"They didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

Hearing Bai Fang's words, Leng Tian shook his head, and returned Anbu's token to Bai Fang.

"Thank you, Senior Bai Fang, if it wasn't for your token, I might have left Konoha and become the guardian of the clan..."

"This Hinata patriarch simply didn't listen to Hokage's words."

When Bai Fang heard Leng Tian's words, his voice became a little chilly.

Leng Tian may not know, but he has already talked about it with Sandai.

The third generation also made it clear that they would discuss with the Hyuga patriarch.

At that time, the patriarch Hyuga had made it clear that he promised Leng Tian to enter Anbu.

Unexpectedly, the patriarch Hyuga turned his back on what he said, but fortunately, he gave him the token of Anbu.

"You don't have to worry about the Hyuga family. I and the third generation will give you an explanation. Are you in good health now?"

asked White Fang.

"Of course, I can't wait to go to the front line..."

Leng Tian smiled.

"Hehe, aren't you afraid of the kill orders of Yu Nin and Sou Nin?"

Hearing Bai Fang's words, Leng Tian smiled faintly.

Looking into the distance, his eyes are full of fear.

"If you don't dare to challenge because of fear, how can you be qualified to stand at the top of the ninja world..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Bai Fang showed approval in his eyes.

"Good boy, I really read it right... Next, you will practice with me temporarily, and you will receive a new order soon."

Hearing that Bai Fang wanted to guide him personally, Leng Tian showed excitement.

Bai Fang also showed a smile, except for him, there are almost no people in Konoha who can comprehend the seventh sense. For Leng Tian, ​​Bai Fang regards him as a disciple.

During this time, Leng Tian had been studying with Bai Fang.

In addition to combat experience, the most important thing is to learn to master the use of the seventh sense.

"Don't worry, the seventh sense actually exists all the time, just like the five senses, you just need to calm down slowly to feel it..."

Looking at the cold weather with his eyes closed, White Fang guided patiently.

At this moment, Leng Tian has already turned on his internal vision, which is different from what Bai Fang said, and Leng Tian is recalling the scene of that day.

How exactly did it get in at the time.

"Yes, I seem to want to see how Lord White Fang's loss of my spirit caused physical damage to my body. At that time, I seemed to be trying to see all the reactions in my body..."

Thinking of this, Leng Tian suddenly realized that it was the inner viewing glass, and he wanted to see the whole body, not just a part.

It's not about trying to control where the body is with inner vision.

Just simply want to observe.


When Leng Tian recalled the feeling at that time again, he immediately felt different.

It seems that my perspective is slowly leaving the body.

It was as if the inner-looking eyes were looking down at him.

I can feel different in cold weather. My own vision should not be said to be like my soul is out of my body.

It’s like I’m looking at a third person, looking at myself, and my thoughts can be transmitted to the body.

It's like manipulating a puppet.


White Fang, who had been observing the cold weather, felt a sudden chill.

Leng Tian in front of him seemed to suddenly lose his life signs. He was standing in front of him, but his five senses were contradictory.

He clearly saw the cold sky in his eyes, but his body felt like there was no one in front of him.

This paradoxical feeling almost made White Fang vomit.

"It's so uncomfortable..."

And Leng Tian's eyes, without the slightest expression, seemed to have no soul.

"These are simply not human eyes, ruthless without any emotion, extremely cold."

"What kind of seventh sense is this?"

Bai Fang did not expect that Leng Tian could enter and master the seventh sense so quickly.

Now White Fang has fully understood that Leng Tian's seventh sense is completely different from his seventh sense, they are two completely different states.

At this time, Leng Tian's eyes slowly recovered.

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