That beast martial spirit that roared violently, is this "pocket watch"?

That's it?

Now Ye Hai would rather believe that this martial spirit is the red line that first appeared. It was unable to transform for unknown reasons, so it appeared in the form of a "pocket watch".

I don't want to believe that this is a "pocket watch" martial spirit.

"Pocket watch" and "Golden Dragon Seat" are a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from the force alone!

Ye Hai walked to Grandmaster's side and said to Tang San, "Little San, say something."

Tang San said, "Ah? What did I say?"

Just as Tang San spoke, Ye Hai rubbed the silver pocket watch in his hand.

The master felt that the words Tang San said were fast and slow, as if in a dream.

Ye Hai stopped rubbing his pocket watch and said, "Master, do you understand the power of my martial spirit now?"

The master pondered for a moment and said, "I seem to understand... There is such a strange martial spirit in the world, it is really incredible..."

"Okay, Master, don't sigh, please think about it, what kind of spirit ring is my martial spirit suitable for?"

Ye Hai urged.

The master frowned and began to pace around the small room, thinking while pacing.

"Time Martial Spirit, Time Martial Spirit..."

The master muttered to himself.

After thinking for a while, Grandmaster still frowned, he said to Ye Hai: "You martial spirit is quite strange, I really can't think of any spirit ring that suits you, there should be no time-like spirit beasts in the spirit beast forest. …”

Ye Hai felt a chill in his heart, this is so special, there is no time-type soul beast, so how can you attach a soul ring?

The master continued: "However, we can start from another point of view. Your martial spirit can slightly speed up and slow down the comparison between yourself and others, so the spirit ring can also be based on this, and you don't have to pursue time. Soul beast."

"For example, you can attach an accelerated or slow spirit ring..."

Hearing this, Ye Hai's eyes lit up!

The master gave him a great example!

When he thinks of the time spirit, Ye Hai immediately thinks of the ability to stop time and travel through time.

But Douluo Continent is theoretically the plane of the middle martial arts, and it is impossible to have such perverted skills.

Moreover, among the soul beasts, there are no time-related soul beasts.

So Ye Hai has been very entangled, what type of soul beast should he choose for his soul ring?

The example that the master gave him opened a new door for Ye Hai.

For example, for the first spirit ring, if he wants to add time to slow down the flow rate, then he can find a spirit beast with the ability to slow down the enemy's speed, and he can still provide him with the same spirit ability!

Because his martial spirit is a time-type spirit, so the slow-type spirit ring is placed on his spirit, and the spirit ability becomes to slow down the flow of time!

After thinking about this, Ye Hai only felt that his thoughts were like a spring, and he opened up a lot in an instant.

Then the time stop can also be achieved by petrification or the ability to immobilize the enemy!

Because the essence of this ability is to make the enemy freeze and unable to move, it will definitely become time stop when it reaches Ye Hai's Martial Spirit!

After thinking about it, Ye Hai couldn't help but admire Grandmaster a lot. Before, he always thought that Grandmaster was deified because he met Tang San.

Unexpectedly, the master still has something, his theory really points to the essence, and he knows more about martial arts than many Titled Douluos.

"I understand, thank you Master."

Ye Hai sincerely thanked him.

Regardless of the result, the master did point out a possibility to Ye Hai, and the only thing that needs to be done now is to test whether what the master said is feasible.

If possible, then Ye Hai, who has the time spirit, can really be awesome.

If it doesn't work, then it's a big deal to start developing a second martial spirit, the "Golden Dragon Seat" martial spirit, but it is a peerless martial spirit!Incredibly strong one!

Everything, just wait a few days to get the spirit ring, and it will be clear.

Chapter 15 Why is this different from what I imagined?

The next day, Grandmaster took Tang San and Ye Hai to a Soul Hunting Forest not far from Notting City.

On the way, the master gave Tang San the soul tool "24 Bright Moonlit Bridges" that accompanied Tang San's growth in the original book.

The closest Soul Hunting Forest is four hundred miles away from Notting City, and the three did not come to the periphery of the Soul Hunting Forest until noon the next day.

The periphery of the Hunting Soul Forest is like a market. The simple houses that are erected one by one act as shops, with plaques hanging, and there are even people shouting in the open air. The continuous shouting makes the place very lively.

"Help hunt soul beasts, and ask for a price depending on the age of the soul beast. You can hunt and kill soul beasts with a maximum of 3000 years!"

"Look for an auxiliary recovery soul master, no less than [-]th level, and the reward is ten gold coins!"

"If you come to a storm-type spirit master, you will only need one person. If you are short of spirit rings, we will help you hunt them down. If you are not short of spirit rings, we will pay you twenty gold coins!"

