Soldiers must not feel tired.

Xu Shu had to take care of both, so he didn't dare to increase his speed easily.Of course, he also wanted to speed up the process by expanding the number of workers, but the venue simply couldn't accommodate so many people.

If there are too many people, it will get in the way and make it difficult to command.

Liu Ke was silent for a while, then suggested: "What if we use cement?"

Cement is a strategic material that Liu Ke transported from Yangzhou. It can build a high wall overnight and form a solid defense during a decisive battle.

"In this way, the speed can indeed be accelerated,'s a bit wasteful." Xu Shu replied.


In Liu Ke's view, as long as it is used in the right place, it is not a waste.

"Get ready as soon as possible, and build the road within three days." Liu Ke said decisively.

"Yes!" Xu Shu said.

There is another important reason why Liu Ke did this, which is to reduce the baggage.He didn't consider the road problem before, so he transported so many supplies.

Consuming the cement, since the repair of the road can also reduce the load, there is no need to waste it.

It's just that the cement process is complicated, and currently only Tie Niu City has the capacity to produce it, otherwise Liu Ke wouldn't waste so much capacity.

As a result, all the Yangzhou Army mobilized, some dug river sand, some moved gravel, and the repair speed was accelerated by more than three times.

It's only twenty miles away, can you still stop Liu?

Liu Ke personally inspected the road repairs and greeted the soldiers from time to time. He was very popular.

"Have you worked hard?" Liu Ke asked.

"It's not hard work. Compared with drills, this work is nothing." A soldier replied with a smile.

Liu Ke smiled back, it seems that the usual training is still effective.

When passing through a section of unsolidified concrete ground, Liu Ke didn't walk up it, but walked onto the muddy ground.

"The lord's body is so rich, how can he get his shoes dirty!" Tian Yu stepped forward and said, and bent down to spread a wooden plank.

Because no other road was found, Tian Yu came back and took charge of the work.

"Don't worry about me, marching and fighting, this mess is nothing." Liu Ke reprimanded.

Tian Yu shyly stepped aside.

"What's your opinion on cement?" Liu Ke asked.

"It's amazing!" Tian Yu said, "I've never seen it before. The water is so soft that it's solid as a rock after one night. If it's used to build a city, I'm afraid it won't take a month for the city to rise from the ground."

It's not that Liu has never thought about building a city with reinforced concrete, but Lu Su calculated it, and if he doesn't have [-] million gold, he shouldn't think about it.

Of course, if you just build the city wall, the cost will be a little less.

Liu Ke told Tian Yu the price of cement, which shocked Tian Yu.

"My lord, this is all money. Isn't it too wasteful to use it for road construction?" Tian Yu said.

"So when you build roads, be careful, and you won't waste ten or eight years if you can use it." Liu Ke said.

"Obey!" Tian Yu said earnestly, this is something that benefits the common people.

In fact, Liu Ke also has other thoughts, the big deal is to charge tolls as a business in the future.

Anyway, some people find a way to make money back,

Liu Ke traveled nearly three miles, and the progress of the project was very fast.In this way, there is no need to worry about being too far away from Zhao Yun.

Suddenly, Guo Jia hurried over.

"Zilong is here to report!" Guo Jia said.

Liu Ke just thought of Zhao Yun, but the news came unexpectedly.Liu Ke opened the letter and saw that it was just an ordinary report on the speed of the march, and there was no battle.

The army commanded by Zhao Yun galloped for hundreds of miles and had already arrived at Baitan County, but no trace of Tadun was found.

"My lord, do you want Zilong to wait?" Guo Jia asked.

"Why wait?" Liu Ke asked back, "I believe that Zilong can deal with all emergencies! When I handed over the army to him, I told him clearly that he would use the [-] cavalry as a lone army. "

Simply put, Zhao Yun should not extravagantly ask for Liu Ke's help.If there is no such awareness, Liu Ke will not appoint Zhao Yun as the commander-in-chief.

"Understood." Guo Jia said.

In the next few days, Xu Shu and Tian Yu tried their best to give Liu Ke a satisfactory answer.

The road has been repaired!

In the original plan, it would take nearly half a month, but the Yangzhou Army completed it within five days.

As for the estimates of Ta Dun and others, it is even more outrageous.

The Yangzhou Army pays attention to efficiency, how could it take a month?

"Follow Xian and Elai as the vanguard, go to Liaoxi County." Liu Ke ordered.

"Obey!" The two said in unison, before leaving, the two looked at each other, full of gunpowder.

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