Ye Hai to do many things.

Seeing Golden Crocodile Douluo spit out a golden ball of light, the corner of Ye Hai's mouth twitched slightly, and the fourth and fifth spirit rings lighted up alternately.

His figure flashed, and when Golden Crocodile Douluo was blocked by the golden ball of light, he teleported to behind Golden Crocodile Douluo, and after a "time stop", Golden Crocodile Douluo instantly froze in place.

Ye Hai didn't really use "Time Stop" just now, in order to deceive the moment when Golden Crocodile Douluo was blocked from sight.

Ye Hai swiped his hammer and smashed it heavily on Golden Crocodile Douluo's leg, only to hear a click, and Golden Crocodile Douluo's thigh turned back to the front.

Ye Hai nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look at Ju Gui Douluo in the distance, and said, "Stop chasing, Golden Crocodile Douluo's legs are broken, it's useless for you to catch up with me."

After that, the figure flashed, flashed again in the distance, and disappeared into the night.

Three seconds later, Golden Crocodile Douluo regained his freedom, and suddenly there was a piercing pain in his right leg. He grunted, gritted his teeth tightly, and said angrily, "Young people don't talk about martial arts..."

Then there are some dialect words like "mouse tail juice".

The two Douluo Jugui and Qian Renxue quickly caught up. Qian Renxue took some time for the Golden Crocodile Douluo to deal with the injury. Then she stood tall and straight, looked in the direction Ye Hai was leaving, and muttered. road:

"Really escaped by him..."

In fact, the hard control of "time stop" is powerful, but it is not completely insoluble.

The Golden Crocodile Douluo used something to block the "time stop". There was nothing wrong with this idea, but Ye Hai had no intention of calculating, and the Golden Crocodile Douluo had no resistance at all.

Although Golden Crocodile Douluo had much higher spirit power than the current Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong could counter Ye Hai, but Golden Crocodile Douluo couldn't.

Although there is a relationship between the "Rakshasa Demon Scythe" artifact, it is not a big deal. Without the artifact, Bibi Dong can still counter Ye Hai.

Bibi Dong has a skill that can generate armor that covers her entire body. Even if she makes a mistake and is controlled by Ye Hai, she can still guarantee her immortality, but Golden Crocodile Douluo can't. This unreasonable hard control is restrained.

The same is true for Qian Daoliu, so Ye Hai never provokes Qian Daoliu.

Otherwise, with Ye Hai's temperament, if he could beat Qian Daoliu, he would definitely beat the old man without saying a word!

Chapter 241 do you like me

Leaving the palace, Ye Hai immediately restrained his breath and returned to the hotel where he stayed.

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