Is it difficult for Chu Wang Liu to be in the army?


With countless doubts in his heart, Ling Tong became no longer firm.

"Don't panic! Soldiers, don't panic, we have a huge advantage in defending the city!"

Ling Tong himself was depressed to death, but he had to stand up to boost morale.

Otherwise, there is no need for this battle to continue.

"The general is right, I will defend Wancheng to the death!"

Sparse voices sounded, finally bringing Ling Tong a little comfort.

Perhaps even Zhang Liao couldn't imagine why a banner could be so powerful.


Zhang Liao seized the opportunity decisively and ordered his subordinates to attack the city.

dong dong!dong dong!


The sound of dense footsteps is hidden in the sound of drums, moving forward bravely.

"Come on!"

The Yangzhou army shouted wildly, even if they fell under the king's banner, they would all be willing.

"For the king!"

Just the first time they charged, Yangzhou soldiers hit the city wall.

Ling Tong hurriedly directed.

Squeak -- squeak --

The Jinglan car moved slowly and approached the city wall.

Zhang Liao's heart was surging, and he took advantage of the ladder alone, which was beyond his expectation.

As a result, the well rails can only be used for climbing, widening the space for soldiers to charge.


As the pedals were lowered from the tall well railing carts, aisles were erected.

The walls of Wancheng are not high enough, and Ling Tong has no spare time to stop Jing Lan.

This leads to a serious consequence.

The siege troops rushed up the city wall from the ladders and wells, suppressing the defenders.


Another loud bang came out.

The charging car had already started hitting the city gate, and under the violent impact, the two city gates shook endlessly.

"Back! Come again!" a captain shouted command.


The rushing car slammed into the city gate fiercely, as if the sky was falling apart.

Ling Tong was completely confused.

"Use boulder sandbags to block the city gate!"

He gritted his teeth and ordered.

After blocking the gate of the city, it means that Jinglan Che will be unscrupulous.

"Let the rocket!"


The densely packed rockets flew out and sank into the Jinglan car.

Unfortunately, the fire did not ignite.

In the design of the Jinglan car, fire prevention has long been considered.The wood used is specially calcined, and the skin is a layer of black charcoal.

Ling Tong's rockets did not play any role, except to kill a few unlucky ghosts.


Ling Tong cursed and couldn't help but blame his subordinates for being clumsy.

"The will to fall into battle!"

"Death but not life!"

With a loud cry, the trapped camp began to charge, armed with swords and shields, fearless of death.

As soon as they rushed to the city wall, they began to seize the favorable terrain and continuously expand their advantages.

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