The pain from the burning of the skin became more and more intense, and the breath in the nasal cavity was almost unscented. Similarly, the lungs gradually began to fail to function, and the feeling of suffocation as if being tortured began to emerge.

Even so, I am still walking and moving forward because of my obsession that I have to work in the factory and get a salary from the foreman to maintain the family's life.

While walking staggeringly against the wall, the man stumbled unconsciously. At the last glance, he found that it was a person who tripped him, a homeless homeless man who was very common in London.

No, it should be the corpse, because the exposed and dirty skin of this person has obviously turned gray and white, and there is no life anymore, and he looks like he has been dead for an unknown amount of time.

The man finally discovered that the thick fog that he had become accustomed to around him was the cause of all this, it was the magic fog that would bring death.

But I found it too late, and when I looked carefully, I could vaguely see a few people falling to the ground in the thick white fog.

The death of the homeless man is equivalent to announcing what kind of ending he will usher in, and even if he understands that he will die like everyone else in the future.

However, the only obsession I can't let go of is my family, my children, my lover, and my parents.

In the blurred eyes of the man, the man saw an existence that even ordinary people would scream fear, as if a small creature that looked like a hell demon described in the Bible began to appear in front of the man.

Normally, I would have run away without hesitation, but my breathing was already too difficult, so I could only close my eyes in despair.

As a result, the creepy countless pupils in the huge one-eye of some indescribable small creature are staring at the man intently, the sharp teeth in the mouth and the protruding tongue began to salivate large swathes of saliva, as if wanting to Men eat the same.

Then, the twisted limb with sharp claws began to protrude.


Thick fog filled the entire city of London.

In the already deserted streets of London, it seemed as if something appeared out of nowhere, the center of the dense fog began to emit light, and then two people appeared in the center of the street.

"The transfer of the spirit son was successful, but the surrounding vision... seems to be in a state of being blocked, senior." A girl in purple armor with a slightly concave figure was holding a heavy hand that did not fit the image of a girl at all. And a huge shield.

Then, the purple eyes under the short pale pink hair turned to observe the surrounding environment, and subconsciously said to the girl with bright orange-red hair next to her.

However, another girl subconsciously began to cover her mouth and nose with her hand.

"Fog... No, it's more like smoke, but it's so thick..." You can smell the smell from the nasal cavity, the moisture of the dense fog, and the choking smell of burning with some kind of chemical substance.

It can be proved that there is no doubt that this thick fog is harmful to people.

Immediately afterwards, sandwiched between the two girls, the voice that sounded like a soft-bodied and useless man who would be raised began to sound.

"This thick fog doesn't seem to be formed by ordinary natural phenomena. My equipment has detected an abnormal magical reaction."

From the screen that appeared in the void, one could see the man with the orange-pink ponytail doing something to the control panel, and then the man began to yell as if he saw exaggerated data from some panel.

"Now the magic power contained in the fog is very thick, no, it is too thick, it is simply a high-concentration magic power aggregate, and it is already a magic fog that can harm ordinary life forms.

"Mash! Tachika Fujimaru! Are your bodies okay?" The man was speaking loudly to the two without turning his gaze away from the panel monitoring the vital signs of the two.

"I'm fine. Maybe it's because I'm a sub-servant, so this dense fog doesn't affect me. Besides, senior, it seems that nothing is wrong." Holding a huge shield, the shield girl named Mash began He nodded to the man in front of him, and looked at another girl named Fujimaru Tachika, after confirming with his eyes up and down.

Fujimaru Tatsuka also began to nod and said.

"I'm fine, nothing else but the bad smell of the air." That was indeed the truth. When I was summoned by the spirit son, I stayed in the dense fog for a while, and I didn't feel any harm to my body. influences.

"That's great. Except for magicians, monsters, servants, and fantasy species in this dense fog, ordinary people without magic tolerance may lose their lives in the dense fog, but that's fine with Mash. Why did Lixiang It's okay..." When the pink-haired man began to analyze his situation, immediately after, a large number of reactions began to appear on the panel.

Without hesitation, the pink-haired man with a ponytail sounded the alarm directly at the two girls.

"It's not good!! There are a lot of reactions in the front and rear of where you are, including magic power and life reactions."

Similarly, Mash had already started erecting a giant shield to guard Fujimaru Tachika behind him.

Can be vaguely seen through the dense fog, as well as heard.

Accompanied by the sound of gears starting to operate, the automaton crawled on the wall and looked down at him with a blank face on the eaves.

At the same time, gigantic robots with a height of several meters and the roar of steam began to appear on the other side of the street. There were also a large number of artificial life forms that were very different from human appearances running in their direction.

The number was so large that these two people could not handle it at all, and Mash and Fujimaru Tatsuka even began to consider whether to retreat.

Then, on the other side of the street, a patch of scarlet began to appear in the thick fog.

In front of everyone's eyes are a large number of scarlet flesh and blood figures, the distorted body formed by the swollen and wriggling flesh, and the crooked facial features of different sizes. The most frightening thing is that the mouth is full of sharp teeth, and sharp claws.

The most important thing is that the flesh and blood figures are all wearing human clothing, that is to say, those flesh and blood figures are not monsters that originally existed, but monsters created with human beings as materials.

"Goo...howling!!!" The flesh and blood figures roared, waving their claws and running directly towards the place where Mash and Tachika Fujimaru were.

Chapter 7 I'm just a guy who isn't even a magician

The automatons who are proficient in assassination, the mechanical soldiers wielding huge swords and slashing, the artificial life forms that suck life, these are all monsters within the scope of their common sense.

For Fujimaru Tachika and Mash, the luck is too bad. They will face the enemy's attack from all sides as soon as they are summoned. Moreover, with such strength and such a quantity, even if the two fight with all their strength, they may only get A disastrous victory.

But not impossible to fight.


The flesh-and-blood dolls that began to appear on the other side of Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew already existed beyond common sense, compared to the skeleton soldiers with empty skeletons and zombies covered with rotting flesh that he had fought.

Those flesh and blood human figures reflected in front of them are even weirder and more terrifying existences.

Even after going through countless battlefields, the girl's instinct made her hairs stand on end for a moment, her whole body froze, and a lot of cold sweat flowed out from her back at the same time.

When Mash understood this, he began to swallow his saliva subconsciously. He raised the huge shield in his hand to protect his senior behind him, and kept observing the surrounding situation with his eyes.

Unfortunately, only when he couldn't take the initiative to destroy the enemies, Matthew knew that as long as he fought these monsters by himself, he would not be able to take care of his seniors.

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