But Danzo wants to eat Mistnin in one go. For him, if he can defeat Mistnin beautifully this time, then his prestige and battle record in Konoha will surpass Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

The most important thing is the registration of Mist Ninja, and Konoha has gathered all the children of famous families, and their strength can be said to be no less than Jiraiya and the others who have concentrated [-]% of Konoha's troops.

Danzo is confident that he is head-to-head, and Konoha's power can eat up Mist Shinobi.

So when I saw the signal ahead, my first reaction was to lead the Konoha army to rush up.

The two sides quarreled again because of different tactical decisions.

Danzo doesn't want to miss this opportunity, especially if he can win over these upper ninjas.

Just when Leng Tian wanted to use force to solve it, Danzo took out the Hokage secret order...

Chapter 250 Two Tails Three and Six Tails

Leng Tian didn't expect Hokage to give Danzo such a secret order. At critical moments, Danzo can take over the command of the army.

This is the third generation's consideration. If Dashewan is too late to come back, Danzo will replace it.

From the perspective of the third generation, Leng Tian's strength may have been at the same level as his own, but he may be a little bit worse in war.

Although Sandai had his own plans in mind, he would not bet on Konoha's safety.

Danzo came up with this secret order because of his analysis. In his opinion, the battle between Konoha and Iwanin on the front line should be getting more and more intense.

It will be impossible for Orochimaru to come back for a while, and with the attack of Mist Ninja, Onoki will not let go of this opportunity.

Therefore, the third generation did not intend to let Orochimaru lead the rescue, but just let Orochimaru come back to command.

"Hmph, I want to limit my rights, this time I want to defeat Mist Ninja Village before Orochimaru!"

Of course, Danzo is also worried about the trap of Mist Ninja in front of him, but Mist Ninja has a small number of people, and they go deep into Konoha, even if both sides suffer, the final loser is still Mist Ninja.

Because they have no supplies, and their supplies can be replenished at any time.

Therefore, Danzang would not listen to Leng Tian's opinion at all, and issued a secret order for all troops to advance.

"Since the ninjas in front have spotted Mist Ninja, we must take the initiative to attack. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to catch their traces after they retreat. You must know that Konoha is very empty now, everyone..."

Hearing Danzo's words, Konoha's various famous families all felt in their hearts. They don't want Konoha to suffer, and Konoha suffers, and their families will also suffer losses.

"I agree with Danzo-sama's order!"

The Uchiha patriarch said on the spot.

"I agree!"

"We all know Captain Leng Tian's strength, but now the enemy's situation is unknown, how about Captain Leng Tian's support for us?"

Seeing that most people agree, Danzang said to Leng Tian coldly at this time.

Hearing Danzo's words, Leng Tian smiled faintly.

"Okay, I will listen to Danzo-sama's command!"

After Konoha moved forward, there was always fog ninja watching over them.

Like Konoha, Iwa Shinobi is also monitoring Konoha's army.

The difference is that they have already found the location of Konoha's army.

One of them had a flat face. He was surrounded by a piece of foam. If someone looked up, they would only see the scene reflected around the bubble, but not him.

He is the six-tailed human pillar of the country of water.

As the commander of the Mist ninja surprise attack plan, he is personally responsible for monitoring Konoha's movements.

Seeing that Konoha had indeed left supplies behind, the large force began to move forward, and the six-tailed manpower Hashihadaka smiled faintly and disappeared.

"Go and tell Hezhuo, according to the plan, they must hold up Konoha's brigade in an ambush, and Miyata and I led the team to snatch Konoha's supplies..."


Hearing Yu Gao's words, one of the Kirinin left and ran forward. Like Konoha, Kirigakure certainly knew that their shortcoming was material.

And they also revolved around the materials and began to attack Konoha's materials, making their weaknesses become Konoha's weaknesses.


After Danzo and the others set off, Leng Tian didn't wait, because he learned from the original book that in this battle, Matt Dai met the seven Mist Ninjas, and finally used the full power of the Bamen Dunjia.

Now he will not let Matt Dai in such a crisis.

So the white eyes kept watching the distance.

Now that Leng Tian's white eyes have become Tenseikan, his observation ability has improved several levels compared to his white eyes.

Although it is impossible to observe the situation on Maitedai, it can be distinguished by observing the strength of Chakra.

It's just that at the moment when Leng Tian opened Tenseigan, he suddenly noticed that there were unknown Chakra characteristics around him.

"It's Mist Ninja!"

Sensing the enemy, Leng Tian immediately rallied the remaining people loudly.

"Damn it, they wanted to sneak up on supplies!"

There was also a slight sound behind him.

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