"Yeah, I'm here for you, the Avengers will be here soon! If you fight them, you will only be killed in the end, so I want to ask if you would like to be one of my lackeys. In return, I can save You die." Yang Jian's words could obviously kill people's anger, but he said it as a matter of course, as if it was a great gift.

"Bastard, you are looking for death!" Ultron felt that the other party was deliberately humiliating himself, so he punched him without hesitation.

Ao Chuang Zhenjin's body is unstoppable and powerful, even steel can smash a hole, no one dares to resist, but what is strange is that Yang Jian stood motionless on the spot, without the slightest expression Variety.


The fist slashed through the air, and then directly passed through Yang Jian's body, as if it was just a phantom, Ultron almost hit the wall because he rushed too hard.

It took Uo Chuang finally to stabilize his figure, turned his head to look at Yang Jian and asked, "What's going on? Why can't I touch your body?"

"Don't be surprised, we are in different spaces now. Although you can see me and hear me, there is a dimensional barrier between us, and we cannot contact at all."

In fact, Yang Jian's ability is a kind of use of space ability. He borrowed from Obito's virtualization ability in the Naruto world, and hid himself in another space, leaving only an image to contact people.

As a super artificial intelligence, Ao Chuang has mastered almost all the knowledge in the world. Well, it can be said that he is a super academic master, a super academic god, and Yang Jian understood it as soon as he said it.

Ao Chuang said in a sarcastic tone: "So that's the case. I don't know whether to say you are timid? Or are you cautious? You dare not even reveal your real body. It's no wonder that you were able to sneak here without being discovered."

"You don't need to be weird, to be honest, you haven't been put in my eyes yet, but I don't want to fight with you for the time being. I planned to save your life, but obviously you don't intend to accept my kindness, so we can only be enemies Oh, it's a pity, originally I planned to hire you as a housekeeper?"

"Are you so sure that I must be the one who loses in the end?"

Ao Chuang could see that Yang Jian was really confident, which made him puzzled. You must know that he had made a lot of preparations, and he had a great chance of winning. Why did the other party think so badly of him?If it was a stupid person, Ao Chuang would not care, thinking that the other party could not see the situation clearly.

But obviously, Yang Jian is not a stupid person, otherwise how could he subdue Ivan and Jin Bing, so why is he so sure that he will fail?

"I'm very sure, sure and certain, you're going to lose."


"Because there is a guardian on the earth, she has the power of time, she can see the future, and there are even thousands of future possibilities, but she only needs to choose one of the futures, and you think she will choose to let you Destroy the future of mankind? So the ending was doomed from the beginning."

"Mastering time? The future? Impossible! The rules of time cannot be broken. If the timeline is chaotic, countless time refutations will arise, and the world cannot exist."

"But the fact is that it is so helpless, the time ability that should not have appeared just like this, so I suspect that the world we live in is a false world at all, maybe it is just a world created by a certain existence with supreme power, I just don't know what we are in his eyes, a book, a painting, a story, or a dream."

"You said that this world was created by a certain great existence. Is there any evidence for this?"

"I myself should be regarded as a proof, because there is a supreme being behind me. If the world we live in is just a book, maybe a certain author is writing about our destiny, and you are destined to be just the protagonist The final failure is because no matter what the story is, the villain usually does not end well, and a villain like you who wants to destroy mankind will definitely be even worse."

Ao Chuang was silent Uh, the mobilization of resources is crazy. This calculates the authenticity of what Yang Jian said just now, but what Yang Jian said just now was so explosive that he almost made him the driver on the spot.

Yang Jian just watched quietly, and didn't plan to take the opportunity to make a move.

It took a while for Ultron to raise his head again, and he has regained his composure, "No matter what the truth of this world is, I will continue to walk along my path. Destroying human beings and preserving genetic data is my mission, no one able to stop me."

Yang Jian sighed helplessly. There was nothing he could do about Ultron's brains, so he just said, "That's fine, as long as you're happy!"

Chapter 454 Ghidorah's Expectation

The first negotiation between Yang Jian and Ao Chuang naturally ended in failure. How could Ao Chuang be Yang Jian's lackey, but Yang Jian was not angry, because this was exactly what he wanted, after all, he planned to find Ao Chuang to practice.

Of course, Yang Jian did not give up the idea of ​​letting Ao Chuang be his running dog. Although Ao Chuang disagrees now, it doesn’t matter. Ao Chuang is now in a high-spirited time. He is a little passionate and wants to destroy human beings. He only keeps his genes. To achieve the purpose of protecting human beings in an alternative way, they don't know the dangers in the world. As long as they experience a few more beatings in life, there will always be a day when they change their minds.

