Before Leng Tian could speak, Orochimaru was the first to speak: "I didn't expect Mr. Leng Tian to have such a wonderful ability. It seems that I was wrong last time!"

Tsunade thought Orochimaru was just talking, but he didn't expect to apologize in front of Leng Tian.

Not only admitting mistakes in person, but also praising Leng Tian in person, which invisibly makes people feel good.

"Have Leng Tianjun ever thought of paying homage to a teacher so that I can teach you too?"

Orochimaru's next sentence made Tsunade's face darken, and he became angry on the spot.

Before Tsunade said it, Leng Tian shook his head and said: "I still have a lot to learn from Tsunade-sensei, so I won't bother Master Orochimaru's kindness..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Orochimaru nodded, but he didn't mean to give up at all.

In the end, Shinnosuke told Leng Tian the new order, asking him to prepare to lead his class to the front.

After Leng Tian told Zhishu and the three of them the order, Shengshu jumped up happily.

"Great, we're finally going to the front line."

But Leng Xia's words made Naoshu's excitement disappear.

"Shengshu, your sister has come to visit you!"


Chapter 91 Ace Arrives

The front line of the rain country.

Within the range of Yan Ninja Village.

A small group of Yannin elites are quietly approaching the Konoha defense area.


Several figures passed quickly, and they stopped after a long time.

"Konoha shouldn't have noticed us!"

A ninja from Rock Ninja Village said quietly.

"Very good, as long as the continuous infiltration of small stocks in this way can disturb Konoha, so that we can seize the opportunity and play a decisive role before the next big battle!"

Another Yannin elite said proudly.

"I don't know if this kind of tactics was formulated by a high-level adult. Koko is much stronger than the previous head-to-head..."

Several rock ninjas quietly discussed.

"Okay, this disrupting task is for other groups. Our task is to remain silent until we see the signal from the front and attack from the rear. This time we will have a showdown!"

One of the leaders said in a deep voice.

Hearing the captain's words, several Iwanin elites showed eager eyes. You must know that they are all candidates to enter the Iwanin Anbu.

There will definitely be many people who will be promoted to Anbu in this war.

"I believe that under the captain's Tudun, even the Konoha Hyuga clan and they would not be able to find our flaws in our disguise. This victory belongs to us Iwanin."

As soon as the elites of Yannin finished their complacency, they heard a faint voice from above their heads.

"Is it?"

Suddenly hearing other voices, several Yannin elites suddenly raised their heads.

A white-eyed boy stood above them, looking at them indifferently.

"Hyuga Clan?"

Seeing Leng Tian's white eyes, the captain of Iwanin Elite was shocked.

It never occurred to them that they were discovered because they had disguised themselves so well, whether it was a coincidence, or whether the other party had already discovered it.


Seeing that in addition to Leng Tian, ​​there are many Konoha ninjas around, he doesn't need to think about it to understand that the other party has already discovered them.

"Can you run away?"

Kato Duan and others immediately surrounded him.

Farther away, there is another Rixiang Lengtian who shows a slight smile, he is the real body.

Leng Tian's main body kept receiving information from other shadow clones, and suddenly opened his eyes and said to Shinnosuke: "The ninjas of Iwanin Village in the east have been solved, but this time, Iwanin Village is coming fiercely, and it seems that there are still people coming into us in batches. Listening to their conversation, it seems that they want to sneak attack when the frontal battlefield is fighting..."

"And this kind of thing..."

Shinnosuke got the other party's information, immediately took out the map, and looked at it calmly.

"Being able to send such a large range of elite ninjas without being discovered by the patrolling ninjas, I am afraid that this time Iwanin's plan is not small. Fortunately, there is a cold weather, otherwise we may fall into a passive position. We will inform the siege of Bai Fang to let him take action... "

Hearing Bai Ya's name from Shinnosuke's mouth, Leng Tian was startled, he had known Bai Ya's name for a long time.

Just as Leng Tian was thinking, Shinnosuke asked again: "Leng Tian, ​​can you tell how many of them heard the rear? And their plan, how much can you eavesdrop on?"

Leng Tian pondered for a moment and said: "There is too much information, I need time, but their plan should be to attack from the front and ambush from the rear to form a front and rear pincer attack, and according to their intentions, this time they seem to have a very, powerful He even took over the position of the front-line commander..."


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