Cao Chun saw Zhao Yun's little trick at a glance, and was very proud at the moment.

"Hehe, if you try it, you will know whether you have any status in Cao Cao's heart."

Zhao Yun's words made Cao Chun furious.


When his subordinates surrounded him, Zhao Yun stopped talking nonsense.

"Suffer to death!"

Zhao Yun, who took the lead, picked out the tigers and leopards in the front row in an instant, and four or five people were killed without even screaming.

Then Zhao Yun sent a signal, and the army rushed forward.

Cao Chun was very nervous immediately, and then he found that his subordinates were even more nervous than him.

"What are you afraid of?"

"You are Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, the most elite troops under the King of Wei. You usually eat and drink for food, but now you are saving your life?"

"A man is mortal, and death in battle is better than death in love!"

Cao Chun shouted loudly, which resonated.

"Live and die with the general!" the tiger and leopard riders shouted.

Cao Chun was very pleased that it was not in vain for him to train tiger and leopard riders for so many years.

They are all good boys!

When Zhao Yun sent out the signal, the ground shook immediately, and the surrounding cavalry began to charge.

"Gather together!" Cao Chun hastily issued an order.

No matter how strong the cavalry is, it can't do anything to the infantry phalanx under such a short-distance charge.

What's more, this is a military camp, and there are messy obstacles.

Therefore, Cao Chun ordered to form a formation and hold a group to keep warm.


The cavalry charged for a while, but they had no choice but to ride tigers and leopards.

Everyone has confidence in Cao Chun.

"Fire arrows!"

Zhao Yun made a decisive decision and fired crossbow arrows and rockets instead.

Whoosh whoosh!

Arrows rained all over the sky.

"Raise the shield!" Cao Chun shouted.


Countless arrows hit the shield and made a sound.

The outermost tents had been set on fire, and the tigers and leopards in the army were like ants on a hot pot.

The soldiers of Cao Cao's army suddenly panicked, and no one could bear the high temperature.


Cao Hong did not dare to order them to disperse. Once this happened, the morale could no longer be restored.

Some soldiers ran around like headless chickens and were killed by the Tiger Guards, while the rest gathered around Cao Chun.

Fortunately, Cao Chun's task is to delay time, not defeat Zhao Yun.

In the Nanyingzhai area, Zhang He is facing an absolutely severe situation.

Tents were constantly being set on fire, and the side near the gate of the village was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.


The shouts of Cao Cao's army came from behind.

After the fight with Cao Hong, Zhang He was already exhausted, but now the enemy came with another army, which made it difficult for him to parry.

The scene was very chaotic.

Zhang He didn't order to break out of the siege, because he didn't know what was going on in the rear.

Why do enemies appear from behind?

"This is the best chance to win Huguan, this army must not be allowed to go back!"

After fighting for a long time, Zhang Xi already felt that this army was only a little worse than the Yangzhou army.

He still has [-] troops left. This is the most elite team. It is not a problem to persist until Zhao Yun arrives.

Zhang Xi not only has confidence in himself, but also in Zhao Yun.

"Catch Zhang He!" Xia Houshang roared angrily, shouting the slogan, and countless tiger and leopard riders rushed up, trying to break through Zhang He's defense.

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