Because of Yang Jian's intervention, the world has become completely different from the original plot. With Yang Jian present, Ultron will never become an indestructible Internet hooligan like in the comics, even if Yang Jian will not personally Dabai and Vision can suppress him to death, not to mention that Yang Jian will not allow him to behave like in the comics.

If the beating fails once, then come the second time, the third time... After experiencing more beatings, Ao Chuang understands that Xiji's plan is impossible to succeed, so he will thoroughly recognize the reality and honestly become Yang Jian's running dog.

After Yang Jian left Sokovia, he did not return to Fantasy Technology.He did not contact Skye and the others, but stretched out his hand to open a space door, and in an instant came to the foot of a hidden mountain in the Yellowstone volcanic zone. He walked to a piece of lava and tapped it twice. It rose up, revealing a hole, Yang Jian walked in without hesitation, and then returned to its original appearance. No one would have thought that there was something else behind the plain lava.

Yang Jian walked along a passage, stepping out step by step seemed to be slow, but in fact each step forward at least tens of meters, as if the space was folded.

Even so, it took Yang Jian more than ten minutes to reach his destination, a karst cave thousands of meters underground, this space is huge, and magma is everywhere.

If an ordinary person came here, he would be reduced to ashes in an instant, but to Yang Jian, it was just child's play. An invisible energy barrier was formed around his body, blocking the churning magma and scorching temperature outside.

Yang Jian's eyes were quickly attracted by a huge monster in the middle of the magma lake. It was a huge monster with three heads, covered with scales, two tails and a pair of wings.

At this time, the monster was sleeping, immersing its body in the magma. Roughly estimated, the height of its body was about 150 meters. Every muscle in its stalwart body seemed to be the best alloy, and the dragon scales shone even more. The metallic luster, even in deep sleep, still makes people instinctively feel a strong sense of oppression. Needless to say, this is the super monster king Ghidorah cultivated by Yang Jian, and the Ghidorah in this world is far bigger Ghidorah, who surpassed Godzilla, is of course stronger.

"Ghidorah, it seems that you are living here very leisurely, are you sleeping comfortably?"

Yang Jian's voice is very soft, but it can reach the depths of the soul. This is the ability Yang Jian obtained after studying the Soul Gem. He can communicate with all living beings. Of course, the high-twitch life of Ghidorah is no problem.

Hearing Yang Jian's voice, Ghidorah woke up from a deep sleep, raised three heads at the same time, and opened his eyes to look at Yang Jian.

Each of the six eyes is several times larger than Yang Jian's. The majestic eyes, huge body, scales shining with metallic luster, strength, strength, mystery and many other words can be used for this behemoth.

If it were someone else, I might be scared to death, but instead of being afraid, Yang Jian stretched out a hand and waved it gently to greet Ghidorah.

When Ghidorah saw that it was Yang Jian who came, human joy appeared in his eyes, and the three heads kept shaking and roaring happily.


"I know, I know, it's true that I haven't seen you for a long time, but I can't help it, I'm also very busy." Yang Jian said helplessly.


"Indeed, it's really too much for you to let you stay here all the time. I also know that you are boring, but there is no way. With your current size, if you go out, I don't know how many people will be scared to death by you. Human beings will regard you as Threat, will try to get rid of you."

"Ho Ho Ho Ho..." Ghidorah roared, his six eyes showed disdain, and there was a faint murderous look. In his eyes, human beings are just a group of ants, and he can crush them to death with one claw. If you attack me, I will kill them all.

"Don't underestimate human beings. You must know that I am one of them. Although human beings look very weak, they can create various advanced weapons with their smart brains. They can even create special weapons that can inhibit your recovery according to your situation. Ability weapons will always think of a way to kill you."

Yang Jian is also helpless with Ghidorah, and dare not let him leave here. The Marvel world has a higher upper limit than Godzilla's world. There are countless black technologies here. Humans can create something that kills Ghidorah. Yang Jian was not surprised at all.

Even without those black technologies, there are still people who can kill Ghidorah. On Earth, at least the ancient mage can do this, but she will not take action unless it is absolutely necessary, because Ghidorah's strength has already been compared with that of Ghidorah. At the same level as Mage Gu Yi, although he can kill him, Mage Gu Yi will also pay a heavy price. She still has to guard against Dormammu, and must ensure that she is in her prime.

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