"I take care of the family too!"

"And Qiao's house!"


Everyone expressed their opinions.

If an ordinary businessman encounters this situation, he will definitely go crazy because the loss is too great.

The prosperity of Yangzhou is well known.The activity of Yangzhou merchants is well known to everyone.

However, Zhen Yao wasn't afraid at all, instead he was secretly delighted.

"Dongyanghou, everyone is doing serious business. If you say that, isn't it blocking everyone's way of making money?"

Zhen Yao glanced around, but no one agreed with what he said!

Dongyang Hou's control over the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce is so terrifying!

"Dongyanghou, I refuse to obey, the Zhen family will not yield! Why do you use power to interfere with us?" Zhen Yao said loudly, in order to portray Liu Ke's arrogant and domineering image.

However, Liu Ke was even more calm, and said: "You're already talking so much at my father's birthday banquet, and I still want to greet you with a smile?"

In this era, filial piety is the most important thing!

No matter how angry Liu Ke is, he can't exaggerate it.

"If I'm not wrong, Yuan Shao ordered you to do this, right? Perhaps, he gave you some kind of promise, let me guess, it shouldn't be the expulsion of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce, right? So, the Zhen family broke the jar, Anyway, there will be no more contact in the future.”

"Dongyanghou, you are talking nonsense!" Zhen Yao jumped up and said, obviously lost his position.

Expulsion of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce?

Everyone present suddenly realized, no wonder the Zhen family would take such a big risk to offend Liu Ke.

Zhen's family is in Hebei, and has been suppressed by the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce.

At this time, it is necessary to rely on Yuan Shao's official power.

However, Yuan Shao made a request, that is to make Liu Ke lose face.

It is not unreasonable for Liu May to make such an inference, because Zhen Yao was not afraid at all when the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce cut off contact with the Zhen family.

"Whether I'm talking nonsense or not, it doesn't matter. Now that you're disrupting the order of the birthday banquet, you're going to be jailed." Liu Ke said, threatening unabashedly.

Liu Ke has already explained to the guests present, so he can let go of taking people.

"Come on, take it!"

Dian Wei, who was in charge of maintaining order, had been waiting for this sentence for a long time, and directly led someone to tie up Zhen Yao.

"Dongyanghou, you are so arrogant, I greet you... woo woo!"

Before Zhen Yao could finish speaking, his mouth was blocked.

Zhen Yao looked desperate, entered the prison in Yangzhou, can he still come out?

Although Dongyanghou would not kill him now, he could wait until others had forgotten him, and then take out and kill him.

This is the gap brought about by strength.

Therefore, Zhen Yao struggled desperately.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were too many people present, Dian Wei would have slapped him long ago.

"Take it down!" Dian Wei shouted.

Suddenly, a girl stood up and said, "Wait!"

Afterwards, she came to Liu Ke, knelt down and said, "Master Dongyang Hou, please let me go, let my brother go, he can't see Mount Tai."

Why did Zhen Yao bring a younger sister here?

Liu Ke was very surprised, and saw Princess Wannian standing aside, extremely anxious.

"Dongyang Hou, this is Zhen Mi, we just met." Liu Xuan explained, "She is just a younger sister who cares about her brother, please don't blame her."

Liu Ke took a closer look, and saw that the young girl Zhen Mi had a graceful figure, and she was a beauty at first glance.

Seeing that Liu Ke was in trouble, Princess Wannian quickly pulled him aside and whispered.

"Sister Zhen Mi has always admired you, so I brought her over to take a look. I didn't expect to see this scene." Princess Wannian explained.

Wouldn't that hurt the little girl's heart?

However, Liu Ke has already made a decision, how could he slap himself in the face.

"I also ask Marquis Dongyang to forgive my brother's ignorance!" Zhen Mi begged again, very pitifully.

"Marquis Dongyang, just promise her." Princess Wannian said in support.

What else can Liu Ke do?

"What are you doing in a daze, and you haven't brought him down!" Liu Ke said to Dian Wei.

Dian Wei was stunned for a moment, he thought Liu Ke would soften his heart.

"Why are you standing still, take it down!" Dian Wei scolded.

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