Such as toxins, such as tumors in the body, etc...

This was also invented by Hiroto Hyuga after Naruto Hyuga.

Hyuga Boruto can be said to be the master who developed another ninjutsu of the Hyuga clan.

So the chakra that Hinata Jun imported into Asakura Tong's body helped her get rid of the damage in her body.


In the unwilling eyes of Luo's subordinate, Hinata Jun once again disappeared into the dense forest with Tong Asakura in his arms.

"Chasing, no matter what method he uses, but he can't run too far with a person!"

Watching Jun Hinata disappear from under his eyelids with Tong Asakura again, Luo ordered with red eyes.


Just as Luo and his men were chasing after him, the speed-type ninja from before triggered the enchantment circle left by Jun Hinata, and his whole body was blown to pieces by the explosive talisman in the trap.

"Unfortunately, we didn't bring them all in..."

Jun Hinata did not expect that Luo would have a speed ninja under his command, which made the idea of ​​delaying the opponent's footsteps fail.

After all, it was already impossible to arrange one, not to mention the detonating talisman, even the time was too late.


Luo's eyes were red.

At the same time, Ah Hu and the others who had been anxiously rushing towards this direction were also shocked.

"It must be Jun Hinata who met the enemy, Sai, hurry up and find out what's going on!"

Ah Hu ordered.


Sai immediately took out the ninja gear, summoned the flying tool, and flew towards the direction of the explosion.

"I hope I can make it in time!"

Not only Saii was thinking anxiously in his heart, but Hinata Jun was also looking forward and thinking anxiously.

"Sai, where are you guys? Did you hear the sound of the explosion? I'm right here!"

Although the enemies behind have become three people, a lot of chakra has been consumed for Hinata Junlai.

Especially in order to dispel the wounds in Tong Asakura's body.


At this time, Jun Hinata's white eyes suddenly spotted Sai.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sai, I'm here!"

Jun Hinata immediately ran in the direction of Sai, and at the same time Sai also found Jun Hyuga and the others below.

After Sai rescued Hinata Jun and Asakura Tong, Luo just arrived...

"It's a close call, if we come one step later, we will be surrounded..."

Looking at Luo and the others below in the sky, Jun Hinata said with lingering fear...

(ps: In the future, there will be a special plot for Hyuga Boruto, but that has become another brand new Hyuga Boruto.)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Luo at the bottom looked at Sai and the others in the air, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"Ninjutsu! Mystery · Spider Bow · Crack!"

Hearing Luo's move, one of the companions said, "Luo, you are not allowed to use this move!"

"Don't give me nonsense!"

Luo didn't care about his companion's warning at all, but began to perform ninjutsu in pain.

From Luo's mouth, an arrow made of high-density sticky gold suddenly spit out, which is a ninjutsu for shooting opponents from a long distance.

In fact, Luo knew that this move took a long time, but it was indeed powerful. Compared with electrical weapons, this ninjutsu was no worse than those big killers.

Even sometimes, Jonin may not be able to withstand the power of his own move.

And this move has the farthest distance. What's even more frightening is that once the assisting own spider silk locks the opponent, the opponent can't dodge at all and can only bear it.

"Although I don't know why the adults won't let me use it, but it's impossible for me to watch the mission target escape from under my nose!"


The hasty sharp arrow flew towards Asakura Tong.

Because Luo knew that even in the air, the two ninjas would have a chance to dodge.

But Asakura Tong is different, she doesn't have the protection of Chakra, once she is shot, she can't survive at all.

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