Don't look at this stone giant is only more than ten meters high, but the teeth used to gather the body are highly compressed, weighing hundreds of thousands of tons, harder than steel, leaving a foot on the ground more than one and a half meters The deep pit shows its strength. Yang Jian used the materials made by Ao Chuang on site to shape it into a stone giant and deal with him in turn.

Ao Chuang raised his hands, and beams of energy shot out, hitting the stone giant. After a while, big holes were blown out of the stone giant, which became potholes, but soon the orange-red energy flickered and was blown out. The big hole in the hole recovered in a blink of an eye. At this time, he had rushed to Ultron and punched him in the head.


Ultron crossed his arms and raised his arms. At the same time, he pressed the particle engine installed on his arms to launch with all his strength, generating a repulsive force that blocked the stone giant's fist. However, his legs were still smashed into the ground by this huge force. Half teeth, almost unable to resist.

Ultron used his hands hard, and actually pushed the stone giant back a few steps. Taking this opportunity, he pulled out his leg from the ground, and at the same time refused to admit defeat and said: "Hmph, size does not represent strength, how can a stone giant Can it hurt me?"

Ao Chuang put his fingers together, and the appalling energy began to gather, making people panic.

"No, it's a nuclear strike! Rewind!" Iron Man's face changed drastically when he saw the data detected on Friday, and he turned and left without thinking.

Ivan, Jane, Skye and others who understood what a hot blow is, also made the same action. As for Thor, who didn't know why, Meow Meow didn't know what was going on, but out of trust in his companions, he also turned around. escape.

Boom boom boom...

An annihilating energy beam shot out from Ultron's five fingers, sweeping with destructive power, turning everything it touched into ashes.

This terrifying light beam first cut the stone giant into two sections, and there was obvious melting phenomenon at the incision. The magma-like substance and the orange-red energy attached to the surface of the stone giant could not be expelled and restored to the body for a while.

Before the stone giant recovered, Ao Chuang pointed the light beam at Yang Jian, trying to kill him.

However, Yang Jian's performance was once again beyond everyone's expectations. Yang Jian raised his left hand, and a ball of golden substance emerged from the palm of his hand, spinning counterclockwise, forming a vortex, like a big mouth, directly Swallow that beam of light into it.

The golden substance that appeared in Yang Jian's hands is of course venom. Now that venom has evolved again, it can devour all energy conversions, store them temporarily, or directly supply them to Yang Jian. Moreover, the speed of this conversion is extremely fast, almost instantaneous. Yes, just like now, it is almost equivalent to swallowing a small nuclear bomb in an instant, but it has no effect on the venom.

"How is this possible?" Ultron's various attacks could not last long, because the heat emitted was too high. At this time, he was like a freshly baked bun, exuding heat, but he did not expect such a powerful blow to be defeated. The opponent was easily followed, which made Ultron a little self-doubt.

Having already flown a thousand meters away, Iron Man, who was observing the situation from a distance, was also full of doubts. He didn't understand what method Yang Jian used to absorb a nuclear strike from Ultron without causing any waves.

"Tony, what's going on? It doesn't seem to be in any danger!" Thor was baffled by everyone's previous performance, as if there was no danger!

Iron Man was also full of embarrassment. He didn't know how to explain it to others. It was obviously equivalent to the energy of a small nuclear bomb erupting in an instant. Why did it just disappear?This absorption capacity is also too strong, right?One of the two people emits light, and the other absorbs it, just like a child playing house, without the slightest anger.

"Ahem, I used a nuclear strike with Ultron just now!" Iron Man bit the bullet and explained: "It should be Ultron using the reactor in his body to generate a super fusion against the crowd. If it is fully released, the power will be tens of miles away. Turned into ashes, but fortunately, this energy was absorbed by that guy named Yang Jian."


Sol directly slammed Iron Man down with an axe, but he only used the back and was not injured.

"Bastard! What are you doing?" Iron Man got up from the ground, angrily staring at Thor and asked Thor. Although he didn't get hurt just now, it was embarrassing.

"You guys have a little respect for Mr. Yang, he is our distinguished guest in Asgard, even if my father sees him, he has to be polite."

"Your father? Odin, the legendary god king, is actually being polite to him. Who is he? Is he familiar with you? He can't be an alien, right?" Iron Man has always been curious about Yang Jian's identity. , although there is nothing suspicious on the surface, it is precisely this that makes people feel suspicious.

"Of course, Mr. Yang is your earthling, but he is a wise man among the earthlings. He has powerful magic. According to my father, he is definitely the top in the universe. In some respects, he can be regarded as My teacher, because he taught me a lot of fighting skills, including the method of transforming into a thunder giant, although he said it was just a deal."

