Luo's men asked.

They have sacrificed a companion before, and now the target has already run away.

If you just go back like this, Dabu will definitely take the opportunity to find trouble.

Luo also thought of this question.


Luo knew that there could not be only two people on the other side, if Yingcun had only this little skill, he wouldn't be so feared by that adult.

Their purpose this time is still hidden behind Mr. Dabu and his group, and more things cannot be revealed at this moment.

It was for this reason that Luo would not let Asakura Tou and Hinata Jun go as long as he had a chance.

"As long as you rob and kill the other side's reinforcements before they join them, you can guarantee the secret of the adults!"

It's just that when Luo was chasing, he also thought about what happened if the opponent's reinforcements arrived in front of them first.

"Set up a trap first!"

They have perception-type ninjas here. Even if a companion died before, they can still use this enchantment circle, but it will take longer.

"Stand back, all of you, I'm going to start using that trick!"

Luo said to his companion.

Hearing Luo's words, the other two ninjas immediately dispersed.

They obviously knew what ninjutsu Luo was going to use!

"That trick also needs a lot of Chakra support?"

"Of course, after all, it is the ninjutsu that can display Luo's strongest strength, but it is also the best trap to intercept the enemy..."

"Mystery, spider nest! Open!"

As Luo began to seal, strands of spider webs spit out from his mouth continuously.

And at this time, Jun Hinata finally reunited with Ah Hu and the others...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Luo was running in the dense forest, but this time he was running in a panic.

"I didn't expect the most powerful S-level team in Shadow Village to come!"

As the lord's Imperial Guard, he knew these people.

Especially Ahu's strength, Zhiqi, they simply don't accept the strength of Yingcun's so-called guardian family.

After all, isn't even Hatake who is known as the shadow still lying there!

But this confrontation made him understand why Shadow Village has made Fire Nation so fearful for so many years.

The reason is because everyone in these s squads is simply a monster.

Time went back to the time when Luo led two men to chase Sai and Jun Hinata.

Although Saii's flying bird can carry him into the sky, but there is one thing that consumes his chakra.

If it's just one person, it can be said to be very easy, but with Hinata Jun and Asakura Tong, it will be very difficult for him.

This is like a person walking with another person on his back. Although it is hard, he can still persist. But at this time, after you add another person on his back, although he can still persist, he can no longer persist.

If another person is added to this person's back at this time, this is no longer a question of ability, but beyond the limit and what he can bear.

This is the case with Sai now.

Just sweating...

"The Chakra in my body is depleted too fast, I may be about to land, you guys hurry up and get ready..."

In fact, if Saii had sufficient preparations, he wouldn't be in such a mess, but this time, he had already consumed a lot of chakra in order to meet him.

In the past, Sai had brought Zhun and Reiko, but those two could consume a lot of chakra, which was attached to Sai's ninjutsu.

It's like standing in water with concentrated chakra or walking on a tree.

In this way, the consumption of Sai is relatively low.

It's like a person carrying a hundred catties and a fat man carrying two hundred catties. Although it is more difficult than before, they are still alone. It is different from three people carrying the same two hundred catties. It is not a concept.

Originally, Jun Hinata could help some Sai, but the shift just now consumed too much of his chakra.

This made Saii have to land after leaving Luo for a certain distance, otherwise his ninjutsu would not be able to persist.

It was also for this reason that the three of Luo were able to catch up.

But even so, Luo was still very careful, after all, he had predicted that the reinforcements from the opponent would arrive soon.


Luo didn't talk nonsense, he just used his most powerful ninjutsu when he came up.

The same goes for the other two, they both know that now is the time to race against time.

The same is true for Nikon Jun and Sai, but they still have to worry about Asakura Tong's safety.

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