The battle was earth-shattering and lasted for seven days and seven nights. Yang Jian could be said to have gained a lot, and the blood he collected could be used for bathing.

Bucky and Kaido were exhausted after fighting for seven days and seven nights. Kaido, a lunatic, wanted to continue, but Bucky had no interest.

Bucky felt that he was worthy of Katakuri's entrustment after fighting to this extent, so he decided to end the battle, "Kaido, I don't want to delay any longer, let's decide the outcome with one move, now take my last move , if you can’t catch it, you will really die.”

"Really? I would like to see your unique move. If it is in your hands, it means that I am not strong enough. Come on." Kaido said so, but his eyes became extremely cautious, don't look at him He always plays suicide on weekdays, but in fact he doesn't really want to commit suicide, but is making some attempts. Kaido, who seems to be rude and violent, also has a cunning side.

"Then you have to be careful, the next move is the ultimate killer move I created by combining my own strength, domineering, and devil fruit abilities. This is the first time I use it, and even I can't control it."

Bucky took a deep breath, his body nearly ten meters tall began to shrink, and the knife in his hand also began to shrink, and finally returned to less than two meters tall. The body shape has been improved, so this time the armed color is extraordinarily rich and domineering, and the black glows.

Bucky directly used his devil fruit ability to the awakening stage, and white cracks appeared around him.

"Armed coverage, fruit awakening, ultimate nirvana, unimolecular split light wheel slash!"

Bucky jumped into the air suddenly, his body shrunk into a ball, and he spun at a high speed while holding the knife in his hand. The surrounding cracks quickly gathered together and merged into a white crack that was only as thick as a hair strand and attached to the blade, forming with the high-speed rotation. A white circle was formed, like a dragon's head being cut off.

Kaido felt a crisis he had never felt before, and his intuition told him that he might die this time. In a hurry, he fully mobilized his armed domineering, covered one horn on the top of his head, and stabbed Bucky fiercely. .


First there was a crisp sound, followed by a piercing friction sound, and the light wheel in mid-air turned faster and faster, and then there was a click sound, and one horn of Kaido's Shenlong was cut off.

The Beast Pirates who were watching the battle were dumbfounded. They knew very well that the horn on Kaido's head was the hardest part of his body. Since his horn can be cut off, other parts can also be cut off, such as the neck. Does it mean that their governor will also be killed?

After spinning the halo and cutting off Kaido's horn, it seemed to have exhausted its strength. It stretched out quickly, and then opened the distance, staring at Kaido, and the severed horn fell from the sky.

At this time, Yang Jian suddenly appeared below, stretched out his hand to catch the falling corner, and then opened a space without throwing it in, "Wow, no one wants such a good thing. If that's the case, then I'll be rude."

Only then did Kaido realize that his horn was cut off, and now it is still being snatched away. This was the biggest mistake in his life, so he rushed up and shouted: "Bastard, give me my horn back!" return."

"It's a good idea, the baby I got, I never returned it, captain, let's go, don't waste time with this stupid big brother."

Yang Jian directly condensed into a green barrier to stop Kaido, and then turned around and entered the space door. Bucky finally looked at the dragon Kaido who was crazily hitting the barrier, sighed, and then also got into the space door, and the door followed. Disappear.

When Kaido rushed over, there was no trace of Yang Jian and Bucky. He looked around and found nothing. He roared angrily, and finally calmed down under the comfort of his three disasters. Humming back to rest.

On the other side, the decisive battle between Katakuri and Big Mom is coming to an end. They are also exhausted. Big Mom has already confirmed that she cannot defeat Katakuri. If she has to decide whether to live or die, she cannot guarantee I must be able to survive.

In the previous fight, Katakuri tried his best and stabbed hundreds of times in an instant, leaving a small wound on Big Mom's body. Although this wound was insignificant, Katakuri was indeed broken Opening her defense, if you give him enough time, you can indeed threaten yourself, which makes Big Mom feel uneasy, so he decides to stop.

When Big Mom fell in love with Katakuri again, Big Mom slashed Katakuri back, and then turned Napoleon's great sword into a bicorne and put it on his head.

"What's the matter? Mom, are you planning to stop making peace with me?" Katakuri saw Big Mom's actions and didn't continue to attack. In fact, the situation without him was worse than Big Mom, and it was all thanks to Yang Jian's gift. His big tonic pill was holding up, and if it wasn't for Big Mom, he would even sit down and rest.

"If the two of us continue to fight, it will only be a lose-lose situation. You are good at speed, and I am good at defense. No one can do anything to the other? If you get injured because of this, it will only be cheaper. If outsiders are like this, it is better to end peacefully. I admit With your strength, let’s talk about your plan next, whether to leave here to rebuild your own pirate group, or continue to stay and develop the world with me.”

Katakuri smiled slightly and asked, "If I choose to stay, can you tolerate me?"

"What can't be tolerated, no matter what, you are my son. If you stay, you will be the side-by-side king of all nations, and your status will be equal to mine."

Big Mom is very clear that Katakuri's current strength is not inferior to his own, and as the owner of the domineering domineering, he has never been willing to be inferior to others, and he can still suppress it with his strengthened power. But it's impossible now, so it's better to give him a corresponding identity and status to keep him.In this way, the Big Mom Pirates had two strongest members, becoming the most powerful of the Four Emperors.

"Yes, I will stay, but I want absolute autonomy. In addition, I will recruit some people to be my direct subordinates. Of course, if you need it, as long as it is not too much, they will do it."

"Deal, I will announce this to everyone in the Kingdom of Totland, and no one will question your identity."

"That would be great."

