Liu Ke personally participated in the imperial examination?

It seems to be interesting.

"What if we steal everyone's limelight?" Liu Ke said.

Zhou Buyi really wanted to say "impossible", but he still didn't have the guts to say it.

After all, this year, it can be described as a battle between dragons and tigers. Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, and Lu Xun are the best in their own families, and outsiders include Sun Quan and Sima Yi!

Although Liu Ke has won hundreds of battles on the battlefield, he never missed a single shot.

But this is an examination room, and the competition is about talent.

Zhou Buyi admits that his teacher is very talented, such as "Luo Shen Fu", but he disagrees when it comes to the accumulation of knowledge.

In Zhou Buyi's impression, Liu Ke seldom reads seriously.

It is hard to say whether the Four Books and Five Classics can be memorized.

To participate in the imperial examination in such a steal the limelight, it is impossible.

"Teacher, if you can win the gold list, I will be called Yibuzhou in the future." Zhou Buyi gritted his teeth.

I can't help it!

"No doubt, good name." Liu Ke said, "Then, I will leave the registration to you."

"Okay." Zhou Bu doubted, "However, if the teacher loses, give me a month's leave!"

"Okay, that's the deal." Liu Ke said.

The title of the current gold list refers to the top ten.

Liu Ke is still very confident.

He directly purchased the knowledge of the Four Books and Five Classics from the catalog of the system store, and found some Confucian classics as supplements.


Never bet against someone who can cheat.

Zhou Buyi has lost so many times, and he still doesn't understand it.

What a poor man.

Not only that, but he was excited.

Humming songs along the way, visiting Cai Yong at home.

"What? My lord wants to take the imperial examination in person? I haven't settled with him for selling the opportunity of the imperial examination before, but now I want to disturb the order of the imperial examination?" Cai Yong said angrily.

Since Zhou Buyi dared to promise, of course he has some skills, and said: "Master, that's not the case. The teacher just wants to test his own learning, and doesn't take up the resources of the imperial examination. It's not just for fun. The teacher does have real talents."

Cai Yong is quite familiar with Liu Ke's knowledge.

After Zhou Buyi's explanation, he finally understood that he was just too excited before.

"It's not impossible just to say that." Cai Yong said.

If Cai Yong resolutely opposed it, Liu Ke would be ashamed to enter.

"The teacher just wants to do something close to the people." Zhou Buyi continued.

Cai Yong nodded, accepting this statement.

Liu Ke hasn't been to Taixue for a long time, and it seems to be a good choice to maintain a friendly relationship with the students in this way.

"I'll arrange this matter, but there is one thing that needs to be dealt with urgently." Cai Yong said.

"whats the matter?"

"Who will come up with the questions?" Cai Yong asked.

This stumped Zhou Buyi.

In the past, most of the topics were given by Liu Ke. If there is no accident this time, it will still be Liu Ke.

However, Liu Ke all went to take the imperial examination.

We can't let him ask questions again, it's too unfair to other people.

Cai Yong absolutely does not allow such a situation to happen, even if Liu Ke just wants to have fun.

"Students have no say in this matter."

After bidding farewell to Cai Yong, Zhou Buyi went to find someone who could make the decision.

Liu Ke really didn't think about this matter, and he was a little negligent.

Since it's a fight between dragons and tigers, it's natural to play a little bigger and make the questions a little more difficult.

Otherwise, how to make those monsters show their original shape.

"This time, the cabinet will come up with the topic. The difficulty should be high, and this is up to you to control." Liu Ke said.

"I'm coming?" Zhou Buyi was not confident.

The cabinet is full of bosses!

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