"Nothing." Han Sui replied absent-mindedly.

God is nothing!

Ma Chao saw with his own eyes that Han Sui chatted with Cao Cao for nearly an hour. The two of them smiled like flowers, just like a pair of brothers.

However, Han Sui only answered Ma Chao with three words, "Nothing".

Han Sui didn't care what Ma Chao thought at all!

Ma Chao became suspicious, but he didn't show up in person, and asked again: "How is the peace negotiation going?"

This is what everyone is most concerned about.

"We'll talk about it another day," Han Sui said.

How dare you talk about it for a long time, and you didn't even talk about the peace talks?

Ma Chao snorted coldly, turned his head and left, especially arrogant.

I, the governor, haven't left yet, so you left first?

Han Sui burst into dissatisfaction in an instant, but he couldn't help Ma Chao, so the matter was left alone.

The next day, Cao Cao wrote another letter to Han Sui. In the letter, many places were circled and smeared, as if it was written by Han Sui.

Han Sui looked puzzled, how could Cao Cao make such a mistake?

"What did Cao Cao write?" Ma Chao asked bluntly.

"It's nothing, I just said that the peace talks will take another day." Han Sui said.

Ma Chao didn't believe it, and said, "Can I have a look?"

"Nephew, do you believe me?" Han Sui was an old fox, how could he not know what Ma Chao was thinking.

"How could it be? It's just to prove uncle's innocence." Ma Chao said.


Han Sui dropped the letter, shook his sleeves and left.

Ma Chao opened it and saw that there was a gap here, there was a gap there, and the letters were nonsense.

As a prime minister, Cao Cao is a great intellectual, writing poems and Fu is like playing.

But this letter is not even as good as Ma Chao's education level.

"Han Sui has something to hide from me!"

"Brother, it's time to work together and not fight with each other. This will make Cao Cao easier." Ma Dai said.

"The cavalry under my command are all warriors who dare to fight, plus the Huns' [-] army, I will ask tomorrow, and he will not dare to bully me." Ma Chao said.

Ma Dai faintly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain clearly.

On the third day, the Xiliang coalition forces held a meeting, and everyone sat together.

Ma Chao took out the letter Cao Cao had written to Han Sui directly, and said, "Uncle, why is the letter smeared?"

"It was like this when Cao Cao delivered the letter, and I don't know," Han Suidao said.

"How can there be any reason to send the draft? I'm afraid there is something shady in the letter, and my uncle deliberately keeps me from knowing it." Ma Chao said relentlessly.

Han Sui was furious, and Ma Chao even suspected him as the governor!

"Maybe Cao Cao sent the wrong one, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Hmph, Cao Cao is the prime minister of the court, and he is as careful as a hair. How could there be such a mistake? I fought side by side with my uncle, but you conspired with Cao Cao behind my back. What's the reason?"

Han Sui couldn't explain why at the moment.

"Governor, you might as well lure Cao Cao out. Elder brother is lying in ambush. If you really lure Cao Cao to kill him, wouldn't that prove the determination of the great governor?" Ma Dai suggested.

"That's a good plan, but don't kill him if you can capture him alive." Han Sui agreed.

Seeing Han Sui's vow, Ma Chao believed him for the time being.

The next day, Han Sui led Hou Xuan, Li Kan, Liang Xing, Ma Wan, and Yang Qiu to go out.Ma Chao ambushed his soldiers beside him.

Han Sui sent someone to speak out.

"General Han, please talk to the prime minister!"

However, Cao Cao did not appear, but Cao Hong was in charge.

Cao Hong, a bad boy, said loudly to Han Sui: "Prime Minister occasionally feels cold, so it is not appropriate to see the general. As long as the general completes the tasks that the prime minister asked, we will be a family from now on."

After finishing speaking, I went back.

Ma Chao was furious when he heard that, he raised his gun and rushed to assassinate Han Sui.The five generals hurriedly stopped them and persuaded them to return to the stronghold.

"General Ma, what's the matter, let's talk about it when we get back to the camp. Wouldn't Cao Cao's army see it as a joke if we fight here?"

Ma Dai also persuaded.

"Nephew, don't doubt, I really have no evil intentions, everything is Cao Cao's trick!" Han Sui quickly argued.

Where is Ma Chao willing to believe, and leave with resentment.

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