There was a sneer at the corner of Leng Tian's mouth.

Below is the real body of the twelve-tailed beast. The entire plane of the tailed beast is just in its body, and his nourishment is provided through the sacred tree.

"It seems that this tailed beast must have suffered serious injuries, so it was repaired in this way..."

As long as you get outside, there is a solution in cold weather.

A figure came through from the outside, it was Leng Tian's figure.

Outside the universe, Leng Tian continued to form seals, and began to use his own soul to lodge and become a new Renzhuli.

Try again and again.

What Leng Tian got was countless memories, just like Pangu opened up the world, at first this tailed beast was unwilling to hurt his child.

Yes, just like Otsutsuki Kaguya, he also regarded the life produced in his body as his own child, and even left behind his own sacred tree.

Just watching my child grow up like this, but the child is always demanding endlessly, and even hurts its body.

In addition to the endless war that destroys his body, and the use of the sacred tree to absorb its nutrients.

This was originally the nutrient it used to wake up.

It's just that it forgives again and again, until its own child actually wants to seal itself, and tries to open the power of other planes to hurt itself.

Finally let it down, and finally began to use the black phoenix to absorb everything that belongs to it.

"How much I miss everything about Otsuki Kaguya..."

? Leng Tian can feel how sad this should be the mother of the earth, the master of the plane, the sacred tree, and the more traces in his heart.

Even finally become indifferent, cold, empty...

This made Leng Tian think of the environment in his previous life. Human beings' endless pursuits will be met by nature sooner or later.

"It turns out that everything is so similar..."

"Unfortunately, pitifully..."

Leng Tian shook his head lightly, if it was you at the beginning, I would not be able to approach you at all, I would be crushed by my pupil power and soul, and now you have been hurt silently for so long, you are already too weak...

Perhaps this is why when the tailed beast, or the source of the tailed beast and the sacred tree, finally wanted to take it back, it no longer had this power. Perhaps in his eyes, he could do it anytime he wanted, but he always wanted to. Give the child one more chance, and finally he no longer has this power...

"Am I going to be a bad guy?"

Leng Tian finally touched the center of the twelve-tailed beast, shook his head, and formed a handprint...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"That is to say, senior Leng Tian finally became a twelve-tailed beast?"

In Ninja Village, Kage was dumbfounded as he listened to his brother's story about what happened in the Tailed Beast plane.

"That's right, there is another point, because senior's body is too big, it is impossible to come in, otherwise the whole ninja world will be exploded, so senior thought of a way to reopen the passage of ninja world, releasing his own Chakra, let the ninjas in the ninja world help seniors absorb the powerful Chakra, and when this world can finally bear seniors, seniors will really come to this world..."

This information from Phantom was even more shocking.

"Brother, do you mean that the era of ninjas has begun?"

It took a long time for Ying to react and asked.

"That's right, sister, the ninja era will reopen from today, no, it should be said to be more glorious than any previous era..."

Speaking of this, Phantom looked at his sister and said: "In the future, there will be more and more strong men. Kage-level ninjas can no longer be defined. There will be more powerful ninja characters. After all, it is the chakra that is provided this time. Senior Leng Tian..."

"But when will Senior let us absorb enough Chakra to descend from another plane..."

Shadow asked a question curiously.

"Ah, according to ancestor Sasuke, it will take about 10 years..."

"Ten, 10 years?"

Shadow's brain was shut down.

"By the way, sister, I still have a job. Senior Leng Tian also created a ninja world specially for us ninjas. It is for the world that ninjas go to after death. This is also to prevent Chakra from returning to the world and let Senior Leng Tian Continue to absorb, and the first spirit master is Naruto-senpai. As for Uchimura, one of the passages leading to the plane world, I happen to be one of the guardians, and the Uchimura created by the ancestors of Naoshu is the connection to the ninja world. The passage between the plane world and the plane world is also the only place where senior Leng Tian can project in, so maybe you will see senior Leng Tian one day, even though he is not the main body..."

Plane world...

Jiu Xinnai was knitting a sweater with a bored face, and suddenly said to Leng Tian in front of him: "You are like a fat man who can only pass through the entrance if you lose weight. The key is that your weight loss speed is too slow, and it takes 10 years... "

"Hehe, I didn't expect so much chakra to be consumed. I have already given Naruto, Nawaki, Sasuke, and Boruto a lot. Except for Naruto and Nawaki who need to guard in the ninja world, Sasuke and Boruto have already Help me find other planes, and the spirit world is the channel for me to lose weight, my wife, you can lose weight with me..."

"You said that the sun is cold, you mean that the old lady is fat..."

"No, I didn't say it, you said it..."


Kushina threw away the sweater, picked up Kunai and rushed towards the cold sky.

"Who gave me so much chakra, made me suddenly become a giant like you, I can only project my life here with you, Hyuga Lengtian's old lady killed you, don't hide from me if you have the ability... "

"If I don't run, will I be hunted down by you?"

The corners of Leng Tian's mouth curled up, and he looked up at the passages that kept appearing around him. These are the passages that Boruto and Sasuke helped him find. Each passage is a new world to receive his power. Maybe there is something in these worlds? When something unexpected happens, it is better to project it in and feel it...

Just when Hyuga Lengtian thought so, Kushina from behind had already slammed into him, and fell into a passage together with Hyuga Lengtian...

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