Fazheng sighed and said, "Things have been leaked."

"What is it?" Liu Bei was confused for a second, then came to his senses, and said, "How is it possible, we have hidden it so well!"

With Liu Zhang's IQ, how could he find out?

However, Zhang Song's death let Liu Bei know that he can't take chances, otherwise he will end up like Zhang Song.

"What should we do?" Liu Bei was confused.

How embarrassing are they now?

Continue to pretend that you don't know anything, and attack Zhang Lu?

This is definitely a fool's behavior!

"My lord, for the present plan, the only option is to attack Liu Zhang." Fazheng said.

The relationship between Fazheng and Zhang Song is irreversible.

Zhang Song's status in Yizhou is much higher than that of Fazheng. Without Zhang Song's promotion, Fazheng would be just a small county magistrate.

This kind of kindness is the most rare.

Now Zhang Song is dead and beheaded by Liu Zhang.

How could Fazheng have no resentment in his heart? The only thing he can do now is to use Liu Bei's power to attack Liu Zhang and avenge Zhang Song.

Originally Liu Bei was still hesitating, but after Liu Zhang ordered the documents of the generals guarding the pass not to be given to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei knew that his intention to seize Yizhou had been exposed, so he followed Fazheng's advice and sent troops south.

However, Liu Zhang has many soldiers and many generals, and Liu Bei's power comparison has no advantage at all.

"Filial piety, is there a good strategy?" Liu Bei said.

Fazheng thought for a while, and said: "My lord, you can secretly select elite soldiers, travel day and night, and attack Chengdu by stealth.

Liu Zhang has no ability and has always relied on his subordinates. If our army arrives suddenly, we will definitely be able to catch him by surprise. This is the best policy. "

As for where the path is, Zhang Song's map of Xishu clearly marked it.

So Liu Bei did not expend much effort, and marched all the way to Baishuiguan.

The guards of Baishui Gate are Yang Huai and Gao Pei.

"Yang Huai and Gao Pei are Liu Zhang's main generals. They rely on their powerful troops to defend Baishui Pass. If they attack by force, the gains will outweigh the losses." Fa Zheng said.

If possible, of course Liu Bei also wanted to win easily, so he asked Ji: "Is there any way for Xiaozhi to win Baishuiguan?"

"My lord, please listen to me patiently." Fazheng said.

Liu Bei sat upright, with an air of listening attentively.

Fazheng was very satisfied, and said: "Chengdu has already turned upside down. Although Liu Zhang has dealt with Zhang Gong, they still don't know how to deal with the lord. This is our chance!"

"Chengdu is now divided into two factions. One group believes that we should wait and see what happens, and the other group believes that the Lord should be sent back to Jingzhou. Yang and Gao have written letters many times to persuade Liu Zhang to send the Lord out of the country."

"The lord can send someone to inform them that Sun Ce of Jingzhou regrets it very much. Now he invites the lord to Jingzhou again. The lord has agreed to Sun Ce's request and intends to leave Yizhou. The second general will definitely relax his vigilance."

"The lord has always been highly respected. The second general must be very happy to leave Yizhou. When they come to see him off, he will take them down and incorporate their army."


Fazheng talked about his plans endlessly, and Liu Bei listened with gusto.

"Filial piety is amazing!" Liu Bei praised.

For a long time, Liu Bei thought that he was no worse than Liu Ke, and the only thing he lacked was a top counselor.

Otherwise, Liu Bei will not be crushed.

Now Fazheng has this potential, which makes Liu Bei very happy. As long as Fazheng is given a chance, he will definitely grow up.

At that time, we will face off with Dongyanghou Fengfeng again!

After making up his mind, Liu Bei went to Baishui Pass and explained his purpose.

Yang Huai and Gao Pei were really happy.

"It's a pity that we can't meet Ji Yu again, and there is no one to see him off, alas." Liu Bei sighed.

We can send it!As long as you, the plague god, leave!

"If Duke Xuande doesn't dislike it, I'm willing to see you off on behalf of the Lord." Yang Huai said.

This is what you've been waiting for!

This time, Liu Bei simply used his talent for acting to the fullest.

As soon as Yang Huai and Gao Pei left the city gate, they were captured.

They were bewildered.

"Mr. Xuande, why did you capture the two of us?"

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know what Liu Zhang is doing!" Liu Bei said loudly, "If you can't drive the tiger and devour the wolf, you actually want to take over my military power. Zhang Song refused and wanted to inform me, but he was beheaded." , Liu Zhang's intentions are really sinister!"

What is a backlash?

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