"God will not kill me!"

Hyuga Kishimoto suddenly ran in the direction of the super cold weather.

Leng Tian didn't expect to meet Hyuga Kishimoto at this time, and what's worse is that behind him is one of the five sand ninja masters, Sandburst.

At this moment, Kishimoto had come to Leng Tian's side, with a sinister and mocking smile on his lips, and he patted Leng Tian on the back...

"Bagua empty palm!"

Leng Tian was hit by surprise and flew towards the sand blast...

"Use your death to buy me time, remember this is the end of offending the third elder!"

"Hmph, do you think you can stop me like this?"

Sand burst a disdainful smile.

"Ninjutsu, Sand Binding Coffin!"

A stream of sand surrounded Leng Tian, ​​and Sand Burst clenched his hands indifferently.


Under the Sand Binding Ninjutsu, the people inside were squeezed to pieces.

At the same time, Sandburst performed another quicksand burst ninjutsu to slow down Kishimoto.

"It's really haunted!"

"Ha, I told you you couldn't escape!"

"Asshole, if that's the case, go to hell, Bagua Kongzhang!"

Seeing that there was no escape, Kishimoto gave up the idea of ​​escaping and planned to fight Sandblast desperately.

At the same time, I pray in my heart, hoping that during this period, other Konoha ninjas will come to support him...

The two are fighting fiercely together...

Sandburst unscrupulously crushed Hinata Kishimoto with bottomless Chakra...

Except for using Huitian, Hyuga Kishimoto has no ability to parry at all.

Just when Hyuga Kishimoto thought he couldn't hold on, suddenly Sandburst held his head in his hands, showing a painful look.

"Damn it, why did such a thing happen at this time!"

This is the aftereffect left by the one-tailed crane.

At the beginning, although Shabo escaped by chance and possessed part of the ability to guard the crane, but the berserk gene of Kazuo also penetrated into his mind, causing him to often fall into pain...

Originally, Sandblast had been relying on Chisha's potion to suppress this pain, which is why the two of them were inseparable as partners!

But now Chisha has been defeated by Kato Duan and Leng Tian, ​​and they have already fled. Sandbang has no way to get the medicine to relieve the headache...

Hinata Kishimoto was overjoyed to see the pain of the sand blast, and he would not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...

Pressing down on the body and making a posture of soft fist and gossip, Hinata Kishimoto said coldly: "Go to hell, monster! Go on gossip 120 eight palms!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Baguazhang 120 Eight Palms, the palm hits Shabo...

Every palm made Sandburst spit out blood...

At the same time, it also causes great damage to the body of the sand blast!

Just when the last palm was left...

Sandblast woke him up again because of the pain in his body...

"You want to kill my uncle, you are still too early!"

Caught off guard, Kishimoto was surrounded by sand blasts.

"go to hell!"


Kishimoto's internal chakra had already reached its limit, and was hit by the ninjutsu of the sand blast. He was seriously injured and fell powerlessly to the ground...

"Damn! It's just a little bit, as long as I make up the Bagua 120 Bazhang again, you will be finished..."

"Haha, it's just a little short of that, but it's enough to make you fail, go to hell!"

After killing the powerful enemy, Sandblast instinctively breathed a sigh of relief...

If he hadn't woken up in time just now, the sand blast would have really died in the hands of Kishimoto.

Sandbang looked at Kishimoto's corpse with a smug look in his eyes: "Haha, my uncle is lucky, or if you make it up again, I will really be finished..."

"Then make it up again!"

A cold voice came from behind Sand Burst.


The smug expression before the sand blast is gone...

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