"Well, it's almost like this..."

"Well, it should be fine, I think that person should be able to do it..."

Yucheng still didn't understand what his father and Jun Hinata were talking about.

What's up.

On the way, Yang Yi looked at Kogoro Mori beside him, and asked with a serious expression on his face: "Mr. Mori, how much hope do you think we have this time..."

Hearing Yang Yi's words, Mori Kogoro couldn't just say it, but frowned and said, "I actually don't know what kind of medicine the Patriarch is selling in the gourd, but there is one thing, it seems that he thinks that person will definitely show up." , it's really strange..."

Having said this, Mori Kogoro suddenly stopped, which surprised Yang Yichi, and he almost screamed the next moment.

For right in front of him a masked man appeared before him.

"You, it's you, it's you!"

Yang Yi screamed in horror.

It's just that the next moment, my whole body suddenly couldn't move.

Unable to even make a sound, he lost consciousness.

In the distance, Jun Hyuga rolled his eyes back, and said to Patriarch Minghu beside him: "Everything is under our control..."

"I didn't expect it was really her..."

Patriarch Minghu's tone was shocked, and there was even a trace of other emotions in it.

Jun Hinata didn't tell the truth, in fact, he was more surprised than Patriarch Minghu.

Because he can see more clearly than Patriarch Minghu.

"Acupoint acupuncture is actually acupuncture, and it is even more difficult than me to open my eyes without using Chakra. Who is this person, and why is it unique to our Hyuga clan?"

Minghuhai knew what Hinata Jun was thinking.

"I'll tell you later, why that person knows how to tap acupuncture points, in fact, it has something to do with your ancestor Hyuga Lengtian..."

Hearing Patriarch Minghu's words, Hinata Zhun gasped, unexpectedly involving his ancestor Hinata Lengtian.

This is really astonishing.

What is the relationship between the Minghu family and his ancestors?

Hinata Jun and the Patriarch Minghu set off together, with Hinata Jun's white eyes, he could always follow behind that person.

At this time, Jun Hinata discovered that the man had been using physical skills all the time, no, it should be pure body skills, without any trace of Chakra, but the speed was not slow at all, it can be said that the entire Minghu family guards did not notice it. she.

Not only that, but the agility used by Patriarch Minghu beside him was actually so quiet, and there was no trace of Chakra running.

"What, what kind of power is this?"

"Don't think about it, this is just an ordinary lightness skill developed by your ancestors, but you Hyuga clan with white eyes rarely pay attention to it, and this lightness skill can only be used together with Shunfenger to achieve the greatest effect..."

It is another technique that only the Hinata clan knows, but it seems that the shadows of the Shadow Village will also know this technique.

This is also one of the reasons Hinata Jun has been trying to figure it out.

As if remembering something, Hinata Zhun suddenly said: "Could it be that the person in front is also listening to the wind, so wouldn't our voice be heard by her..."

"It won't be that powerful, I think she just mastered the ordinary listening to the wind..."


Hinata Zhun looked at Ming Huhai in surprise, knowing that even Shunfeng Er has this skill.

At this moment, Patriarch Minghu said: "She stopped..."

Chapter 46 A Cave of Heaven

"She disappeared..."

Patriarch Minghu suddenly reminded.

"She took Young Master Yang Yi back. If it was her, I believe that even the guards at the door would not ask. After all, she is Young Master Yang Yi's personal maid, but how did she get the password from Young Master Yang Yi? Even hypnosis will leave traces..."

Hinata Jun said in surprise.

"Unless Yang Yi deliberately concealed it, but the envoy of the Fire Nation had already conducted a comprehensive review of Yang Yi last time. The reason why I continued to find the culprit who framed Yang Yi was because he investigated that Yang Yi It's true that he didn't lie, but Yang Yi couldn't prove how he leaked the information, but now maybe we will know the truth soon..."

When Ming Huhai said this, the swollen breath of his body was slowly fading, even Hinata Jun couldn't notice it.

"This this……"

If Jun Hinata hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that a person could hide his aura like this.

Obviously, the lake and the sea are right next to me, and I can see it with my eyes, but my body and senses tell me that there is nothing in front of me.

This feeling is too uncomfortable.

"You don't seem to have mastered this technique. It's really strange. Could it be that your father, the Hokage of the previous generation, didn't teach you this technique? You should know that this was originally passed down by Senior Hinata Lengtian. Oh, I understand. It must be because you haven't opened your eyes all this time, so you didn't get that inheritance..."

Ming Huhai said something to himself.

But all of this made Hinata Jun bewildered.

Seeing Jun Hyuga's expression, Ming Huhai instructed: "After this task is completed, I suggest you go to Orying Village once. You still have some things that you haven't inherited, which are the inheritance left by Hyuga Lengtian to your Hyuga clan. , This is also the reason why no one dared to go to Yingcun or Yingcun to trouble you even if your Hyuga clan quit the ninja world. , actually started to trouble your Hyuga clan..."

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