The three of them walked all the way, and the countless shouts on the road made this place look like a vegetable market.

"Teacher, if these people want to kill soul beasts, they can do it by themselves or find a few people to form a team. Why do they need a fixed type of soul master?"

Tang San was puzzled.

As the master walked, he said to Tang San: "It's not that easy to form a group, a truly excellent soul hunting group must be composed of at least five parts: the recovery system spirit master is in charge of the state, and the recovery of spirit power is the basis for the team to continue fighting; Agility-type spirit masters are responsible for reconnaissance, discovering dangers in advance, and giving early warning to the team; defense-type spirit masters are responsible for resisting, and are a solid barrier for the team, guarding the safety of the team; attack-type spirit masters are responsible for storming and breaking through. It can open the gap with one blow; the control system soul master is responsible for controlling the enemy, regulating and cooperating from it, and generally the control system soul master is the soul of the entire team. A group composed of these five parts can be regarded as a complete group."

"In addition, the cooperation between soul masters is also very important. If you have the opportunity to choose a team in the future, remember, you must choose the kind of person who can give their back to them!"

The master said, and the three came to the edge of the Soul Hunting Forest.

When Ye Hai saw this forest, he, who had never seen tall trees, was shocked.

Every big tree needs to be surrounded by several adults, and it is more than 50 meters high!

This is just the big tree at the edge of the forest, the big tree inside is even taller and sturdier.

There is a huge steel fence at the edge of the forest, more than ten meters high, and there are a large number of soldiers patrolling outside the fence.

The master whispered, "Although there are soul beasts in captivity in the Soul Hunting Forest, not everyone can enter. You must have a warrant issued by the Wuhun Temple to enter and hunt soul beasts."

Having said that, the master showed his token to the guard soldiers, and the guard soldiers opened a passage as soon as they saw the master's order.

The three entered the Soul Hunting Forest.

As soon as they entered the Soul Hunting Forest, all the hustle and bustle disappeared, and a faint sense of crisis lingered in the hearts of the three of them after entering the primeval forest.

Without saying a word, the master immediately released his martial spirit—Luo Sanpao.

Luo Sanpao looks like a dog or a pig, with a body length of 1.5 meters and a waist circumference of 1.5 meters. His eyes are very gentle, and he has an inexplicable naive attitude.

Seeing the master release his martial spirit, Ye Hai thought about it and said, "Master, can I act on my own?"


The master didn't even think about it, and refused directly, "Since I brought you out, I have to ensure your safety. I can't let you move freely."

Ye Hai glanced at Luo Sanpao, thought about it, and said, "But I'm better than you now."

"That's not... what did you say?"

The master was stunned.

Ye Hai nodded and said, "Master, you are a level 29 soul master. I think I should be better than you in terms of combat power alone."

Luo Sanpao only has two soul skills. Although the master is a real level 29 soul master, his combat power is more than a notch weaker than that of the same level of attack-type soul masters.

Ye Hai felt that he might not be weaker than the master now.

"Would you like to try it? I can be safe under your soul skill, so let me move freely, how about Master?"

Ye Hai suggested.

The master snorted coldly and said, "Whatever you say, I won't allow you to move freely!"

Ye Hai: "..."

How is this different from what was envisaged?

Ye Hai originally thought that if he could beat the master, he should agree to let himself act freely.

Unexpectedly, the master didn't even fight, and directly refused...

Ye Hai had no choice but to follow behind the master.

'Next time, I can't come with the master to hunt soul beasts, otherwise it will be too restricted...'

Ye Hai thought silently.

While remaining vigilant, Grandmaster explained to Tang San the spirit beasts he encountered along the way, their habits, how to identify the age of spirit beasts, and how spirit masters need to choose spirit rings, etc.

Ye Hai listened by the side and benefited a lot.

Soon, night falls.

The nocturnal spirit beasts began to dispatch.

The three of them were about to find a slightly open place to rest when more than a dozen faint green light spots in the distance gradually approached them.

"It's the ghost wolf!"

The master said solemnly.

After watching it carefully for a while, the master said: "It's a little wolf about ten years old, and it's not a big threat."

Having said that, Grandmaster wanted to activate Luo Sanpao's soul skill.

Ye Hai quickly grabbed the master, he said: "Master, can you give me these six ghost wolves, I want to try."

"You? Can you do it? Although these are only ten years old wolves, their attack power is incomparable to ordinary one-ring spirit masters!"

The master frowned.

One Ring Soul Master?

That should be enough...

Ye Hai felt relieved, and stopped talking, just ran quickly!

The master couldn't react in time, and subconsciously pulled Ye Hai, but he didn't catch it, he said angrily: "What a nonsense!"

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