"I see……"

After Hatake withdrew his ninjutsu, he was stunned.

In fact, it wasn't just him who was stunned, but also Ying and the other three teachers.

"It can actually optimize Chakra and reduce the consumption of Chakra for releasing ninjutsu. How did Hyuga Lengtian exist 300 years ago..."

Shadow murmured.

Although there are very few legends about Leng Tian now, just this ninjutsu that is only ready to be used has already made them far behind.

"Perhaps we all underestimated the ninja war back then. Those who can surpass the god of ninja and the ancestor of ninja are not what we are waiting to measure!"

Shadow looked at Hinata Zhun's eyes burst out with a gleam.

"If all the ninjutsu in Ninja Village have developed quasi-ninjutsu, how much will their strength be improved?"

Movies can no longer imagine.

In fact, 300 years ago, although Hyuga Lengtian improved ninjutsu and reduced the optimization of chakra, it was not as great as it is now.

The reason is that the ninjas at that time didn't care about these, because they had a lot of chakras themselves. Leng Tian developed this ninjutsu at the beginning to reduce those wasted chakras.

But after 300 years, the environment has changed, especially the steps of making seals are more complicated, because some ninjutsu are lost, so ninjas have become very careful about simplifying seals.

This will increase the consumption of chakra in the body.

Especially for some advanced ninjutsu, I dare not simplify at all, because I am afraid that some ninjutsu will not be released.

After all, at this time Chakra is no longer released at will like it was 300 years ago.

"No one is allowed to reveal this secret today. In addition, Hatake immediately gathers all the upper ninjas of Ninja Village. We need Jun Hinata to help us strengthen our strength..."

With such powerful ninjutsu, Shadow certainly needs to be strengthened.

It's just that I'm ready but I don't want to.

"Sister Ying, I still need the Chunin exam, and I still have a hundred units to pass..."

Hearing the correct words, everyone in the room was even more surprised.

Especially Ah Hu.

"No way, haven't you reached the Chunin's standard Chakra yet?"

Looking at everyone in the room staring at him with monster expressions.

Zhun was very concerned and said: "Do I have to achieve it? You must know that I have only learned ninjutsu for less than half a year..."

Hearing Zhun's words, Ah Hu and others remembered that the time for Zhun to learn something was only half a year.

"But why have you never failed to release ninjutsu, which makes us Jnin feel incredible?"

Hearing Hatake's murmured words, Kage suddenly said: "Could it be that this ninjutsu not only saves the consumption of Chakra, but also increases the success of ninjutsu?"

"Is it possible?"

Everyone gaped.

It's just that if this is true, then what a great ninjutsu created by the senior Hinata Lengtian 300 years ago.

Why did this senior end the ninja era by himself after creating such a powerful ninjutsu?

As far as they know, after the Fourth Ninja War, there were a lot of technological developments that revolved around Chakra.

I just don’t know why it started from the electrical age after I found out that chakra cultivation was getting slower and slower.

It was also from that time that the ninja era began to fall behind.

"Perhaps this is the beginning of an era of ninjas. Is this the beginning of the age of ninjas in the legend?"

I can think of more.

Thinking of this, she suddenly said to Hatake: "You don't need to take the Chunin exam anymore, Hatake, take him to that place, I want him to accept the inheritance and test of the ninja god..."

Chapter 130 Eighth Dimensional Channel

Regarding Ying's words, the other teachers were somewhat opposed.

"My lord, that's the reward that the final winner of the Chunin exam will get, and the ninja can't get that kind of reward without some major contributions, unless the opponent is a member of the twelve families..."

Hearing the words of his subordinate Jonin teacher, Kage said lightly: "Did you forget that the Hyuga clan has always been a member of the Twelve Families, even though they have been wandering outside, but this identity has never been stripped, so Hinata must go to that Place is a matter of course!"

Hearing Ying's words, the others suddenly realized that they almost forgot about this.

After all, the Hyuga clan has been away for too long.

Even some people have forgotten that the Hyuga Clan are ninjas.

"Since this is the case, then there is no problem. We also hope that there will be an inheritance belonging to the Hyuga clan, but after all, it is the inheritance of that person. I don't know if there will be!"

The other one did not object, but was very skeptical about whether Jun Hinata would be recognized.

"Yes, I am also very skeptical. It's not that I think Jun Hinata's talent is poor. It's just that as the Hyuga clan who was as famous as the Uchiha clan back then, would they put the inheritance there?"

"Indeed, I have considered your opinions, but there is one thing you may have forgotten, that is, who finally mastered the tree of inheritance, not the Senshou Zhujian you mentioned, nor the later Danzang Group, In the end, he became the Tree of Inheritance, which was transformed by the ancestor Senju Naoki himself, and don't forget that the ancestor Naoki was a disciple of Senior Leng Tian, ​​do you think he doesn't have something belonging to the Hyuga clan?"

Hearing Ying's words, the others suddenly realized.

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