The glasses boy is basically like a kid, his voice can only be heard when he speaks.

"Forget it..."

Jun Hinata looked at the arrogant face of the big man in front of him, and smiled disdainfully. Just when the strangers in front of him were about to take care of them, Jun Hinata picked up the chair under his buttocks and smashed it on it.

"Look at my Konoha Kunai!"

When he was brought back from Anbe by his father, Jun Hinata's face was bruised and swollen.

"Tell me, where did all the physical skills you practiced go? Only five people can handle it. I shouldn't let you come out from Anbu, let you reflect inside!"

Hearing his father's scolding, Jun Hinata remained silent.

He knew that if he dared to refute at this time, maybe his father would dare to give him a full martial arts in the street.

Suddenly Dad stopped.

Hinata Zhun thought in his heart, wondering how his father wanted to scold him.

"Is there any other injury on your body?"

"No, dad, you don't even look at whose son it is, I just threw an iron stool over at that time..."

Hinata did not expect that this is what his father asked, and he gave an explanation with joy.

Unexpectedly, the father's face was very disappointed.

"I taught you those physical skills for nothing... Forget it and go back!"

Old Hinata said without turning his head, that during the interrogation just now, it was found that these strange big guys were sent by the Dabu Group to cause trouble, but before the incident, they clashed with Zhun Hinata.

"Hey, can Konoha keep it..."

The battle between Hinata Lengtian and Madara, because some ideas are stuck, so I published a rumor first, telling the follow-up of the battle between Hinata Lengtian and Madara, as well as the puzzles of the year, I will add the fourth battle as soon as possible this month .I also hope that everyone will read this rumored story first.

Chapter 2 New Enemies


In an office, Murakami pointed at a few idiots with bruised skin and swollen faces in front of him, and reprimanded him: "I told you to harass Konoha and make them live in a restless place, but you just came back like this, it's trash! "

Hearing what Murakami said, one of them raised his head cautiously and said, "My lord, it's not that we didn't do our best, it's just that those old guys are not ordinary people, they are very skilled!"

Hearing his subordinate's words, Murakami smiled at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand and tapped the bandage on his subordinate.

"Yes, it's very powerful, and you seem to be seriously injured..."

Seeing Supervisor Murakami showing concern for him, the man quickly said flatteringly, "Of course it is our duty to serve you, Supervisor..."

"Hehe, hehe..."

Murakami smiled faintly, and suddenly pressed his fingers down hard.

"Ah, it hurts!"

The man's arm was touched by Hinata before, and the whole arm was swollen, and the pain from Murakami was so painful that he knelt down, but Murakami turned a blind eye.

"Trash, trash, I've raised you for such a long time, I didn't expect you to be useful, but you didn't even feel sorry for the old people in Muye Village, and you said that the other party was very skilled, if those few people walked If the old guys who are about to die can deal with you, what use do you say I want you..."

"Director, we really did our best. Those old guys are really not ordinary people..."

Hearing this, Murakami seemed to have heard some good joke.

"It's not that I don't give you a chance, but you really disappoint me. You still say that some old men are very powerful. Since you think it is difficult to deal with Konoha, then go to the mine of Dabu Company Go to work, I'm sure it's a good place for you, especially since there's a lot of gold there..."

When the other people saw Murakami, they all knelt down. Although Murakami's ability was not very high in Dabu Company, his tricks and those who offended him were said to have been assigned to the Land of Fire. Dabu company mine, that is the most dangerous job.

Although Dabu Company is an orthodox real estate company on the surface, it actually hides the fact that it is secretly mining, especially some important gold mines. Those who are sent there will never come out alive.

Of course, this is an extremely secret matter, although there are rumors, but I never know if it is true, and it is even rumored in Dabu Company.

Even the people from the Fire Nation came down to investigate for a long time, but there was no result.

After all, Mr. Dabu is not an ordinary person. He not only has a lot of money, but also has contacts with many dignitaries in the Land of Fire.

Coupled with his financial power, even a daimyo would not be willing to offend this person easily.

After all, Dabu Company is not only in the Land of Fire, but also has many industries in the Land of Sand, the Land of Earth, and the Land of Thunder.

"Forgive me, my lord, give me another chance..."

But Murakami didn't even look at the few people on the ground, and said lightly: "I don't raise waste!"


After Murakami said a word, there was a whoosh, and a figure faintly appeared behind Murakami, and no one even noticed how he appeared.

"I don't want to see these trash..."


A gleam of coldness flashed in Sasaki's eyes, and the knife in his hand lit up.

All the people who were kneeling on the ground fell to the ground holding their necks.

"Hmph, that's how you should deal with garbage..."

Murakami said indifferently, at this moment, Murakami did not have the attitude of flattering in front of Asakura Xiaojie at all.

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