The toughest bulldog and Muto were at odds for a while, the Golden Eagle King suppressed the flying monster bird, and Zhi Nai psychically produced five poisonous giant beasts, and directly encircled all the remaining psychic beasts in the Beast Road Yes, although because they are inside Konoha, their best poisonous attack is not easy to use, so as not to hurt the people in Konoha Village, and they have not merged into five poisonous beasts, but it is enough to deal with the psychic beasts of the animal way , under the leadership of the most powerful centipede king, he quickly suppressed the remaining psychic beasts in the animal way.

Chapter 550 Super Shenluo Tianzheng vs Yinlun Reincarnation Explosion

Nagato was in a terrible mood at this time. The attack on Konoha was thought to be not a difficult task.

But I never expected that I would lose money again and again on a few little guys. Now even my own psychic beasts have been suppressed. If this continues, I may really lose. cruel.

After making a decision, Nagato immediately controlled Tiandao.Fly to the sky.

"What is he doing?" Seeing the sky flying higher and higher, Tsunade was a little baffled, did he want to run away?But even if you escape, you won't be able to fly to such a high place.

At this time, Tiandao had already stopped his figure, floating in the air under the expressionless gaze, "I will not forget Yahiko's death, and feel the pain from now on, Chao Shenluo Tianzheng."

A strong chakra fluctuation erupted in the sky instantly, it was so magnificent, it felt like there was an extra round of sun.

"Not good! It's dangerous, hide away!" Tsunade hurriedly informed everyone to hide through the slug, but before it was too late, some ninjas who were strong enough and quick enough to react went straight into the ground, as for other civilians and those with low strength The ninja can only ask for blessings.

A powerful repulsion spread centered on Nagato, the ground was lifted, Konoha's building began to collapse, and the scope became larger and larger.

The other five realms had already been prepared. The beast realm released the psychic technique, and those psychic beasts disappeared into white smoke, and then merged with the other realms. This Divine Sign did not cause them the slightest harm.

But Zhi Nai and the group of psychic beasts from Penglai Island were unlucky. The five poisonous psychic beasts were directly knocked out by Shenluo Tianzheng, and they were seriously injured. The Golden Eagle King flying in the sky was also constantly rolling in the air. Only Muto, who is the strongest, clings to the ground, inserts two pairs of huge forelimbs into the ground, resists this strong repulsive force, and draws several deep ravines on the ground without being knocked into the air. Cassie and the others protected behind them.

Seeing that Konoha was about to be destroyed, Hinata suddenly floated up and rushed out with a hint of determination in her eyes.I

"Hinata, what do you want to do? Come back, it's dangerous!" Seeing Hinata's actions, Kakashi was taken aback and immediately screamed.

But soon Kakashi realized that something was wrong. Hyuga Hinata was not affected by the sound of the Shinra Tenna Domino car at all, just floating in mid-air, and suddenly a huge chakra erupted from her body, and her whole body seemed to be on fire. Originally The cataract-like eyes turned royal blue.

"This, what is this?"

Kakashi, Shino, and Kiba looked at Hinata Hinata floating in the air like a god in shock, not knowing how to describe their feelings.At this moment Hinata Hinata is too strange, is this the little girl who used to blush?When did you have such a powerful force?

Pooh!Yang Jian, who was hiding in Yile Noodle Restaurant eating ramen, looked at the picture coming over, and the ramen in his mouth sprayed out directly, "This Tenseigan Chakra mode, I didn't expect that the little girl Hinata would also wake up, turn around and look again. In addition, Oshemaru's Tenseigan has already appeared in double pairs, and there is also the future Otsutsuki Tonero, when did Tenseigan become so bad."

Yang Jian observed carefully, and found that Hinata Hinata's use of Tenseikan was still very rough, and the awakening time should not be very long, and it was impossible to be Nagato's opponent at all, which was also forced.

In fact, Hinata's ability to awaken these eyes has a lot to do with Yang Jian's original guidance, because Yang Jian's explanation made Hinata Hinata understand the reason why she ate too much, she completely let go of her mind, and no longer concealed her appetite. Every time she is full, most of the food converted into energy is absorbed by the eyes. With the supply of sufficient energy, her eyes began to evolve. Until a few months ago, her eyes were fully awakened when she turned around. However, he He kept it a secret all the time and didn't tell anyone, not even his biological father. He was just testing the ability of these eyes in secret. If it wasn't for being forced this time, he didn't plan to use it at all.

Hinata ignored everyone's astonished gazes, raised her hand, and one after another Jade of Dao came out of her palm, but there were only six of them, and it was already the limit for her to grasp six Jade of Jade with Tenseiken.

That's why she saw Zhi Nao's Qiu Daoyu had a strange expression before, because he had seen him many times.

