At this moment, Thor felt that sometimes it seemed good to use his brain.

The key to Thor being able to achieve such fruitful results is that he had made a plan in advance. The Ultron robot hadn’t been entangled with the Avengers yet, so it was besieged from all directions. It only needed to lock in a general area and use the map cannon to attack It is enough to achieve such a brilliant record.

After releasing this powerful blow, Jane couldn't help being a little breathless. Even though Sol was mainly responsible for the effort just now, Jane spent most of her energy on guiding the thunder and lightning, but it still made him a little exhausted.

On the contrary, Sol didn't have much loss, because after he was promoted to Storm Thor, his strength increased greatly, yes, it was not as good as Odin's heyday, but he already belonged to the same Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, and the strength of steel consumption was already increasing rapidly. After recovering, after falling from the sky, the army of robots rushing to kill frantically.

Asgardians are warlike by nature, and Thor is the best among them. He was suppressed by Odin before and had no chance to display his strength. Now he finally has the opportunity to release his energy as he wants, and he can't help but get more and more excited as he fights.

In the command room, Ultron watched Sol show off his supernatural power on the screen, and rarely showed anger. After all, the opponent just hit and destroyed nearly one-third of his robots. Even Ultron felt a little heartbroken, "Thor Saul! I'll go meet him!"

Ultron walked out of the control room and turned into a silver light and flew into the sky. Baron Slatek didn't intend to stop him at all, but was very happy to do so. If possible, he hoped that Ultron could fight the Avengers. If the fish dies and the net breaks, it is best to die together, so that he will save trouble.

Thor waved his battle ax excitedly, and cut off the two robots with a sweep. When he was happy, he suddenly felt a strong wind behind him, and instinctively clenched his fist and smashed it.

Bang! !

As soon as the two fists collided, Thor felt that the situation was not right. The opponent's strength was unexpectedly strong. Thor couldn't react in time. I don't know where to fly.

bang bang bang! ! !

Sol turned a few somersaults on the ground, smashed a rock before stopping, resisted the feeling of dizziness, shook his head vigorously, to wake himself up, and then looked at the person who knew him, and found that It was an unusually tall robot, and its unusual appearance compared to ordinary robots, so that Thor recognized it as Ultron's central robot at a glance.

"A very flattering opponent! Let's fight, hahaha..." Sol laughed wantonly, and didn't bring back the Storm Axe, just waving his fists and rushed out.

This made Ultron very dissatisfied. He felt that the other party looked down on him. He didn't use weapons to fight hand-to-hand with a robot.


Ultron and Sol fight together with fists and kicks. You punch me and I kick you. It's the most passionate melee fight!

Under normal circumstances, although Sol's flesh and blood body is strong, it is impossible to keep up with the body made by Ultron Zhenjin. However, although Thor is simple-minded, he has extraordinary talents in combat, especially when he is awakened. After the real power of thunder god, Yang Jian taught him that he had almost mastered the thunder and lightning skills. At this time, a layer of battle armor condensed from the power of thunder god emerged on Sol's body. The battle armor strengthened his defense by several times. times, and the fists are even more flashing with lightning, so it is possible to fight hand-to-hand with the shocking Ultron without losing the wind.

Thor, the god of thunder, was happy in the battle, and he was a little smarter. As for a plan made before he forgot the meaning, it immediately annoyed some people. Jane quickly reminded in the communicator, "Sol, don't make trouble, Ultron's The center has appeared, proceed as planned!"

Sol was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was a little passionate, and apologized quickly, and would act according to the plan if something happened.

At this time, Ultron grabbed Sol's chest with one hand, and his sharp claws were like five daggers.

Sol could have avoided it, but the strange thing is that he didn't dodge or dodge, and even took the initiative to meet him.

Ultron instinctively felt that there was a conspiracy, but he also wanted to let go of this good opportunity, and did not make any changes. Five fingers grabbed it viciously, Thor's armor on Sol's body blocked it slightly, and then he was stabbed Wear it, and then leave five finger holes on Saul's chest, blood is flowing.

Although Sol was injured, he didn't really care about it. This injury is not a big deal for the warlike Asgardians. It will take a day or two to recover. Thor endured the pain and rushed up suddenly, with his arms outstretched. Hugging Ultron tightly, temporarily restricting his movements, he shouted: "It's now!"

Ao Chuang was a little baffled, but instinctively felt a strong crisis coming, and struggled to get rid of Sol.

It's a pity that it was still a step late. At this time, a figure rushed out and quickly came behind Ultron, holding his head with both hands.

As soon as that figure came into contact with Ultron, both eyes shone brightly, and at the same time, Dabai burst out with all his strength, so in the online world invisible to ordinary people, a supernatural wave of information swept across everything, instantly sweeping across communication equipment all over the world .

"No!" Ao Chuang roared up to the sky. He didn't know what was going on at this time. Of course, the guy behind him was his carefully crafted body, but he didn't expect to deal with him in reverse.

Ultron struggled hard, but it was a pity that he couldn't break free from Sol's imprisonment in a short time. Once the wave of supernatural information in the Internet passed, Ultron's consciousness was completely kicked out of the online world.

