"That's right, no matter where it is, hurry up and hide in a space where the magic mist can't get in, it's all about surviving! Old woman, are you okay?" Fujimaru Tachika, who shouted with Matthew, hadn't shouted a few words yet. Subconsciously, he began to support the old woman who was so old that she could only hunched over.

But only two people are not enough to guide everyone, so most people are still at a loss.

"What...are they shouting?"

"I don't know... I feel my head hurts, I can only vaguely feel a white environment, and I don't know what happened after that."

"But, I seem to have some kind of dream, as if God came to save us."

"!! That's right! That's right! A god came to save us and brought us together to become God's messengers, but what does that god look like...?"

"God must be a holy and noble existence with white wings and a halo on his head!! There is no doubt about it!"

"...But, I saw a terrifying existence, like a huge rotten flesh, covered with tentacles, with countless big mouths and densely packed eyeballs."

"I... saw it too! That thing, just seeing it can cause nightmares for ten years!!!"

"Speaking of which, who the hell are those two weird girls who keep yelling and telling us to get out of here? Isn't everything over?"

People began to whisper to each other, discussing the "God" that the subconscious began to worship, and the voices of Fujimaru Tachika and Mash still felt unclear.

It seems that those two strangely dressed girls lack leadership skills. Although they have good faces, there is no reason to trust these two girls.

Only some people, perhaps under the words of Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew, subconsciously began to want to go home, want to hug their family members, and feel the warmth.

More people even prepared to establish a new religion on the spot, because God really exists, and in order to resist that flesh and blood monster, he led people to fight against that flesh and blood monster.

Of course, a certain knight girl who has been replenished with magic power and has recovered from her injuries has begun to dislike her.


"Have you said enough!!!!" There was a lion-like roar, and the sound was like thunder. For a moment, everyone covered their ears, and at the same time, all their attention was caught by the man in armor and holding a Fascinated by the knight girl with the big sword.

"If you don't want to die, just get out of here and stick to your old lady!!!!" The extremely vulgar words sounded, which seemed to arouse people's anger, and then they were about to do something.

As a Servant, he was an existence beyond common sense. Seeing Mordred's stare made most ordinary people freeze like frogs being targeted by poisonous snakes.

Immediately after the evil sword in his hand was thrust into the ground heavily, even the ground shook slightly.

"Get out!" The pressure covering him disappeared instantly, and then, as long as one person started to break up and run away, it led more ordinary people to start running away from this place.

"So those who don't know anything are in trouble." After rubbing his temples, that follower really left a lot of trouble, and almost formed a cult.

Fortunately, however, people are still alive.

Fujimaru Tachika, whose guidance pressure was greatly relieved, began to thank Mordred.

"Thank you, Mordred."

Mordred just waved his hand, expressing his understanding to Tatsuka Fujimaru's thanks, and then even frowned, looking at someone beside him.

That Jack who hides behind Abigail and Yusheng Lianhua.

"Damn girl, although I really want to settle accounts with you now, I'm not in the mood to talk to you directly now." Not all of these people who were scared by me to go home, there are more people on the street who are still at a loss , and those who were not rescued from the buildings that collapsed in the shock wave.

So I'm going to be busy.

However, Jack didn't talk to Mordred, but started asking Abigail instead.

Because, Jack didn't want to believe that after being sucked into the door, his mother disappeared just like that. In that case, would it be any different from the "mother" who abandoned herself in the icy river?

"When will mom be back?"

"What should I do so that my younger brother will come back?" The appearance holding the flesh and blood has disappeared, and it has turned back into an old magic book.

Yu Shenglianhua's emerald-like pupils became dim, without even a trace of highlight.

written request for leave

Although I know that asking for leave within a few days is really problematic, but it is still an old problem, let me adjust it...

———————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————

Chapter 9 The Magician Who Was Justice

"Wonderful, really wonderful, is this the end of that follower?" In the large underground cavity in London, there is a young male magician with blue hair, who is naturally the mastermind behind the Magic Mist Project, that is, Maqili · Zorgen.

Now I am looking at a vast wilderness that is empty and made of limestone.

But the pupils of the blue-haired magician's eyes did not focus on the wilderness in front of him. Instead, he seemed to be looking at something in the distance, and his expression seemed to be surprised by something strange.

before this.

Charles Babbage, who was sent to stop him, the servant who claimed to be the Steam King directly detonated his own treasure, and it was impossible for Marcie Zorgen to fail to notice the violent fluctuations in magic power.

It was more intense and intense than the magical power of the magic mist, and the shock wave that was comparable to the power of a nuclear bomb almost collapsed the large underground cavity in London.

However, the base camp of the [Magic Mist Project], this large underground cavity with a depth of several hundred meters, had already undergone some kind of mysterious blessing long before.

Therefore, it will definitely not be directly caused by the explosion of a nuclear bomb in this underground space.

But after the explosion, Maqili didn't know anything about the ground.

What the hell is going on in the City of London right now?What did Babbage do?And what about the other servants that appeared in the magic mist?

In this way, he could only send out his own familiar, the familiar that his family is good at creating, that is, the insect magic that he practiced.

And I still remain here.

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