Xinxing County was called Wuyuan County in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and its seat was Jiuyuan County.Today belongs to Baotou in Inner Mongolia.

Liu Ke chose this place for a reason.

For one thing, Xiongguan is guarded in the Yanmen County area, and it is most suitable to throw it to those who make soy sauce.

Liu Bei is playing soy sauce, but Cao Cao disagrees.

Secondly, Lu Bu is from Jiuyuan County, he is very familiar with the geographical environment and is very famous in the local area.


Zhang Liao is from Yanmen County, Bingzhou, but he is guarding Runan now, so he didn't come here.

For various reasons, Liu Ke decided to go to Xinxing County.

"My lord, this subordinate has a plan."

After setting off, Pang Tong came to report.

"Shiyuan, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"It's like this. I found that the Xianbei army has millions of people. With the food looted in Youzhou, there is not enough to eat. They can only drive cattle and sheep to march together. However, the fodder in Youzhou is not enough to support such There are too many cattle and sheep, they can only transport fodder from the north."

Pang Tong's words made Liu Ke fall into deep thought.

Under normal circumstances, the grassland people do not need logistics, and support war with war.

But when the number of troops increases, there will not be enough to rob.

Why didn't you think of this at the beginning?

If you thought about it earlier, it would not be a problem to leave Ke Bineng's army of one million directly.

Pang Tong's observations were indeed meticulous.

"Bingzhou is different from Youzhou. Some parts of Bingzhou are grasslands. It's a bit difficult to use this method to deal with Ke Bineng." Liu Ke sighed.

"My lord, why did you say that? Have you forgotten? Bingzhou is the origin of the locust plague. The number of locusts has decreased a lot in recent years, but it still has a certain impact on Bingzhou." Pang Tong said.

When Liu Ke heard this, his eyes lit up.

Grasslands are prone to locusts. If the pastures in Bingzhou are not restored, Ke Bineng's war horses, cattle and sheep will not have enough food.

Without enough food for livestock, the Xianbei could not survive.

"My lord, you can order Fengji to persuade Master Xianbei to send troops to Bu Dugen, cutting off Ke Bineng's return. Our army will be driven from Jiuyuan again to completely kill Ke Bineng." Pang Tong suggested.

"Even if Ke Bi Neng can find other food, Bu Du Gen and Ke Bi Neng can turn against each other. For our army, it will be beneficial and harmless."

Liu Ke immediately sent a letter to the northwest.

Fengji read the letter solemnly and felt that the plan was feasible, so he visited Budugen.

"Lord Budugen, Kebineng is attacking Bingzhou at the moment, what do you think?"

At the beginning, Ke Bineng borrowed the excuse that Budugen was living like a year, and signed a series of unequal treaties with Yangzhou.

However, when Ke Bi Neng really attacked Bingzhou, Bu Dugen hesitated.

This is the characteristic of Xianbei people, capricious.

"What did the envoy teach me?" Bu Dugen said sincerely.

"The lord has sent a letter. You need to send troops to cut off Ke Bineng's return." Feng Ji said, when negotiating a deal with Xianbei people, you can't be tactful, otherwise these idiots won't understand.

Bu Dugen frowned, he really didn't want to take advantage of this time to send troops, it's better to wait for the situation to become clear.

"My lord leads an army of one million and prepares to destroy Ke Bineng. This battle must be won," Feng Ji said.

Bu Dugen didn't believe it. It was still possible to defeat Ke Bineng, but if he was destroyed, he would be talking big.

Xianbei people can't fight, can't they run?

Feng Ji saw Bu Dugen's hesitation at a glance, and threatened: "If my lord does not follow, when Ke Bineng is defeated, the next target of the Han army will be you."

Budugen was shocked and angry.

"We are allies. Are the Han people going to break the alliance?"

"Hehe, if you do nothing, what's the use of having an ally like you? Even if we don't attack you, it will be a big trouble for Ke Bineng's defeated army to enter your territory." Feng Ji said.

Budugen is on the side of Bingzhou. Although it is remote, Liu Ke's reputation can often be heard.

The Wuhuan and Huns all failed and became vassals.

The only one in the North that has not failed is Xianbei.

In the beginning, Ke Bi was able to command an army of millions of Xianbei, arrogant and high-spirited, and wanted to make contributions.

As a result, the reality was cruel, and Ke Bi Neng hit a wall, so he could only attack Bingzhou by way of attack.

This is enough to prove Liu Ke's strength.

Being targeted by such a powerful prince, Bu Dugen felt uncomfortable all over.

"Lord Budugen, don't worry, you just need to block Ke Bineng's retreat. If his army comes to attack you, you can retreat." Feng Ji promised.

Can retreat?

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