"Although I don't know if what he said is correct, but when I cooperated with Oshemaru senior, I got some other information, including some information about a legendary figure 300 years ago, Uchiha Madara, although I don't know I know why many things were banned or even destroyed 300 years ago, but I found a new discovery on a strange stone tablet, which can only be done using Sharingan, no, it should be said to be using a kaleidoscope The information that can only be seen by writing sharing eyes, it says that there is a sacred tree in this world, which is the creation of heaven and earth, and it is revered by human beings as a divine pillar and worshiped.

The Divine Tree has never been involved in any human wars.

The sacred tree is the root of all chakras.

And all the chakras on the ninjas of the ninja world come from the sacred tree.

Suddenly one day, the holy tree bears holy fruit, and the holy fruit will only bear once in 1000 years.

However, the ancestors of human beings have left ancestral precepts for generations, and they must not get involved in the holy fruit.

However, due to the endless wars of human beings, a princess was eager to win and ate the holy fruit.

Her name is Otsutsuki Kaguya, and it is rumored that the princess got the power of the gods and quelled the war by herself.

This princess was the first human to possess chakra.Her son was born with chakra in his body and is the second person to have chakra.

However, in order to regain Chakra, the sacred tree that was taken away from the holy fruit changed into the appearance of ten tails and began to run wild. This is the ten tails.

Otsutsuki Kaguya's son successfully stopped ten tails. His name is Otsutsuki Yuyi. He clarified the truth of Chakra, created Ninja, and was the ancestor of ninjas.

He also has a name called "Sage of the Six Paths".

But now I don’t know if this legend is true. After all, the information I know has been subverted these days, so it’s hard for me to say that I know that my ancestors or the predecessors 300 years ago deliberately tampered with the history. , or what secret they want to hide. "

Hearing Phantom's words, Kage and Hinata Jun's eyes widened.

This legend is almost beyond their thinking.

After all, it seems that there are no records of He family.

"Jie Jie, in fact, this legend is not made up by Heijue on purpose. Some are true, but many are changed, but everyone here should know the truth, at least the chakras of the first batch of ninjas in the world. It is from the sacred tree, that is, the ten tails. The reason why you can become ninjas and refine chakra is because you are their descendants. You have found a way to practice chakra fusion, but notice that there is a big difference here, that is, if there is no Ninjutsu, you will not be able to use ninjutsu at all, and you will not be able to get the seals passed on to you by the Six Paths. All disciples are The chakra that can be absorbed was introduced by the six realms, and then it began to extract this energy, so the real source of chakra is this sacred tree!"

Speaking of this, the Datong Mutao style is even louder: "It is because Hyuga Lengtian re-absorbed the new ten tails and did not stay in this plane, so the era of ninjas will end, and the reason why ninjas can appear, It was only because of the appearance of Ninja Village, Hyuga Lengtian finally showed mercy, and it is precisely because of this that new ninjas can continue!"

Chapter 170 Absorption


Just when Shengshu was about to join in, Datong Mutaoshi suddenly yelled.

The loud shout was so sudden that Sheng Shu and the people around him were taken aback.

"Is there anyone else on the other side?"

Just when everyone was wondering, Jun Hinata's eyes suddenly changed.

The first thing to react is the nine tails in the body. '

"This, this chakra energy is the chakra of the Otsutsuki clan. Who are you?"

"Little fox, I want to use you..."

After Tonero finished saying this, his Tenseigan had appeared in Jun Hinata's left eye.


At this time, Hinata Jun felt that his whole body did not belong to him.

"Immortal state?"

Phantom asked suspiciously.

But Rope Tree has a serious expression on his face.

"This is the state of the fairy, just like the teacher, Jun Hinata, what's wrong with you?"

In Shengshu's plan, he wanted to combine these two forms into one.

But Jun Hinata has never been able to comprehend the fairy mode.

Nakoki's first reaction was that there was something wrong with Jun Hinata's chakra.

Naruto reacted faster than Naoki, after all, he had really entered this state.

"It's Master, so you still plan to be the same as you were back then..."

Hearing Naruto's words, the people around were at a loss.

Especially Shengshu didn't understand, but seeing the faces of the five shadows around him, he knew it must be something that happened back then.

"Hehe, Naruto didn't expect that we would meet again in this way after 300 years..."

Toneri's voice came from Jun Hinata's mouth.

"Back then you used me to break my father's restriction. If Sasuke hadn't discovered something was wrong and gathered the Kage-level powerhouses from the other four major ninja villages, I might have helped you achieve your goal!"

"Yeah, your strength really surprised me back then, and I was even a little nervous. Even if I could break free from the restriction, would I be able to continue to control you, or even defeat you, so in the end I hesitated, precisely because That's why I gave you a chance, but this time I won't..."

What Sheren said made the other four shadows around them fall silent.

"It was you who slowly controlled me back then, and made me almost do something that endangered the village. Fortunately, they kept helping me. Now the dimensional channel I guard will not let you succeed again..."

After Naruto finished speaking, he took the lead in using the fairy mode.

"Hehe, I admit that Naruto, you are very powerful. If I hadn't hesitated back then, even Sasuke and these four kages couldn't stop us. Your descendant is far behind, but there is one thing he is better than you. Powerful, that is, he has obtained two kinds of eyes..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

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