"Of course I know, but why don't you just let me die like this, I can't do it!"

Although in the ninja code, the first thing is to focus on missions, Jun Hinata really can't do it.

"Sure, do you trust me?"

At this moment, Reiko asked seriously.

"Lizi you?"

Quasi looked at Reiko in surprise.

"I'm going to save her, and you must stop it. This time we are not only for the mission, but also to find out the truth, so you must not let them take away the weapons, and you must not let Thunder Knife escape..."

After finishing speaking, Lizi turned around and ran towards Xiaolan.

"Certainly, you must complete the task, because this is not only yours, but also ours!"

Looking at Lizi's determined eyes, she must know that time waits for no one.


Zhun shouted suddenly, and Lizi looked at Zhun suspiciously.

"Be careful, I will definitely complete the task..."

Chapter 76 Thunder Knife

The deepest part of the base is a lake, and Hinata must have never thought that there is an artificial lake in such a deep underground.

"Certainly, you have to be careful. Each of the Four Great Swordsmen will create an environment where they can best display their strength. It's like Huangdao. He has a set of eight-sword windmills. This is why he accepted so many samurai reason……

However, because Huang Dao was killed by Minghu's predecessors before, the inherited Beauty Dao couldn't show the strength of these people at all, so they were easily defeated by us! "

Thinking of Lizi's words, Zhun couldn't help but nodded.

Not to mention the wild sword, but the beautiful sword is obviously not powerful, but it is a master with a gun, and even relies on the help of Miyuki to be able to create a sharp next level.

As for the Beast Knife, it was even more vicious. This was also the first time Zhun had come into contact with the Rebel Ninja of Ninja Village, but his strength also surprised him.

It is obvious that they are all ninjas, but they have such strength.

In fact, what Hinata Jun didn't know was that after Beast Sword defected, Kagemura had already changed his rank to Chunin.

Thinking of the abilities of these four people, Hinata must not dare to be careless, what kind of ability is this Thunder Sword.


Just as Zhun concentrated his chakra on his feet and was about to cross the artificial lake, a figure suddenly jumped out of the water.

"not good!"

Fortunately, Zhun kept his eyes open all the time, so he could only see the figure under his eyes.

It's just that when Zhun had already dodged, the opponent's feet were heavily on Sudden's body.


The whole person falls into the lake.


At the moment of falling, Zhun rushed out from under the water and jumped onto the land.

Only then did he realize that a young man similar to him was staring at him in the lake.


He never thought that it was the boy in front of him who hit him just now.

"Could it be that you are Thunder Knife?"

Jun Hinata asked incredulously.

"Jie Jie, it seems that you find it incredible?"

Lei Dao looked up at Hinata Zhun, with disdain on his face.


Feeling the disdain in Lei Dao's eyes, Jun Hinata's expression darkened.

In Hinata Zhun's eyes, the person in front of him was just a boy his age.

Why do you show such a condescending look in front of him.

Jun Hinata can be said to hate this kind of face the most.

"I don't care if you are Si Dao or Lei Dao, in short, your attitude has successfully angered me today!"

Hearing the right words, Lei Dao let out a loud laugh again.

"Don't think that if you can enter here, you are qualified to talk to me. In my eyes, you are at best just using your supercilious eyes to show some strength. You are far behind your ancestors. In my eyes You are not qualified to compare with me at all, and soon you will be desperate..."

Speaking of this, Lei Dao pointed to an exit behind him and said: "See, behind me is the electrical weapon you have been looking for. As long as you defeat me, you can get what you have always wanted, but you can only Just watch..."

Speaking of this, Lei Dao pointed at himself and said, "Because I am in front of you, so you don't want to walk over!"


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