"A deal? Did he get something from Asgard when he called you?"

"Yes, this matter was proposed by Mr. Yang in exchange for the eternal flame kept in Odin's treasury. After my father defeated the flame giant Surtur many years ago, he deprived him of his energy core The flame formed is eternal, and this is one of the most precious treasures in Asgard... Well! Wait, why are you interested in these things?"

"Ahem, I'm just curious, I'm just curious. I really didn't expect that there are people on our earth who can make God King Odin so polite."

Hearing Iron Man's explanation, Thor also believed it, who made him have a hole in his head, but other people behaved differently, and Skye gave Iron Man a warning look.

"Okay, don't worry about these little things. It seems that we can't intervene in the battle over there. If so, let's take this opportunity to get rid of the other robots." Iron Man was afraid that Thor would be suspicious, so he quickly changed the subject.

"That's fine. It just so happened that I hadn't won the battle with that big guy before, so I'll kill him." Thor didn't have the slightest doubt at all, turned his head and rushed towards the mech that was fighting the mechanical god of war, and looked for it. The tallest one.

"Sol, wait for me!" Fearing that her out-of-minded boyfriend would have an accident, Jane immediately followed.

Skye and Miaomiao followed closely behind, each looking for a mecha to attack. It was a bit difficult for Mech God of War to fight against five super mechas by himself, but now with the addition of Thor and the others, the situation was instantly reversed. Get the upper hand.

Ao Chuang didn't seem to give up, and continued to attack Yang Jian fiercely, but Yang Jian easily resolved them all.

"Why? Haven't you surrendered yet? In fact, it's good to be my lackey, and my opponents are pretty good."

"Don't even think about it! I will never surrender, not even to die!"

"Really? It seems that you haven't been hit enough, so let's do it again!"

Yang Jian raised his hand, and energy balls popped out from his palm. There were dozens of them. The energy contained in each ball was equivalent to the energy of a robot ark reactor, and after being highly compressed, it was even more powerful. Once it erupts, even Ultron will be injured, but these energy groups are condensed by Yang Jian with the energy he just absorbed.

Ao Chuang immediately sensed the crisis. If he was hit by these dozens of energy balls, even his vibrating body might not be able to withstand it, so he flew into the air to avoid it.

What I didn't expect was that under Yang Jian's control, those energy balls were chasing after them, and they were very intelligent in splitting and attacking, chasing and intercepting, no matter how fast they were, they couldn't get rid of it when they shuttled back and forth.

boom!boom boom boom...

Finally, when one of the energy balls hit Ultron and exploded, although it failed to injure it severely, it slowed down his movements a bit. The other energy balls immediately followed up and landed on Ultron continuously, exploding. There was a cool sound, the flames flooded the sky, and the earth trembled.

Everyone was attracted by the fireworks in the sky, and couldn't help looking up, waiting for the result. If Ultron, the most difficult center, was solved, then other clone robots would be much easier to deal with.

When the flames in the air dissipated, Ultron was exposed in a terribly pitted and miserable state. Although the silver liquid on the surface was constantly being repaired, the inner metal bones that were trying to repair could still be seen in some relatively large holes. Obviously, Yang Jian's blow just now had seriously injured him.

"Wow, it's really miserable, but if you survived, it means that you haven't reached your limit. How about it? Do you dare to fight again?" Yao Jia asked in a relaxed tone.

"Why don't you dare? Don't think that you are sure to win. This is just the beginning. I still have more energy. Come on, give me all your energy."

When it came to the end, Ultron roared directly. After the surrounding robots who were fighting received the order, except for some powerful robots, the others flew into the sky and rushed towards Ultron. After approaching a certain distance, their chests split open one after another. The small reaction furnace shot out and got into Ultron's body.

With the new power, Ultron's self-recovery immediately accelerated, and he returned to his original appearance in just a few seconds, and this time the energy in his body was even greater, and his body size skyrocketed again, reaching four meters.

As a result, there are only a few hundred robots left on the battlefield, barely resisting the attack of the Avengers, others lose power and fall to the ground in an instant, but Ultron doesn't care at all, as long as he can defeat the enemy in front of him, everything is worth it.

"What? Do you want to use this method to defeat me? The energy is several times stronger than before, but unfortunately, it's useless! The gap between us is not so easy to smooth." Seeing that the energy intensity has increased ten times compared to before Yang Jian is not worried about Ultron, which is more than doubled. Yang Jian knows very well that unless it is at the level of the five creation gods, it is impossible to be defeated.

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