A chaotic noise.

The Huguan at this moment is like a pot of boiling water being boiled.

After fighting for about half an hour, Zhang Yun ordered the soldiers who were fighting at the front line to retreat.

A reserve soldier with more physical strength and higher morale was sent to take over the battle of the former.

They scrambled to climb the city wall one after another, giving people a feeling of overwhelming momentum.


The Yangzhou soldiers all over the mountains raised their arms and shouted excitedly, so that the most ferocious offensive broke out so far in this battle.

Like a pack of wolves, they began to bite their prey.

On the other hand, the Huguan garrison, although they still tried their best to hold on, were exhausted due to continuous fighting and could not make an effective counterattack at all.


Absolutely does not exist.

Once retreated, the city wall will no longer have a foothold.

Therefore, the soldiers sent to the city wall have only one end, and that is to fight to the death.

Gradually, some people accepted the reality, while others were unwilling.

Fear is spreading.

Xia Houshang had to kill the deserters to support his morale that was about to collapse.

The whole battle situation was in chaos.

The defenders of each team were cut off, and they could only fight on their own, holding on to their positions in a daze.

At this time, the Yangzhou army had advanced in an all-round way, and various types of arms gradually appeared on the city wall, among which sword and shield soldiers were the main ones, charging ahead to open the way, supplemented by pikemen and crossbowmen.

One coldly stabs a long spear from the gap in the shield, and the other shoots and kills enemies in the distance. The cooperation is very tacit.

The sword and shield soldiers advanced steadily, gradually making the defenders desperate.

The defenders had to accept a cruel fact-that is, they could not pose any real threat to the pressing Yangzhou army.

The fall of the city wall is only a matter of time.

"Go, let me go!"

Xia Houshang couldn't command such a chaotic situation, he had only one way, and that was to catch up with groups of soldiers and plug the gap with his life.

Zhang He also boarded the city wall and commanded in front of the battle.

"Throw the corpse down and deter the defenders!"

While talking, someone is already taking action.

Plop - plop -

Corpses continued to be pushed into the city, accumulating more and more, at least [-] corpses.

Seeing this scene, the defenders were frightened. According to the situation of the battle, they might become the person lying on the ground in the next second.

"Come on? Go to Nima! Those bastards in the back, don't you know that I'm about to vomit blood?"

The defenders who were caught in the middle of the stairs yelled, there were people in front and people behind, squeezed so that there was no space at all.

Under such conditions, there are still people who keep urging behind.

Afraid we won't die fast enough?

This thought is spreading and can't stop.

"Fire arrows!"

The crossbowmen on the city wall of the Yangzhou Army released a rain of arrows all over the sky, and the defenders in the city complained endlessly and looked for bunkers one after another.

Another wave of chaos.

Xia Houshang still ordered to advance, but the team quietly retreated to the rear.

However, even so, the crossbowmen of the Yangzhou Army clung to the defenders, shooting and killing the defenders one after another with the crossbows in their hands.

Until the defenders retreated out of range.

This means that there is a gap between the defenders in the city and the defenders on the city wall, and they can no longer provide timely support.

"Kill, clear the road!"

Zhang He gave an order, and the Yangzhou army used the weapons in their hands to force those defenders who had no time to escape to bite the bullet and fight.

They stopped and gathered together in panic.

"Surrender without killing! Surrender without killing!"

Among the Yangzhou army, some people began to persuade them to surrender.

Those defenders who were driven to a desperate situation surrendered one after another and put down their weapons.

Because they feel abandoned.

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