This is an extremely dangerous situation for Ultron, because this kind of expulsion is almost irreversible. The other party not only cleared him from the Internet, but also marked his consciousness so that he can never access the network again, and even read He lost his most core data, and even the location of the robot he specially built to sleep all over the world as a last resort, and to be resurrected if necessary, was also locked.

Vision quickly sent the core information it had just obtained from Ultron to Stark Tower and Fantasy Technology. It didn't take long for more than a dozen sets of steel suits to fly from the roof to different directions. Some of their targets were deep seas, and some were deserts. , some are canyons...they are inaccessible places, that is, the sleeping place where the robots that Ultron intends to resurrect are sleeping. Their task is to find out the robots and destroy them completely.

Ultron suddenly tilted his head back hard, slammed into Vision's head and knocked it back, then twisted his body vigorously, spinning like a top, and threw Thor out faster and faster.

The unstoppable Ultron swooped down and grabbed Vision's neck: "This body is my masterpiece, but now it is used against me. You are obviously the same existence as me, why are you against me? What are you? what!"

"I am Vision. Although this body was made by you, I am not you. What you did was wrong. I want to correct your mistakes." Vision said, grabbing Ultron's hands and breaking them forcefully Open, the size is smaller than Ultron, but the strength is still higher than the opponent.

"I don't think I was wrong, and I don't need to be corrected. No matter who wants to stop me, then I will destroy him." Finding that the opponent's strength is still higher than his own, Ultron immediately changed his tactics and kicked the phantom. Vision is given back, let a few robots entangle Vision, and Ultron finds an opportunity to sneak attack from behind. Although this tactic is a bit despicable, it has to be said to be very effective. Vision is a little flustered for a while.

Ultron did not forget to contact Baron Slatek while he was fighting the Vision there. Now the situation is unfavorable and he needs to rely on the strength of his collaborators.

In the Hydra command room, Baron Slatke was looking at the battle scene on the screen. Suddenly the screen flashed, and an Ultron face composed of countless codes appeared, "Slatke, we can't wait any longer. Start the super mecha directly, otherwise we will all die here."

Although Ao Jian's tone is still the same as usual, Baron Slatke can feel the anxiety in Ao Chuang's heart at this time, and he can't help laughing in his heart: I didn't expect that today, he usually looks like he is dragging, as if everything is under control In, are you being slapped in the face now?

However, Baron Slatek also knows that the most important thing now is to deal with the Avengers, and we can't start internal strife. He nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, the super mech troop will be here soon, let the Avengers see our secret weapon." Bar."

Soon Slatek's order was passed on, and the Hydra base was built on a mountain, forming a military fortress. Suddenly there was a rumbling sound from the center of the fortress, and the ground cracked five, the size of a basketball court. At the entrance of the cave, five huge figures walked out of it.

These five figures are all black as a whole, and their bodies are made of all metal. Their body shapes vary from height to height, but even the lowest two are 70 meters long, and the tallest one is close to [-] meters. This is naturally nine heads The super mecha built by Snake with all its efforts.

These five mechas took a step forward, and every time they took a step, there would be a rumbling sound, leaving footprints several meters deep on the ground, and each step was tens of meters, but it took more than ten seconds to reach the battlefield. The figure instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Oh! Damn it, what is that? Everyone, I think we're in trouble!" Hawkeye was the first to notice the arrival of the super mecha, and couldn't help but scream.

"It's a super mech. Our fantasy technology has already made the design, but because the cost is too high, and the pay and reward are not equal, so we gave up. I didn't expect them to really build it. If I die in Will the weapons designed by my company be laughed to death..." Ivan explained to everyone in the communicator.

The design drawing of the super mecha was obtained by Yang Jian from the avatar of the Pacific Rim world. The cost of each super mecha is astronomical. It is difficult to manufacture and expensive. To Yang Jian, it is like a chicken rib. Without meat, it's a pity to discard it, so I simply sealed up the design drawings. I didn't expect Ultron to be cheap, and let the super mecha reappear in the hands of the enemy.

"Does this super mech have any weaknesses?"

"That depends on who is driving the mech. If it is Ultron, there is really no weakness at all, but I think Slater should be on guard against Ultron. Most of them will choose to be driven by a human, but the pilot is so huge. The human neurons of mechs of this size can't bear it at all, so it should be done by two operators whose brain neural networks are connected in series to operate the mechas synchronously. This kind of connection has great flaws, and the probability of failure is very high. , even if it succeeds, it will be unable to synchronize due to coordination problems, making the mecha's response a little slow."

"But even so, it's not easy to deal with. As far as the opponent's size is concerned, no one on our side can resist it directly."

"Then what should we do? Five big guys come at once, we can't handle it at all!" Captain America looked at a rushing mecha with a wry smile on his face, because the Avengers side is Captain America's tallest , so it was regarded as the first target of attack by the opponent.

"Among us, the only ones who can deal with such a big guy are you, Saul, Jane and Skye, so please push me first, and we'll think of a way."

Captain America laughed harder, but he is not a person who would shrink back when encountering difficulties. Although he knew that his chances of winning were not high, he still rushed forward without hesitation.

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