Hua Xiong and Zhang Hong rushed to investigate.

"Master, are you being too kind?" Guo Jia couldn't help asking.

Of course, it's not that Guo Jia wants to take the opportunity to make troubles and suppress the Yangzhou gentry.

As the saying goes, kindness does not command soldiers, and Liu Ke is in a high position, so he should be stricter.

"I have my measure."

Sure enough, Zhang Hong and Hua Xiong devoted themselves to this matter, and soon there was a result.

"My lord, Master Hong Hua explained that his master was the one who taught Ruo Rong a lesson." Hua Xiong said.

"Zuo Rong?" Liu Ke said.

"Yes!" Zhang Hong told the story of Ruo Rong, and Liu Ke secretly remembered it in his heart.

I have to say that Ruo Rong is really a talent.

"How many temples like this are there in Xuzhou?"

"Nine seats."

Hearing this data, Liu Ke breathed a sigh of relief, if dozens of them popped up, he would have a headache.

"My lord, it is now spreading to the outside world that the reason why Langya Mountain Temple was closed down was because it offended the powerful." Zhang Hong said.

Liu Ke's previous excuse was too perfunctory and was taken advantage of by someone with a heart.

And it was too ostentatious for a group of them to go to the temple that day.

"It is still uncertain how harmful these fake temples are. After all, people donate incense money voluntarily, so it is not considered fraud." Zhang Hong said.

At present, the legal system is not perfect, and a family of hardware is given voluntarily, and no one recovers it. Of course, the government is not easy to manage.

Some people will be dissatisfied with taking people for such a reason.

"Yangzhou is developing too fast, and the people have more money. These things will happen sooner or later." Guo Jia said.

Liu Ke sighed, and said: "Arrest them for illegal possession of weapons, review their old accounts, punish those who are guilty together, and expel all those who have unknown origins."

"Yes, my lord!" Zhang Hong said.

Is this the end of the matter?

Of course not!

"My lord, why is he so talkative all of a sudden? My lord is still too kind to the common people," Guo Jia said.

In the military formation, Liu Ke has always been decisive in killing and attacking.But in governing the people, it is too tolerant.

"Feng Xiao, you don't know that, do you?" Jia Xu laughed, "We have already alarmed the black hands behind the scenes when we attacked Langya Mountain. Now the Lord is just paralyzing them."

"how do you know?"

"Just look at the face of the lord."

Then Liu Ke asked some more things, and learned about the general situation of the temple's development.

"Where is Ruo Rong?"

"It is said that it is in Yangzhou." Zhang Hong replied, because there was no time to send someone to confirm, he could only give such an answer.

"What did he go to Yangzhou for?"


"Pay close attention to this matter, and tell me immediately if there is any trouble," Liu Ke said.

"As ordered."

After Zhang Hong left, Liu Ke was still not at ease.

"See, a force is thriving in our territory. If I hadn't bumped into it suddenly, I'm afraid I would have been kept in the dark."

The emergence of temples, in the eyes of many people, is a benign development.

The people are also happy.

But Liu Ke has a sense of crisis.

"My lord, you can destroy it with a bullet, so why worry about it?" Xu Chu said.

"No, no, suppressing with military force, but falling into the lower ranks, this is a contest of knowledge." Liu Ke said.

"My lord's words are very true." Jia Xu said, "This matter can be big or small. Once it develops into a sect, who can say what will happen in the future."

Many rebellions started from sects, the most typical being the Yellow Turbans.

"My lord, Buddhism teaches people to be kind, so I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with," Guo Jia said.

"It's not easy? Since these fake monks are so rampant, let's create a few real monks and fight them." Liu Ke said.

Of course, what he said were all eminent monks who were strict with themselves.

Rather than a fanatic who drinks and eats meat and is close to women.

"Come on, let's go back to Yangzhou, maybe we can meet Ruo Rong again." Liu Ke said.

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