
Jiu Xinna blurted back, and then his face changed drastically...

"Hee hee, since we know that the teacher's spirit transformation technique can possess other people, how can we not be on guard?"

After Leng Tian finished speaking, he suddenly launched an attack...

The 64 gossip palms enveloped "Jiu Xinnai".

"Bang bang bang!"

A series of attacks caught Duan who was possessed by Kushina by surprise...

Finally, the acupuncture points on his body were sealed by the cold weather.

However, Leng Tian just sealed the chakra in Kushina's body, and did not make any damage attacks.

"Teacher, the Chakra in Kushina's body has been sealed by me. If the Chakra cannot be activated, the teacher will not be able to get out of Kushina's body, right?"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Kato's expression changed drastically.

"You, how did you think of restraining me in this way?"

Kato asked in surprise.

"After seeing the technique performed by the teacher last time, I have already started to analyze it..."

I can think of so much after only seeing it once, what a terrifying analytical ability.

Kato Duan was stunned by Leng Tian's analytical ability.

It's actually Leng Tian who got their abilities from the anime within the anime.

For the characters in Naruto, whether it is ninjutsu or blood succession, Leng Tian has already established a database. It can be said that Leng Tian has a natural advantage in the battle.

It's just this secret, Leng Tian will not tell anyone.

Kato Dan, who was frightened, could no longer comment on the students in front of him, so he sighed and said:

"You kid is no longer surprising me, but frightened me. I admit defeat. One last question, how do you know that I am possessed by Jiu Xinna?"

"This is even simpler. Every time we exchange bells, we have to match the code. This is also to prevent the teacher from using the transformation technique to transform into one of us, but I didn't expect the teacher to use the spiritualization technique..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Kato Duan had nothing to say.

Is the student in front of me really a student who just graduated from a ninja school?

Really underestimated them!

Thinking of this, Kato broke into a laugh: "I really convinced you, kid, untie the acupuncture points for me, I admit defeat, and it will hurt Kushina's body if it is too late..."

When Kato Duan stood in front of the three of Leng Tian again, he looked satisfied.

"You all performed well, especially in the cold weather. Your analysis of the mission simply exceeded my expectations..."

Hearing that Teacher Duan always praised Leng Tian, ​​Jiu Xinnai said with a face of dissatisfaction: "Hmph, the teacher is biased, and I'm not bad either!"

Kato shook his head, pointed at Kushina and said, "Although your performance this time exceeded my expectations, you still have some shortcomings, especially Kushina..."

Hearing what Teacher Kato Dan said, Kushina showed an expression of listening.

"Actually, your multiple shadow clone technique can have more changes, you know, it's not such a simple release..."

Kato's words reminded Kushina that he was easily discovered by the teacher before.

Can't wait to ask: "Teacher, how did you lock my real body at a glance under the multiple shadow clone technique?"

"It's very simple, remember what I said about listening to the wind..."

"Listen to the wind to identify the position?"

Although Kato had said it once before, Kushina was still puzzled.

"Could it be that the teacher identified Kushina's real body from her movements?"

Instead, Minato blurted out the question.

Hearing Minato's words, Kato Dan was surprised again.

"What a high comprehension!"

Before, he possessed Kushina and deceived Minato, and was a little disappointed in him. He didn't expect Minato's understanding to be so high.

And Leng Tian, ​​who caught Kato's attention the most, felt like a blow to the head at this time, staying there...

Kato Duan thought that Leng Tian hadn't figured it out, and explained directly: "When you launched the multiple shadow clone technique, Jiuxinna, did you notice that you have not moved, even if you use smoke to block my sight, but I can still Capture your position by hearing..."


Kushina opened her mouth in surprise, she didn't expect to have such a weakness.

"Is my multiple shadow division technique useless?"

Kushina said a little disappointed.

Kato shook his head and said: "On the contrary, the multiple shadow clone technique is the most capable of confusing the enemy, but you need to add a few more changes..."

Kato Duan said here, Jieyin released a shadow clone.

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