He was careful enough to be spotted.

"Don't panic, don't panic, listen to my orders!"

Xia Houlian yelled again and again, and he actually called out some people.

"Raise your shield!"

tuk tuk -

The crossbow bolts hit the iron shield, making a burst of sound.

Seeing someone raising a shield, more and more people calmed down and started looking for various bunkers.

"The enemy is just a chicken and a dog. As long as we rely on sneak attacks, as long as we hold our ground, victory will belong to us!"

Wave after wave of crossbow bolts shot over, this was already the fifth wave.

Xia Houlian was furious. He opened his eyes wide and looked in the direction of the crossbow arrows. There was a blaze of fire. Behind the blaze, it was pitch black, and he couldn't see how many soldiers and horses there were in the Yangzhou Army.

"A group of rats!"


Suddenly the crossbow slowed down, Xia Houlian was overjoyed.

"Brothers, their crossbow arrows are almost exhausted, hold on for a while."

After another quarter of an hour, there were only sparse crossbow bolts left.

"Blow the horn! Charge with Ben!"

Xia Houlian gave an order, and the charge horn sounded continuously.

After his analysis, there must not be many ambushes of the Yangzhou Army, so they can only adopt this wretched shooting method.


Cao Cao's army was in a daze at first, why did they charge up?

Seeing that Xiahou Lian was in front of each other, they could only bite the bullet.

After all, military orders are like mountains.


Xia Houlian rushed to the fire, stopped, and commanded loudly:

"Go! Give me all! Crush them!"

Hundreds of Cao Cao's troops jumped over the fire and rushed into the grove.


Just rushed a few steps, my head was buzzing.

Countless spears and swords greeted them, and they were chopped into meat sauce in an instant.

Lu Bu was stunned.

At the beginning, he was still calculating how to deal with Cao Cao's army so that they would not escape, but now it's good, and he sent them directly to his door.

"The 'Crossbow Reduction Tactic' taught by Mr. Zhuge is really good!"

The reason why the Yangzhou Army's crossbow arrows will be "fewer and fewer" is Zhuge Liang's previous entrustment.

As soon as Lu Bu heard it, he thought it was useful, so he tried it out, and the effect was great.

"Go! Go! Go for this general!"

Xia Houlian was still very excited.

"Finally I met a brave general Cao." Lu Bu was overjoyed, waving Fang Tian's painted halberd, and led the army to charge.

"Kill them all!"

At first Lu Bu yelled that, but later he remembered Liu Ke's words.

"Take prisoners!"

When Xia Houlian heard this, he immediately became furious, taking prisoners?

He hasn't lost yet!

"Come on, I want to see why you are so arrogant!"

"Lu Fengxian is here!"

When Xiahou Lian heard this, he was terrified and frightened out of his wits.

It turned out to be the parachutist Lu Bu!

But Xia Houlian thought about it carefully, and it seemed that Lu Bu had no commendable record at all.

Maybe it was just a bluff!

"Where is Xiahou Dun, how dare you fight me?!" Lu Bu shouted.

Xiahou Lian is getting hairy again.

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