After Hyuga Ningji finished speaking, with these words, she made a gesture of star-crossing, and Jun Malu stabbed Ningji unceremoniously.

In an instant, the figures of the two became faster, one pierced Neji with countless bones, and the other kept drawing circles, constantly taking advantage of Junma Lu's attacks.

It can be said that the battles of the two were extremely thrilling, but there were smiles on their faces.

"Beating you proves that our Kaguya clan is the most powerful Taijutsu clan!"

"Don't think about it!"

Ningci and Junmalu are constantly entangled.

At this time, Naruto, who had already gotten rid of Junmaro, finally caught up with Sasuke.

"Why, why did you leave Konoha? Could it be that Konoha doesn't have you missing at all here? Are you going to abandon Aunt Mikoto, Sakura, and don't even remember your brotherhood?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Sasuke's face flickered.

Finally, Sasuke clenched his fist and finally raised his head and said, "Yes, because I have more important things to do!"

"Bastard, what important matter do you have, can't I help you, do you really want to betray Ninja Village?"

Naruto suddenly grabbed Sasuke's clothes and asked.

"Yes, you are right, Konoha can't give me the truth I want. You also saw that there were many puppets of the Uchiha clan that day. This is how Konoha treats our Uchiha clan and my father. You really don't know who he is, look at the cheers that day, he is the Senju family, the grandson of Senju Hashirama who founded Konoha Ninja Village, but even he was forced out of Ninja Village, and was called a traitor Shinobu, do you think such a Konoha can let me know the truth, can I become stronger in Konoha with such a Konoha?"

The more Sasuke talked, the more excited he became, thinking that his mother did not hesitate to use the kaleidoscope to change his memory, maybe it was to protect himself from discovering these secrets.

"What about Orochimaru, he is the chief culprit who destroyed Konoha!"

Naruto asked.

"What he destroyed was your Konoha, what has anything to do with me, I will definitely go to Orochimaru to find out what's going on, I will never go back before that!"

Sasuke also said with a serious face.

"Then don't let me take you back by force..."

When Naruto said this, the curse mark on his neck was suddenly activated, and the nine-tailed tail behind him also began to appear.

"Hehe, hehe..."

Sasuke also laughed.

"Do you think your current strength is still the same as mine before?"

When Sasuke said this, the power of his third spell was revealed, and a green tattoo suddenly appeared on Sasuke's arm.

"Let you experience the wooden escape technique I just learned!"


Sandai looked at Konoha, who had regained order from the previous battle after a short rest, and slowly smoked a cigarette.

It seems that Konoha has survived the previous collapse plan of Orochimaru, but only Sandai knows that all this is just the surface.

On the memorial monument behind Konoha, deeply buried Konoha Ninja who died in this battle.

Three generations of Hokage opened the letter sent by Anbu just now, which contained the latest ninja news.

A world-shattering war broke out in the Land of Rain, and both sides of the war were people who had never appeared in the ninja world.

But one of them is a powerful ninja with Sharingan.

"Is it Zebra?"

As a child, Sandai had seen Madara once.

Deeply aware of its power and terror.

After reading this, the third generation looked at another piece of information.

Mizukage from the Land of Water suddenly disappeared and her whereabouts are unknown. A new generation of Mizukage has already appeared on stage.

"These are troubled times. It seems that a terrifying force is enveloping the entire ninja world..."

After this battle, Sandai looked older and older, the wrinkles on his face became deeper and deeper, and his body experienced various pains from time to time. Sandai knew that this was the price he paid for using forbidden techniques.

"But even so, don't try to get Konoha's attention, Jiraiya, is Naruto awake?"

Jiraiya, who was behind the third generation, said indifferently: "Ever since the failure to chase Sasuke before, Neji and Gaara brought him back who was seriously injured, he has been like that..."

Thinking of Naruto's dazed and stiff look, this person called Miaomushan's lecherous fairy is full of anger.

"Jiraiya, this time your information is too timely. If you hadn't sent the information in time, maybe we are still kept in the dark by Orochimaru, and maybe we will start another war with Sand Ninja Village..."

Speaking of this, the third generation's face is gratified, but more of it is self-blame.

It is because of Jiraiya's growth and the heartache for Orochimaru.

Just thinking about the situation in front of me, especially after knowing Madara's village, Sandai Hokage naturally has to plan ahead.

"Jiraiya gave you a task. Take Naruto to find Tsunade, and say that the teacher misses her, and I hope she can see the teacher for the last time. I want her to become the Fifth Hokage..."

Jirai, who knew the body of the third generation, also sighed secretly.

"Don't worry, I will bring Tsunade back, and I also want to take advantage of this time to repair Naruto..."

Jiraiya also thought of Naruto's situation and was very angry.

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