After Yu Shengming's so-called "cloak of heaven", the face that appeared and disappeared on the robe.

It also made Matou Zouken understand that his stolen Assassin had come to an end, but what does that matter.

Yu Shengming, who has become the [Holy Grail] and almost overflowed the [Holy Grail], is the last piece of the puzzle in this Holy Grail War.

The old magician was too happy waiting for him to come.

"So, where is Sakura Matou?"

The [Holy Grail]'s voice has become ruthless even after coming here, and its purpose is only to kill the girl who is still blocking him.

Then, Matou Zouken pointed to the center of the pitch-black pillar of fire with his crutch.

"Right in front of your eyes, the Matou Sakura you want to find, your fiancée, is right in the center of the altar."

"If you enter now, something uncomfortable will happen." Gorgon, who is an Avenger job agent, can feel that the black pillar of fire is full of malice, so he began to say in Yu Shengming's ear, and reminded himself the Master.

Immediately afterwards, Jiantong Zouyan was so old that it sounded as ugly as the sound of insects, and it made people feel irritable when they heard it.


"That's true, Sakura is just using the magic power of the [Great Holy Grail] to heal the weird magic you used, if you can go in, just try and see what happens, hahaha——" That's right, Matou Zou Yan was not worried, the granddaughter who obeyed his order was killed by the little ghost in front of him.

The center of the altar of the Great Holy Grail where Matou Sakura is located is the safest place, and the reason is very simple.

The special nature of Matou Sakura's [Holy Grail] makes Matou Sakura act like a parasite, absorbing the magic power of the Great Holy Grail and clearing away the curse-like magic left by Yu Shengming.

Then, it will not be affected by the Great Holy Grail, because Matou Sakura is originally an incomplete [Holy Grail].

Instead, he can use the power of the Holy Grail to open a hole somewhere and achieve his true purpose.

It is the only loophole in the Holy Grail War.

Then, Yu Shengming was different, and he was wearing the clothes of the sky again. In this state, if he really dared to enter the center of the altar.

This Holy Grail War is easily completed, because the contents of the cup are enough.

"..." It looked like an old magician who knew everything, manipulating and calculating everything in this Holy Grail War, which also brought Yu Shengming a very unpleasant feeling.

Even if Yu Shengming and Matou Zouken have been aware of it until now, the Holy Grail War has changed everything.

If you let it go, while winning the Holy Grail War, you may also receive revenge from the magi.

Because of this, Yu Shengming, who knew this, had already killed all the enemies who had been hostile to him in the Holy Grail War, and now only the few people in front of him were left.

The squinted eyes also opened, and the fishing of countless pupils only made the old magician feel a little surprised, and then he laughed.

"Don't be in such a hurry to fight. It will take some time for Sakura to come out, so let's chat again. No matter what you do, you don't dare to destroy this Great Holy Grail, do you?"

delay?No, it's just that he can already be sure of his victory.

Therefore, the old magician seemed calm and relaxed, and held the crutch in his hand with a dry hand like a dead branch, and then began to speak seriously to Yu Shengming.

"Yu Sheng, I don't hate you as a brat. Moreover, your obsession with your wishes and your own abilities have finally brought you to the present. That is something to be admired." The obsession with pursuing wishes, There is a slight similarity with my own obsession to survive.

But no matter what, there is only one wish, and the two sides are still enemies.

Once again, the corners of the old magician's mouth began to rise, and the pupils in the deep-socketed black eyeballs began to look sideways at Yu Shengming who was wearing the clothes of heaven, and said.

"Even if you kill Matou Sakura, will your wish really come true?"

"What? Matou Zouken? At this moment, you actually want to protect your granddaughter?" Regarding Matou Zouken's answer, the only thing that comes to mind is that the old magician is planning to protect Matou Sakura.

The myriad demonic eyes in the eyes began to transform, and were ready to fight.

But the reaction that followed was also a bit surprising.

"Matou Sakura, she is indeed important, but not that important."

Then, the old magician's expression became calm and dignified, and with his back to Yu Shengming, he walked slowly around the pitch-black pillar of fire while holding his crutches, and said.

"At the beginning of its creation, the Holy Grail was indeed a place where any wish could be fulfilled as long as it had a huge amount of magic power, but ten years ago, thanks to a certain victor, the old man saw through the true face of the Holy Grail."

"In fact, this thing is just a defective product that twists the wish and realizes it in a malicious direction, without any change."

"The big fire in Fuyuki City ten years ago, I used the fragments of the Holy Grail at that time to create the Matou Sakura Holy Grail posture, and the Avenger (Avenger) you summoned in a certain way, and the new black The shadow follower is the best proof."

"The omnipotent wishing machine? The Holy Grail? Hehe—" the old magician continued to walk around the edge of the huge black fire pillar, and laughed again.

Chapter 9 Angola Mainyu

What the old magician said was a sufficiently shocking fact, that as long as he believed the old magician's statement for a little bit, Yu Shengming's humanity of maintaining the bottom line of human beings would all collapse.

The guilt that had been suppressed in his heart for killing people other than the enemy began to flood Yu Shengming's heart, driving him to ignore those crimes, become cruel and ruthless, and become indifferent to the reasons for other people's lives.

Just to let my sister come out of the dark and narrow space in the closet, and run in the sun like other normal people.

It's just a small and insignificant mortal wish.


The only universal wishing machine that can make my sister return to normal is actually just a defective product that distorts the wish and realizes it in a malicious direction, that is to say, it cannot get the result I expected.

Then what is it that you are after.

"Master!!!" Seeing that the soft voice could not call back his Master, a slightly louder voice came from next to his ear.

The ear-piercing feeling that came from it also made Yu Sheng clearly sober, and pulled back his thoughts from the words of the old magician.

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