If given the opportunity, Le Jin would lead an army to support him.But in this situation, Le Jin would not come even if he was killed.

Wenpin can only support it hard, if it is not enough, he will give up.

Under the massacre of the trapped camp, the momentum of the defenders was greatly reduced.

Seeing his subordinates in a state of disarray, a school lieutenant said seriously:

"General Wen, retreat!"

"Ha ha."

Wen Pin chuckled, if he gave up the city so easily, let alone his face, Le Jin would not let him go.

"If you want to break the city, how can you follow their wishes, listen to the general's order, and transfer two thousand elites!"

"General!" The captain was surprised, isn't this going up to die?

"No matter what, we have to stay through today, even if you and I fight in person, do you understand?" Wen Pin said coldly.

Afterwards, Wenpin waved his arms heavily.

"Pass down the order to kill Gao Shun, reward a thousand gold, and go up to three levels in a row!"


The messengers ran back and forth to convey the orders.

"The general has an order to kill Gao Shun, reward him with a thousand gold, and promote him to three ranks in a row!"

The sluggish momentum of the defenders was lifted.

"Brothers, hold on!"

Facing the defenders with improved morale, Gao Shun said coldly:

"They want to take this general's life, what should you do?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

There was a continuous burst of shouting.

The trapped camp speeded up the breakthrough, fighting for their own generals.

The sky gradually dimmed, and dusk fell.

Looking at the trapped camp still standing on the top of the city, covered in blood.

Wenpin couldn't help swallowing.

If you fall into the camp and take an inch of land, you will not retreat again, unless it is death.

"It's really a powerful army in the world."

After sighing, Wenpin looked at the defenders who were struggling to support, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was extremely unwilling.

"Persist for a while longer, and the Yangzhou army will retreat!"

After looking angrily, the captain looked at Wen Pin's serious gaze, and shouted in a deep voice:

"Go up! Go up! Don't back down, or you will be killed without mercy!"

At the same time, Gao Shun also issued an order:

"Prepare the bonfire, and you will never retreat!"

Before it was dark, a raging bonfire was burning.

This is the will to fall into the camp!

Seeing this scene, Wenpin could no longer hold on, and ordered the defenders to gradually withdraw from Xuchang.

After the enemy retreated, Zhang Liao came before Gao Shun, looked at the cheering army below the city, and said:

"Congratulations, General!"

The trapped camp in the city is still taciturn, showing no joy of victory.

Instead, they sweep the battlefield in silence.

They are the victors of the siege, and it stands to reason that they can leave the work of cleaning the battlefield to other troops.

But after the victory, the trapped camp spontaneously carried out this work.

Zhang Liao said in admiration, "Such a powerful army must not be buried."

Gao Shun shook his head after hearing this, and said: "The camp is all veterans who follow the lord, and they don't need glory to set off."

Zhang Liao admired him even more.

The bloody siege for a whole day caused the defenders to suffer heavy losses. The casualties exceeded [-]%, nearly [-] people. The whole of Xuchang seemed to be dyed red.

Gao Shun's shirt was stained with blood, and he said in a concentrated voice: "Wen Yuan, let's take advantage of the victory and pursue it. We must not let Wen Pin escape easily."

"Don't worry, I have sent cavalry."

Zhang Liao focused his eyes, and continued:

"In today's battle, although the defenders are attacking with all their strength, their momentum has obviously declined."

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