Cao Chun led an army of [-] to break into the enemy camp, but he couldn't even enter the gate.

What is this?

If Cao Chun was defeated because of his own lack of support, the crime would be great!

Cao Hong gave an order, and the five thousand tiger and leopard riders rushed as soon as they said they would.

Then because there were too many people, they were all crowded together, and many people were pushed and trampled to death.

The ground is full of crossbows, bows and arrows, once they fall down, it will be heartbreaking.

"Are you all fools? Clean up the corpses under your feet,"

The fight lasted for half an hour.

Relying on a small number of troops, Zhang Yun took advantage of the geographical advantage, and after repelling Cao Hong, he immediately took back the gate of the village.

"Brothers, let's fight to the death. General Zhao will send reinforcements soon."

The fight was still going on, Cao Hong clenched his fists tightly, no matter how his subordinates were such idiots.

"Release the arrow!" Zhang Yun gave an order, and the crossbow arrows shuttled through the night, piercing a running Captain Cao Jun to the ground.

More Cao Cao soldiers rushed over, and the crossbow arrows flew over their heads, which was very scary.

Almost everyone in the Yangzhou army has Yuanrong crossbows in their hands. As long as they are given time to reload, they can kill people's anger.

Cao Hong is like this.

"General be careful!"

When the crossbow arrows came, the guards pressed Cao Hong's head down, and a crossbow arrow grazed the top of his head.

Then the crossbow arrows were inserted into the wooden fence, and there was a muffled sound in my ears.

When they thought they could charge, another rain of arrows fell, almost relentlessly.


Apart from scolding his mother in his heart, Cao Hong didn't know how to express his feelings, it was really too bad.

"Get ready, go!"

When the rain of arrows stopped, the sound of footsteps rushing towards the camp, Cao Hong let out a ferocious cry, went into battle himself, and rushed forward with his knife in hand.

Zhang He let out a sigh of relief, reloaded the crossbow, and shouted: "Let——"

next second.

The crossbow arrows shot out from the crossbow, and the tiger and leopard rider in the front row fell to the ground with their heads up, and blood sprayed from the chest into the leather jacket.

"Will there be a counterattack?" Cao Hong growled.

Thousands of tiger and leopard crossbowmen also fired arrows at the same time. Sparse crossbow arrows flew into the crowd, occasionally shooting people down, but most of them were nailed to the iron shield held at the front.

"You can't die if you rush over, don't be afraid, we can't be cowardly, we will die if we are cowardly." Cao Hong raised his sword and turned to look at Zhang He, "Follow me, fuck to death..."

The voice stopped suddenly, and some blood splashed on his face.

The guards around him were shot.

Cao Hong was furious, and this feeling of being unable to advance or retreat was very uncomfortable.

"Little Cao Hong, as long as you have some skills, you will not hide behind your subordinates. If you have the guts, come out and fight with me."

An arrow flew over suddenly and pierced Zhang Xi's shoulder, and he stumbled back half a step.

"Oh my god, who shot the cold arrow?!"

God helps me too!

Cao Hong was overjoyed and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to charge.

A long spear stabbed suddenly from the front, piercing through a tiger and leopard rider, and blood spurted out.

"Hahaha, even if I get hurt, you guys can't bully me!"

Looking at the enemy's corpses on the ground, Zhang He laughed nervously.

There were countless shadows reflected in the pupils of his angry eyes, but he was not afraid at all.

"Come on!" Zhang He shouted heart-piercingly.

Do you really think I dare not come?

Cao Hong roared angrily and charged towards Zhang He.

"Haha, Cao Hong, you coward, you finally came up to die." Zhang Yun laughed and fought with Cao Hong.

The smell of blood filled the air, and the two fought each other for more than ten rounds.

Zhang Xi's strength did not decrease at all!

"Cao Hong, you are too weak."


Cao Hong was overwhelmed, and fought fiercely with Zhang Yun again.

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