Cao Cao's order was issued, and the three armies immediately began to pack up and return to Luoyang one after another.

Cao Zhen and Cao Chun, who had been in charge of the rear army all the time, led [-] soldiers and horses, and settled in the eldest son of the Shangdang group, constantly monitoring every move of Zhao Yun in Huguan.

As for Cao Cao's side, there was such a big commotion, Zhao Yun of Huguan naturally found out everything, and hurriedly called military advisor Jia Xu to discuss it.

"Military Master, Huguan is clearly unable to hold on any longer, why did Cao Cao suddenly retreat?"

Jia Xu smiled and said, "General Zilong, do you still remember the heavenly secret I mentioned that day?"

"Tianji?" Zhao Yun was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly remembered, and said in surprise; "The military master said that although Cao Cao attacked the city fiercely, he could not fight for a few days. Ken said."

"General Zilong, don't have any grudges, I will explain the key points to the general."

Jia Xu paused for a moment, and then said, "The reason why Cao Cao attacked Huguan suddenly was because of the fall of Yingchuan County."

"And I predict that before Cao Cao storms Huguan, he will definitely send someone to Liu Bei for help. Once Liu Bei sends troops, Sun Ce will definitely ask the lord for help."

"If I were the lord, I would use the order of helping Sun Ce to seize the Sishui Pass. If the Sishui Pass is gone, would Cao Cao dare not retreat?"

"Hiss!" Zhao Yun couldn't help gasping. According to what Jia Xu said, wouldn't he already know everything in his chest?This is something that humans can do, it is simply a monster!

The facts were exactly as Jia Xu had expected. A few days later, news of the fall of Sishuiguan reached Huguan, and Zhao Yun cast his eyes on Jia Xu on the spot.


Chen Liu, Yangzhou Army Camp, Liu Ke held a letter of the latest information in his hand, looked around at Wenwu, and said with a smile.

"Everyone, Cao Mengde has retreated from Huguan. It seems that the loss of Sishui Pass will make our King Wei anxious."

"Hahaha." The hall suddenly burst into laughter.

"My lord, now that Sishui Pass has been captured, I thought it was time to launch an offensive against Chen Liu."

Lu Meng rolled his eyes and said.

Liu Ke nodded slightly. He agreed with Lu Meng's meaning, but he had deeper considerations, so he said immediately.

"Ziming, I think that now is not the best time to attack Chen Liu.

"There is a saying in the art of war that the siege must be closed. After Sishuiguan fell into our hands, Chenliu became a lonely city, as if it had fallen into a dead end."

"On the surface, now is indeed a good time to attack Chen Liu, but have you ever thought that Chen Liu, who is in a desperate situation, will definitely fight to the death. What kind of serious damage they will bring to our army loss."

After listening to Liu Ke's analysis, Lu Meng nodded silently, cupped his hands and said, "Meng, I've been taught."

Lu Meng has this advantage, although he does not have the IQ against the sky like Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia, nor does he have the peerless force like Lu Bu and Dian Wei.But he has a tenacity, open-minded and studious, neither humble nor overbearing.

That's why Lu Su would say that he hadn't seen him for three days back then, so he should look at him with admiration.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and smiled at this moment; "My lord's words coincide with what Liang said, but Cao Cao has led his troops back to Luoyang. He will definitely find a way to retake Sishui Pass. My lord still needs to make preparations early."

Guo Jia also nodded.

Liu Ke looked confident about this, with his hands behind his back, a domineering air spontaneously emerged.

"Cao Cao's side, Gu has already thought of a countermeasure, where is the messenger?"

Immediately, there were a few soldiers who were responsible for delivering orders from the army, half kneeling at Liu Ke's feet.

Picking up the three command arrows, Liu Ke gave an order: "Pass down Gu Ming, order Yingchuan Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun immediately lead the troops northward, pretending to attack Sizhou Henan Yin."

"Order Tai Shici, Lu Bu, and Dian Wei to garrison Sishui Pass to guard against Cao Cao. Order Lu Xun to withdraw from Yanmen Pass, Taiyuan County, and go to Huguan to join forces with Zhao Yun, and pretend to attack Bingzhou Shangdang group."

"Promise!" After the messenger took the order, he immediately went his separate ways.


Yingchuan Group, Yangdi City, Liu Ke's messengers rushed into the city, bringing Liu Ke's command arrows.

"The king of Dongyang ordered Zhang Liao Gaoshun to go north immediately to attack Sizhou Henan Yin."

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun looked at each other after taking Liu Ke's order.Immediately, dressed neatly, rushed to the barracks.

In the barracks, Wen Pin was training soldiers, seeing Zhang Liao Gaoshun in military uniform, he had a vague guess in his heart.

"General Wen Yuan, General Gao, are you going to fight again?" Wen Pin asked.

"Zizhong, the messenger has just brought the Lord's warrant, let us go north immediately and pretend to attack Henan Yin."

Zhang Liao patted Wenpin on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Wenpin was a little puzzled, "A feint?"

"That's right, our purpose is to contain part of Cao Cao's troops and cooperate to guard the Sishui Pass, not to really fight Henan Yin."

"I will understand at the end."

Afterwards, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Wen Pin led an army of [-] troops to gather north and go north to Henan Yin.


After Sishuiguan and Tai Shici received the order from King Liu Ke, in order to prevent the invasion of Cao Cao's army, they also started intensive preparations, digging trenches, filling the moat, and building the city wall.Fire oil, boulders, arrows... There are a lot of preparations.


Outside the Yanmen Pass, at the Youzhou Army Camp, Lu Xun looked at the map of Taiyuan County on the table, rubbing his brows and thinking hard.Xia Houyuan died

Keeping out of the Yanmen Gate really gave him a headache.

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