Sasuke suddenly hit Naruto Naruto.

"Stupid, is this the time to laugh? There is such a big monster in his body. What about you, don't you always say that there is a monster in your body? Summon him!"

Hearing Sasuke's words, Naruto waved his hands and said, "I can't do anything about this, because I don't know how to summon him!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Sasuke and the psychic dog beside him were speechless for a while.

"Then Naruto, hurry up and take Sakura out of here, I'll attract that guy's attention..."

Sasuke made a decision immediately.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet!"

As soon as Naruto finished speaking, Sasuke and Kakashi's psychic dog immediately said at the same time: "If you have something to say, can you finish it at once!"

"Although I can't summon the monster in my body, there is one thing I can tell you, that is, I can still summon my sworn brother!"

"Sworn brother?"

Sasuke and the psychic dog asked in surprise at the same time.

"Huh, huh!"

Naruto snorted twice triumphantly, and then quickly formed seals with both hands.

"Come out!"

A puff of smoke, in the anticipation of Sasuke and the psychic dog, the smoke cleared, and a four-legged frog slowly appeared in their eyes.

"You, what did you recruit?"

Sasuke asked Naruto a little stunned.

Naruto closed his eyes, enjoying the vanity on his face and said: "Although Sasuke has made great progress recently, you can't catch up with my ninjutsu no matter what!"

"Hehe, I don't want to learn such useless ninjutsu either!"

Sasuke said abruptly.

"What... what?"

Naruto opened his eyes and found a small frog looking at Naruto.

"Hi, my name is Toadichi, do you have anything to do with me?"

"What!? What is this?"

Naruto nearly popped his eyes out.

"Is this what you call the big brother who is your brother?"

Kakashi's psychic showed a disdainful expression.

"This time it doesn't count, let me tell you, you have misunderstood, I will start now..."

Naruto is going to start the seal again, but Gaara's attack has already arrived.

"Hey, wind escape gas bomb!"

"No, get out of here!"

Sasuke immediately grabbed Naruto and dodged as quickly as possible.

"Stupid, this is not the time for you to be funny here!"

Sasuke said to Naruto while running.

"Asshole, when did I lie to you, I can really..."

Before Naruto finished speaking, he immediately noticed Gaara's giant claw stretching out.


Naruto immediately reminded Sasuke.

Sasuke immediately flew to hide in the forest, and Naruto did the same, but what Naruto didn't notice was that there was a stream of sand chasing him behind him.

After using multiple shadow clones before, the chakra in Naruto's body has been almost consumed.

So both the strength and the speed have slowed down a lot.

"Bastard, I can't run away..."

Gaara's sand finally entangled Naruto.

"Hey, you can't hide..."

Gaara looked at Naruto with a sarcastic smile.


At this time, because Naruto had used too much chakra in his body and consumed too much, he finally led out the chakra with nine tails in his body.


Gaara's sand escape ninjutsu did not hurt Naruto, but Naruto even summoned the toad boss.

"Hey boy, why are you making trouble for me..."

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