Masako shook her head and said seriously.

"Masako, do you know what you're talking about?"

Nogami's face quickly darkened, and his face was full of anger: "You are still self-willed until now, and you don't know how to repent!"


Nogami is no longer going to listen to his daughter, now that his daughter is back, he will use his own method to wake up Masako.

In an instant, many guards appeared from the surrounding yard.

It's just that in the eyes of Masako, these people are too weak compared to those who blocked her before, even if they have electrical weapons.

"Father, you look down on me too much, you don't even want to think about how I got in..."

Hearing her daughter's words, Nogami remembered that her daughter seemed to appear behind her without a sound.

He ignored this before, always thinking that his daughter had the permission of the guards.

But if it was the guard's permission, why didn't he notify him in advance.

Just when Nogami was thinking this way, there was a clicking sound in his ear.

The electrical weapons of several guards had all fallen to the ground. Just now, Masako suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in the air. When the guards reacted, Masako's Kunai had already stuck in their hands.

Masako's figure disappeared again.

"Father, you can't change my mind. After I learned ninjutsu, I realized that your own strength is more important than the so-called power of the family. Now I have Ninja Village behind me. You can't change my opinion." , goodbye father..."

Ten days later, Ah Hu and his party finally returned to Ninja Village.

This also includes Masako Nogami...

Chapter 130 Chunin Exam

Ninja Village.

Ninja Village is extremely lively today.

Except for the ninjas in Ninja Village, Jun Hinata actually found many ninjas he didn't know appeared in Ninja Village.

Even some ninjas look like wandering ninjas.

"Strange, how come there are so many ninjas from the non-nin village recently?"

Hinata Jun was in a restaurant in Ninja Village, looking outside and muttering.

"Are you really ignorant or just pretending to be stupid, don't you know that the Chunin exam in Ninja Village is about to start?"

Qianju Lizi looked at Zhun helplessly.

"Nonsense, of course I won't forget this, but I don't understand why there are so many wandering ninjas?"

When Zhun was talking, two wandering ninjas also walked into the restaurant.

"I heard that the number of Zhongnin in Ninja Village will increase this year. I wonder if you and I will have a chance?"

Hearing what his companion said, another ninja also said expectantly.

"Who knows, but I have been increasing the chakra units in my body for the past few years. I believe it has exceeded [-] chakra units. The first test should be no problem!"

"Haha, it was also the last time you were able to pass with only about [-] chakra units. I also think you have no problem in the first level of this year!"

Listening to what the ninja next to him said, Jun Hinata showed a puzzled expression.

"Did I hear wrong, they actually have to take the Chunin exam?"

Senju Reiko rolled her eyes and said, "Otherwise, why do you think they came to Ninja Village? Forged, these wandering ninjas of course hope to improve their level, and some outstanding ninjas, we also took the opportunity to keep them."

"So it is!"

From the two ninjas, Jun Hinata got the answer, but was puzzled by the Chakra unit.

"Why do I never know what chakra unit the first level of the Chunin exam is about?"

Hearing the correct words, Senju Reiko shook her head and said: "Actually, this has something to do with you always skipping classes. Before the Chunin started, the teacher had already talked about the content of the first level, and we even proceeded ahead of time! "

"No way, when was that, why didn't anyone notify me!"

Zhun asked in surprise.

"Just last month!"

Hearing Lizi's words, Zhun stood up and said, "At that time, I was still in the Land of Fire, okay? I completed a s-level mission and saved Mr. Hatake, but you actually missed class at that time?"

"In fact, it is true, isn't it? You are just absent from class. Although your deeds have become a model in our ninja school, you have to pass a test. By the way, in the ninja school, the logistics class Everyone adores you, but many people in the ninja class are dissatisfied. If you can't even pass the first level, it will be a big fun. I believe you will be laughed at by the ninja class for a year, and even your class would be the object of ridicule..."

Hearing Reiko's words, he must have stood there in surprise.

"Teacher Hatake, yes, I want to find Teacher Hatake, I want to test my chakra unit first..."

In the afternoon, Hatake finally brought Zhun to the first match of Chunin.

"Here is the Chakra tester. You just need to stand on it, and after concentrating the Chakra on your feet, it will show how much Chakra your body has..."

"It's that simple?"

asked with some surprise.

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