The titan who was caught off guard was terrified, unable to dodge in time, he could only fall down along with his mount.

But at this moment, a gloomy cold light flashed across the eyes of the brave general.

Immediately afterwards, the titan only felt his neck was slightly cold, and his eyes began to spin...

After Lu Bu chopped off the giant's head with a halberd, Fang Tian swept away with his halberd and knocked another cavalryman off his horse!

Then, they rushed into the army and slaughtered them.


Outside Jinyang City.

"Da da da!"

Hearing the approaching sound of horseshoes in the night, the guards of Jinyang who wanted to ambush on the main road immediately became alert.

On the archery tower, the guard on duty immediately shouted loudly to the troops in the night: "Come to the army and report the banner quickly, or our army will immediately shoot them with arrows!"

The high-pitched voice kept echoing in front of the empty city!

However, there was still a dead silence in the night, the man on the horse didn't reply, and even the sound of the dense army marching suddenly stopped!


But just when the Jinyang defenders were about to release arrows, the sound of breaking wind came from the night.

"Not good, the shield formation!"

Xia Houchong, who was lying in ambush, exclaimed suddenly.

This arrow is aimed at them!They have been exposed!

Unfortunately, he found out too late, it was too late!

At the same time Xia Houchong exclaimed, the overwhelming rain of arrows had already arrived!

"Puff puff!"

Hundreds of guards in front of him fell to the ground instantly with arrows!

"Kill kill kill!"

Immediately afterwards, there were loud shouts in the night, and groups of Huben Army cavalry sharp soldiers in black armor rushed towards them.

"This is... the elite of the Huben Army!"

Looking through the dim light of the fire, Xia Houchong recognized at a glance that the army was the elite of the Huben Army!

Where is Dian Wei?

He didn't have time to think about it, and saw the surging elite of the Huben army waving their weapons and rushing towards him frantically.

Before Xia Houchong had time to order the soldiers to form a defensive formation and retreat to Jinyang City, he was surrounded and swallowed by the Huben cavalry!

And the guards behind him were even more terrified. How could there be any morale to fight desperately with the Tiger Army?

"Tap Tap!"

With the sound of rushing thunder resounding all over the world, a group of cavalry suddenly sprang out from the billowing dust and smoke!

Xia Houchong's eyes widened suddenly, and he was terrified!

Too bad, he ignored the big taboo of using soldiers!

This cavalry is the biggest nemesis of the [-] infantry led by him!

ambush?Still ambushing a fart!

No matter how stable the infantry formation is, it cannot withstand the rapid charge of the cavalry!What's more, it's still Liu Ke's tiger army!

"Quick! Shoot arrows quickly! Quickly use the feathered arrows to suppress the speed of the cavalry!" Seeing that the cavalry rushed faster and faster, Xia Houchong gave the order eagerly, and retreated in the direction of Jinyang City behind him.

However, it was too late, the Huben army had already caught up!

One of the leading generals bared his teeth and rushed over, brandishing his double halberds.

Dian Wei is here!

"Tap Tap!"

A group of Cao Jun's soldiers were just about to raise their hands to shoot arrows, only to feel a black shadow flicker in front of them, and the man's horse had already jumped into Cao Jun's army formation.

"Hey... a group of mobs actually want to resist my lord's majestic teacher!"

Dian Wei bared his teeth and grinned, stepped off his horse and knocked over a Cao soldier directly.

But the two halberds in his hands were not idle, and he rushed in along the road with the help of the horse!

"Bang bang bang!"

As Dian Wei waved the double halberds in his hands, he kept slapping Cao Jun on the head, and countless Cao Jun soldiers were smashed to death by him!

The splattered blood and broken bones splashed on the faces of the other soldiers, and they were immediately frightened into chaos.

Although these soldiers who had just been recruited less than three months ago had fought no less than a dozen battles, it was the first time they had seen the scene of directly smashing the heads of living people.

The impact of the blood and flesh flying across the screen made everyone present feel terrified. How could they not be afraid?

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