Jun Hyuga opened his eyes and found that there was no difference at all, the bottom of the lake was clear, and there were no organs at all.

"Father, are you sure you remember correctly?"

Hearing his son's words, Hinata directly gave his son a blasting hammer.

"Are you a pig? You should question your old man. Don't think that you are a big deal if you just rolled your eyes. If it is so easy to be discovered by outsiders, then how can our Hyuga clan protect the inheritance of Leng Tian's ancestors? Get out of here Bar!"


After Hyuga Jun fell into the water, he secretly thought of it bitterly.

"Old man, am I your son? As for treating me like this?"

Jun Hinata didn't notice that the old man's face was full of worry when he kicked down. He was afraid that if he hesitated, he would stop Jun Hinata and change his mind.

After all, although this is the inheritance guarded by the Hyuga clan, no one has ever been able to obtain it.

It is said that even the seventh Hokage was in a coma for several days.

Yes, when I told Jun Hyuga earlier, the ninja who had stunned the Hyuga clan was Hinata Naruto who inherited Hokage and was known as the son of the God of Hokage.

Even he didn't succeed, so it's the end of the others.

It's just that although the Hyuga clan has given up on this inheritance, they don't want it to be obtained by outsiders.

Especially according to legend, the reason why Hyuga Lengtian was able to stand at the pinnacle of the ninja world is related to this inheritance.

At the bottom of the lake, Jun Hinata didn't find anything unusual, as if it was an ordinary lake bottom.

"Strange, there is nothing here. How did my father let me get the inheritance..."

"Patriarch Hyuga, you should know how to unlock the method of obtaining the inheritance, right? You didn't tell him, did you?"

Minghu Shazhi asked with a dazed look.

"Hmph! The old man doesn't know what you little girl said, and he has to comprehend it by himself if he wants to obtain the inheritance of the ancestors. If he can't even do this step, then he is not qualified..."

Hearing the words of the patriarch Hyuga, Minghu Xiangcheng smiled.

She understood that the patriarch actually didn't want his son to take risks at all. He just understood Hinata Jun's temper. If he refused suddenly, it would cause Hinata Jun's resistance.

The reason why Yucheng was able to guess it could also be seen from the attitude of Hinata patriarch towards her in the past few days.

At the bottom of the lake, you can see all the scenery at a glance, without any special features.

"As for the organ, there should always be an organ, right?"

Hinata looked around anxiously.

But under the blind eye, all the scenes can already be seen, but there are no organs or suspicious places at all.

"The old man lied to me!"

This was Jun Hinata's first thought.

With this idea in mind, Hinata Zhuan was already planning to go up and question the old man.

Although this is the lake left by the former Hyuga clan, it is actually not very deep. Every move of Hinata Jun can be seen clearly by the Hinata patriarch and Yuugi above it.

Seeing that Hinata was about to go upstream, the Hinata patriarch showed a relaxed expression.

This look was clearly captured by Jun Hinata.

"Strange, why is Dad's expression so strange?"

Jun Hinata suddenly had an intuition that if he really swam up at this moment, then he might lose the qualification to get the inheritance of his ancestors.

This is an intuition, even Hinata Jun can't figure out why, but it is this intuition, thinking of this, Hinata Jun sneaked in again.

"Idiot, since you can't find it, why don't you come up!"

Patriarch Hinata suddenly let out a loud cry in anxiety.

This made Minghu Saori next to him show a clear smile: "Clan Chief Hyuga, you really are hiding some key information..."

Chapter 58 Legacy

At the bottom of the lake, Hinata was thinking confidently, and suddenly he found that the moon in the night sky was shining on the bottom of the lake, and it actually filled the entire bottom of the lake.

"How is it possible, how can the range of the moon's reflection be so large..."

Precisely at this moment, the sun and the moon look at each other, as if feeling a pair of eyes looking at him.

At the same time on the moon.

The seal that sealed Datongmu and Shiren suddenly changed.

This makes Datong Mutao and Sheren the same at the same time.

"What's going on, why is Hyuga Lengtian's seal suddenly active..."

Datong Mutao asked in surprise, there was even a hint of fear in his voice.

"Don't worry, it should be that our little friend resonated with the formation left by Leng Tian. Hasn't it happened twice in the past 300 years?"

On the contrary, Sheren is not panicked at all, his eyes now have Tenseiken, which is the same as that of Leng Tian back then, and Tenseiken has even evolved.


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