The matter was decided in this way. On the surface, the Big Mom Pirates had two four emperor-level powerhouses, becoming the strongest existence among the four emperors. However, the contradiction and filth between Big Mom and Katakuri did not disappear. I don't know when it will explode, maybe it will become the weakest of the four emperors because of this.

Soon the news of what happened to the Big Mom Pirates and the Beasts Pirates was reported, which immediately caused an uproar. Although Katakuri's strength entered the Four Emperors level, it is reasonable to be surprised, but he fought against Kaido Who is the master of seven days and seven nights?The strength is so powerful, why have I never heard of it?Some people he has, some people don't care, but no matter who they are, they are very interested in the identity of that mysterious person.

Yang Jian didn't know what other people thought, nor did she care. After returning to her lair, Gensmoji lived a happy life for a few days, then plunged into the laboratory to do research, and began to clone super warrior.

Although Yang Jian can also send things to the chaotic space and ask the little sheep Yang Jian to help, which saves time and effort, but in the end Yang Jian still vetoed it, because the little sheep Yang Jian needs to be responsible for too many projects, and the avatars in each world will Yang Jian, the little sheep, had to go through his own gains and passed them back. He was already tired enough, so it was better not to bother with these things that he could solve by himself.

Because the avatars can share memories, Yang Jian also has knowledge about cloning technology in his mind, and the production of super soldiers is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Yang Jian's side returned to normal, spending all day in the laboratory, and the outside world was turbulent. Because of Yang Jian's intervention, the development of the revolutionary army was several times faster than in the original plot. They started from the grassroots and recruited the oppressed poor. Joining the Revolutionary Army developed rapidly, and was respected by all the common people at the bottom, and soon became so strong that even the world government had to be careful to deal with it. Even if it tried its best, it still couldn't stop the revolution.

It is also worth mentioning that after Ace went to sea, he established an Order Pirates Group, which specializes in hunting down those murderous and heinous pirates, helping civilians maintain peace, and quickly gained the name of Nuo Da. At this time, it was just an invitation from the government to let him become the king of Qiwuhai. Ace in the original plot refused, but this time he agreed, intending to use the power of the navy to destroy those evil pirates. Of course, for those Pirate Ace, who didn't kill anyone, or just robbed some property, was merciful.

In addition, the original Shichibukai Bartholomi Bear was taken back by the world government as the title of Shichibukai under the king, because his identity as an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army was exposed.

Because Bello Betty is going to give speeches everywhere, apart from Yang Jian's space ability, the most mobile is the bear's meat ball fruit. Naturally, the two get together, and the bear also acts as a bodyguard to protect Bello Betty's safety, if there is an accident, Xiong can directly send Belo Betty away with the meatball fruit, which can effectively protect his safety. As for Xiong's original undercover mission of the world government, compared with Belo Betty Safety is not important at all.

Originally Basholomi Xiong wanted to use his identity as Shichibukai to help the Revolutionary Army collect supplies, but Belo Betty was assassinated by cp0 not long ago, and this time the strength of the masters dispatched by the other party was close to the general level, Xiong couldn't help it at all. Hidden, directly using his own ability, the result needless to say, his identity was naturally exposed, World Conquest directly removed his Qi Wuhai's identity, and also increased the bounty.

Because of the appearance of Yang Jian, the fate of many people has changed. Bartholomew is no longer undercover for the world government, and will not be transformed into an emotionless weapon like the original plot. This situation is definitely better than in the original plot. There are too many, but Ace, the son of the One Piece, has become Shichibukai. I don’t know how ugly the world government and navy will be when his identity is exposed in the future. They use their navy’s resources to do their own things, and in the end Finding out that Ace is the descendant of their greatest enemy, I'm afraid they will vomit blood in anger.

Chapter 530 The Status Quo of Naruto World

The World of Naruto, Tianzhi Country Yin Ninja Village, is now a well-known prosperous area, with people coming and going, cars and horses, and an airship flying by in the sky from time to time, giving it a modern atmosphere.

Since Yinnin Village defeated the coalition forces of the five major ninja villages with the power of one village three years ago, and achieved a brilliant victory, Yinnen Village has been known as the sixth largest ninja village in the ninja world, and it is also the strongest ninja village , even Konoha was crushed by him.

With that brilliant victory, no other forces would dare to trouble Otonin Village, and the original Otokage Orochimaru is now the prime minister of Tanokuni, integrating political power and military power. The so-called daimyo is just Just a puppet.

Under the leadership of Orochimaru, actually under the leadership of Yang Jian who is hidden in the dark, Tian Zhiguo started a vigorous reform and entered a stage of rapid development.

Tianzhiguo has three super scientific research talents, Shennong, Beiliuhu, and Chisha Zhiscorpion. New inventions appear every once in a while, and the fields of medical treatment, agriculture, and industry are advancing by leaps and bounds, and Tianzhiguo is becoming stronger and stronger.

Beryuhu has developed high-yielding crops, which has increased the grain output of Tianzhiguo several times. There are also some crops containing chakra energy. Long-term consumption will help the refining of chakra, and the number of ninjas in Tianzhiguo will continue to increase. .

Because Yang Jian provided medical information from other worlds, Shennong developed many new types of medical personnel after learning from it, and also trained a large number of medical ninjas. The mortality rate of Tian Zhiguo's infants was reduced to the lowest point.

The Red Sand Scorpion is researching puppets. Under Yang Jian's instruction, he directly clicked on the heavy industry technology tree, and then chakra-powered locomotives, airships, ships, etc. appeared one by one, effectively liberating human resources. An ordinary person Driving a chakra-powered tractor to plow the land is dozens of times faster than before.

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