Sheren gazed through the void, looking at Hinata Zhun who had been hesitating all this time, and said firmly, "So he is an important trump card for me..."

Chapter 83 Stone Monster


Hinata Zhuo didn’t understand what the contract in his mind was talking about, but obviously the shunto told Hinata Jun that as long as he signed a contract with him, he could use his power, just like Kyuubi and Naruto a hundred years ago.

"Could it be that you are also a tailed beast?"

Hinata Jun asked in surprise.

Since the Tailed Beast was absorbed, there are only Eight Tails and Nine Tails in the world, but since the ninja era ended a hundred years ago, these Eight Tails and Nine Tails have also disappeared.

It is rumored that Yatsuo was absorbed by a mysterious strong man, and this mysterious strong man was also dealt with by Hinata Lengtian.

Only Kyuubi has been missing.

In the post-ninja era, both Yingcun and ninjas want to find the ninja and get its power.

There have even been quite a few rumors that both the Five Great Nations and various conspiratorial forces are greedy for the power of Nine Tails.

After all, it is the highest power in a country even in the ninja era, and whoever can master it in the post-ninja era can rule the whole world.

This is also the reason why Kyuubi is sought by many people.

Hinata Jun has heard countless legends about Nine Tails since he was a child.

After all, Kyuubi finally chose Hyuga Naruto as the container, especially since Hyuga Lengtian disappeared, Hyuga Naruto has also become one of the strongest in that era.

So after hearing this voice, Jun Hinata's first reaction was that Kyuubi would not come to him.

In particular, it is rumored that Nine Tails and the Hyuga Clan have long agreed.

It was even rumored that the Hyuga Clan was protected by Nine-Tails, which is why the Ninja World did not dare to be presumptuous after the Hyuga Clan withdrew.

Not even the Five Great Nations, after all, no one can deal with the power of Nine Tails.

"Hehe, Nine Tails, little guy, as long as you sign a contract with me, you will naturally understand what kind of power you get..."

Before, Toneri fooled Jun Hinata, he had a deep relationship with the Hyuga clan, which made Hinata Jun mistakenly think that Toneri was Kyuubi.

But Sheren wouldn't explain it either.

It's better to have this kind of misunderstanding, but the self-esteem of the strong will not admit it.

"Okay, I will sign a contract with you!"

"But our relationship..."

After agreeing to the sacrificial contract, Jun Hinata was worried about whether there was any master-slave relationship.

"Don't worry, you can borrow my strength, as long as you help me unlock a seal..."


Hinata Jun was startled, and hurriedly asked what the seal was.

"This can't tell you that you can only understand it after signing a contract with you..."

As for whether Sheren will sign the contract and fulfill it, Sheren already has an answer in his heart.

"Then let's get started!"

Sure enough, after getting no answer from Toneri, Jun Hinata gave up.

After all, the most important thing now is the task.

"Hey, then I'll help you summon a helper and let you complete the task in front of you, but any chakra that needs to be consumed is a bit big, you can hold on..."

After Toneri finished speaking, Jun Hinata's right eye suddenly glowed with a light blue light, and Tenseikan appeared in Jun Hinata's eyes.

"It's strange, how could the chakra in the air be so irritable, it's not good that there are strong fluctuations in the ground, this is caused by ninjutsu, retreat quickly..."

Under Hinata Zhun's chakra eruption, a powerful chakra erupted from the ground at the foot of the mountain.

Sai was the first to feel it, and he hurriedly reminded Zhun and Reiko.

But Sai was stunned suddenly, because he also felt a terrifyingly powerful Chakra on Zhun's body.

"Come out, rock monster!"

Although Jun Hinata shouted, a monster made of earth and rocks suddenly emerged from the ground...

Chapter 84 Shocked Sai and Reiko

"what is this?"

The sudden appearance of the stone monster not only shocked the enemies below, but even Sai and Reiko were equally astonished.

Especially Sai and Reiko did not expect so many accidents to happen in this mission.

First of all, the strength of the enemy was unexpected.

Secondly, the jonin who led the team this time has not appeared, which has cast a shadow in their hearts.

Finally, the scale of the base has exceeded Yingcun's expectations. I am afraid that once the current situation is reported to Yingcun, it will be difficult for Lianying.

Finally, there are too many super weapons.

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