For now, that's the only way to do it.

However, it is still very difficult to obtain some of the materials.

Just like several materials that exist in the deep sea.

Although Jiang Heng has the ability to control water flow, it is still unrealistic for him to directly control the entire sea at this stage...

Even though he can move freely in the sea now, his speed is not much different from that of ordinary people.

Relying on swimming, in this vast sea...where can I find these materials?

It's too late to start building submarines now.

...Ask Ducao to borrow?

Stop it, that's not the joke.

Jiang Heng ran into trouble again.


Wait, it looks like someone can still help me.

Jiang Heng suddenly thought of someone.

Uh, wait... I don't seem to have a way to contact her...

Core, can you think of a way for me to contact the angel we met last time?

"Yes, as long as you connect to the angel's exclusive dark communication channel."

Will I be found out?

"Theoretically... yes."

Uh... Don't do it, I'm going to be discovered, but something big will happen, okay?


Just then, Jiang Heng's cell phone rang.

He looked at the caller ID, and it was an unknown number.

If it was the past, Jiang Heng would have hung up on such calls directly.

After all, nine out of ten are sales, and one is mistyped.

But this time, Jiang Heng picked it up.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Jiang Heng, I have something to ask of you."

On the other end of the phone, there was a chasing voice.

Jiang Heng, who was still somewhat lethargic, suddenly sat up.

"Okay. Are you coming to me or am I going to you?"

Eh?Chase on the other end of the phone froze for a moment.

How did this person change his attitude so quickly?

You were listless just now, why are you so excited now?Chase almost suspected that he had made the wrong call.

"Let me come to you. I blocked my dark data information, and you can't find mine."

"Well, I'm right next to the police station."

"Then you wait." After finishing speaking, Chase hung up the phone.

That's it?Don't want to ask for the exact location?

Just when Jiang Heng was still wondering if he could find his location, he heard someone knocking on his car window.

Jiang Heng lowered the car window, and a few strands of golden hair came in through the window.

Chase leaned over the car window.

Jiang Heng was stunned.

I'm fast?

"What are you doing in a daze? Get out of the car." Chasing after Jiang Heng who was a little sluggish, he asked, "What are you looking at?"

"How did you find me so quickly?"

"I wrote down your dark data signal when we first met. However, if the distance is too far away, there will be a big deviation in locating your position."

"As for why it's so fast, you don't need to know, get out of the car!"

Uh, do you have the attitude of looking for someone to do things...

But now Jiang Heng also wants to pursue, so he can only get out of the car.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

"Do you know demons?"

"Are you talking about the kind of demons in Western mythology? I know."

"...That's not what I mean, I'm asking you, do you know real demons?"

"I said, you can't be a magic stick, can you?"

"You are a genius, your whole family is a genius!" Jiang Heng's tone made Zhuiqi confused.

Hey, hey, hey... Do angels still curse people?

"Why are you so excited? Are you an angel?"

"Of course I am! Of course I...not!"

"It's not an angel, so why are you so concerned about demons? Isn't there only a magic stick left?"

Jiang Heng immediately retorted.

"You! You..." Ah, what kind of attitude does this person have!

Chasing was a little annoyed, so he took a step forward and pressed Jiang Heng against the car door.


Jiang Heng's car door was dented by the chasing palm.

"Listen to me!"


Jiang Heng swallowed, glanced at the broken window next to him, and shivered all over.

This is a strengthened bulletproof glass, but it was shattered by a palm.

He knew that the chasing character in the original book was so hot, but he didn't expect it to be so violent.

And this pose...

Jiang Heng was a little flustered.

If Chase got any closer, Jiang Heng probably would have jumped into the car directly.

"It's easy to say, easy to say..."

Chapter 23 - Totally Not on the Same Channel

"Can you really listen to me?"

"I really can..." Jiang Heng is afraid of being caught up in anger, so he directly hits himself.

Even if he saved his strength for chasing him, it would probably be enough for Jiang Heng to lie on the hospital bed for a long time.

"The devil is actually just a kind of gene, the direction of development. The genes in your body are also one of the directions of development."

"However, the way they developed was based on destruction and predation."

Having said that, Chase's expression became a bit dignified.

"The devil does whatever he wants, and only decides whether to destroy it based on his personal likes and dislikes."

"It's an extreme freedom and an extreme depravity, and there's no order at all."

"Also, most of them don't pay attention to their appearance. If you have seen such a creature, please do let me know."

"It's important."

"Why do you think I will see them?" Jiang Heng asked, "Besides, if there are such monsters that appear in large numbers, it will be on the news."

"I can only say that the super genes in your body are likely to be plundered by demons. Your situation is not as safe as you think."

" are the angel representing justice?"

"You!" Seeing Jiang Heng's half-joking tone, Zhui couldn't help but get angry.

Why is this person so ignorant?

Forget it, even if he really believed in the existence of super genes in his body, he would not believe that there were species like angels and demons.

After thinking about it, in Jiang Heng's eyes, he was probably similar to that kind of girl who was in the late stage of the second disease.

"Anyway, it's for your safety. You don't want to be knocked down!"

"Chasing, it's not that I don't believe you." Jiang Heng smiled, "But you have to tell me, why did you come here to tell me this?"

"Why do you care so much about my safety?"

"Although I don't know what your abilities are, I can be sure that you will be targeted by demons."

Zhui continued: "And what I want to do is to wipe out the demons."

Uh, you almost made it clear that you are an angel...

Chasing these words almost exposed all of my identity.

If Jiang Heng had already been bought by the devil, it would be very dangerous to chase him now.

It's a bit silly to trust a strange earthling so easily.

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