I just don't know why he appeared here. It turned out that when Shengshu got the blood of Qianshou and activated the Mutun in his body, a long-lasting memory from Qianshou Zhujian appeared in his mind.

In that memory, Nakoki saw a very deserted place, but that place was very strange, it seemed to be a separate space, especially Senju Hashirama attached great importance to it, and at the same time Naoki saw Senju Naoki Got Rishi mode here.

"I finally found it, a dilapidated and disappeared land of the Spirit Race..."

Finding the familiar place in his mind, Shengshu slowly opened this place with his own blood.

After entering inside, there is no place, it seems that the spirit race here has already migrated, this is the same place as Mount Miaomu, but there is no spirit race.

But there is a thousand-armed rope tree left here to get the adventure of the fairy mode...

Thinking of what he saw in his mind, Nakoki showed a slight smile: "Danzo, I will find you soon..."

Chapter 150 Three Appearance of Akatsuki

Konoha 38 years.

Since Leng Tian entered Anbu, not only the title of Konoha Hermit Megatron Ninja World, but also all the guidance of Bai Fang.

In today's cold weather, the strength of Chakra has reached the penumbra level, but if the eight disintegration techniques are activated, it will be close to the peak of the shadow level.

However, the strength of the ninja world is not only based on chakra, but also blood, moves, secret techniques, combat experience, etc.

Leng Tian's combat experience can be said to be on par with the shadow level, this is because he has fought several shadow level powerhouses before.

Besides, what Leng Tian is most proud of is his transformation back to Tian.

Now the Hyuga Zong family is very envious of Leng Tian's Huitian, and they always seem to want to get Leng Tiankai's Huitian.

On the battlefield before, Leng Tian had already changed Hui Tian into Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, this kind of move can be used by waving both arms without rotating the whole body.

For Huitian's strength, it has improved a lot.

Especially in the face of more powerful ninjutsu, some ninjutsu have exceeded Huitian's ability to rebound, so even Huitian cannot protect them.

But when Leng Tian improved, he was able to bounce back stronger ninjutsu with the least amount of Chakra.

It is because of this effect that even the disciples of the clan are envious.

It's a pity that Leng Tian didn't intend to hand it over at all. In fact, if he didn't have internal vision and knew the chakra in his body like the back of his hand, even if Leng Tian handed it over to them, they wouldn't be able to master it.

Because of this, the Zong family's attitude towards Leng Tian became even worse.

However, Leng Tian has become a Jonin, and has entered Anbu, the Hyuga clan can't force Leng Tian like before, even if they know that Leng Tian's Huitian is stronger, they can't do anything about it.

Leng Tian had just finished a mission and came to hand it over, at this moment he met Jiraiya and Minato who had also returned to the village.

This surprised Leng Tian greatly.

Ever since Leng Tian joined Anbe, he rarely had the chance to see Minato and Kushina.

Konoha's department is very large, there are Leng Tian who specialize in assassination and entrusted tasks, and there are also ninjas like Jiraiya who specialize in collecting information.

At the same time that Leng Tian joined Anbe, Minato also joined Jiraiya's department, specializing in collecting news about the ninja world.

Seeing Minato this time, Leng Tian really wanted to experience Minato's perfect Flying Thunder God technique...

Jiraiya naturally knew the relationship between Minato and Leng Tian, ​​so he left Minato and said, "You guys catch up on the old days, I can report to Hokage alone..."

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Minato also understood what the teacher meant, and smiled happily.

"Good teacher!"

When they came to the open space, Minato and Lengtian smiled at each other.

"Long time no see, cold weather!"

"You too, it's been two years since Jiraiya-sama performed missions together......"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Minato also showed nostalgia.

It seems to miss the happy time when he was happy with Leng Tian and Jiu Xinnai.

"Yeah, it's been two years, the time when we still had Kushina and Teacher Duan was really happy..."

Minato's words also aroused Leng Tian's nostalgia.

"I met Duan-sensei once before. He and Master Tsunade were very happy together. Of course, they have been looking for news about the rope tree..."

Hearing the news about the two teachers, Leng Tian also showed a look of listening. After all, he didn't get as much news from Anbu as Minato, a department that specializes in inquiring about news.

"Master Tsunade is still looking for news about the rope tree, while gambling."

"Yes, Master and I are also trying to persuade Master Tsunade to go back to the village, but Master Tsunade is very persistent, and we must find the rope tree!"

Hearing Minato's words, that boy Nakoki popped into Leng Tian's mind.

"Have you heard from him?"

Leng Tian was in a daze for a moment and asked.

Minato knew that Leng Tian also cared about Naoki's news, no matter what, Naoki was also his team member.

"At first we found traces of him in the Land of Fire, but he disappeared after we arrived, and then Jiraiya-sama and I got the news that he appeared in the Land of Rain..."

"Appeared in the Kingdom of Rain?"

Leng Tian asked in surprise.

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