"Yinlun Reincarnation Explosion!" Hinata Hinata waved her hands, Qiu Daoyu spun rapidly with her movements, faster and faster, turned into a tornado, and slammed into Tianluo Tianzheng like a long dragon.

boom boom boom

The impact of Yinlun Reincarnation Explosion and Shenluo Tianzheng immediately caused strong energy fluctuations. After the dazzling glare flashed, circles of white shock waves swelled and swayed. Spread in all directions.

However, Shenluo Tianzheng spread out in all directions, and the silver wheel explosion only blocked one side, and the spreading circle began to deform. From the sky, it seemed that a part was recessed, forming a fan-shaped area behind Hinata Hinata, about 1/5 [-] Konoha, within this area, all the people and buildings have been preserved, including the Hokage Building and a large number of civilians. Hyuga Hinata’s white eyes have super insight, and they are even more powerful after awakening Tenseigan , It is not completely without reason to choose this area for protection.

A kind of ninja and civilians who had escaped from the dead saw Hinata Hinata majestic and majestic floating in the air, and their hearts were full of gratitude. It was this seemingly weak little girl who protected them. At the same time, when Konoha was facing a crisis and was most desperate, Give them a ray of hope again.

Everyone couldn't help but want to cheer for Hinata, and when they cheered for Hinata, they suddenly scattered the Chakra on Hinata's body, as if he lost his strength and fell from the air. The blow just now had exhausted his Chakra, and the reincarnation Eyes have also reached their limit, at least a few days of rest before they can be used again.


Kakashi, Shino, and Kiba rushed out immediately, and Kiba caught the unconscious Hinata, while Shino and Kakashi watched Tendou falling from the sky with vigilant faces, and protected Hinata behind him .

The eyes of the people who were about to cheer once again showed despair. Is Konoha really going to be destroyed?Why is it so cruel to them, just had some hope, and then broke it immediately.

Tiandao fell from the sky, looked at Hinata Hinata who was in a coma, and Kakashi and others who looked wary but did not attack immediately. At this time, the shock in his heart was beyond words. The change in Hinata Hinata's eyes just now, he He also noticed that in his perception, it was a pair of eyes that were not weaker than his reincarnation eyes. If the other party was not too young, with insufficient chakra, and his body was not strong enough to support those eyes, whoever would win in a head-to-head fight It's not necessarily negative, even after a few years for the other party to fully grow up, the loser is likely to be yourself.

"I have to admit that you Konohas have given me too many surprises, but fate still chose me. You are doomed to fail. Accept your fate."

As Tiandao said, he raised his hand, and he had already decided in his heart that he must completely eliminate the people in front of him. Whether it is Hinata or Shino, their potential is too great. If you continue to let them grow, they will catch up with you sooner or later. It's dangerous, and we must get rid of them as soon as possible.

"Don't think about it, I won't let you hurt my companions here, Boss Muto, please help!" Yakou shouted,

At this time, Muto had stood up again, and was about to rush over to save people, but just two steps away, he heard a bang, and Muto disappeared into a cloud of white smoke.


This scene made everyone almost unable to react, even Tiandao was a little baffled, the Shenluo Tianzheng that was about to be sent stopped, and he looked at his teeth inexplicably.

"That... yes... I'm sorry, my chakra is almost exhausted, and I can't continue to maintain the consumption of the psychic Muto boss, so..." Fang was about to cry, but he lost the chain at such a critical moment. It's really rainy and leaky.

"You really..."

Kakashi didn't know what to say, but it's not easy to scold Iba at this time, because Ichiba has worked very hard. As a teacher and the only adult present, he must stand up. Kakashi took a deep breath , the three hook jades in the writing wheel eyes quickly spun up and turned into a big windmill.

"Divine power!"

Tiandao instantly felt that the air around him began to twist, as if he was about to tear his body apart. This force was so powerful that he couldn't resist it.

"Wanxiang Tianyin!" Tiandao reacted quickly, and immediately turned his target to Kakashi, raised his hands, and a huge boulder flew into the sky, turning into a meteorite and smashing down.

The boulder that fell was more than ten meters high. If Kakashi could dodge it before, but now there is a comatose Hinata behind him and the tooth that is taking care of him with almost exhausted chakra. There is no way to avoid it.

In order to protect Konoha's future, Kakashi gritted his teeth and gave up the attack on the sky, suddenly raised his head and turned to the sky, the space distorted again, as if a vortex appeared, sucking the boulder in bit by bit.

"Ya! Take Hinata away quickly, leave this place to us!"

Zhi Nai turned his head and shouted at his teeth, and then condensed the Qiu Dao jade into a sword several meters long on one side. With a flash of his figure, he ran fast and approached, and quickly approached the way of heaven.

"Hmph!" Tiandao snorted coldly, raised his head and released a repulsive force, intending to knock Zhi Nai into the air.

But what is surprising is that Zhi Nai's body flickered, and a strong chakra suddenly burst out from Zhi Nao's body, and then he punched out, and the effort was directly shattered, and then he kicked the ground, dense cracks appeared, and the ground sank After stepping down, Zhi Nai leaped forward, raised the big knife in his hand and slashed at Tiandao's head.

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