Especially the rear is still unstable. Orochimaru can only see how fierce the front line is every day, but can't go to the front line.

Also because this place is so important, Sarutobi Sasuke will give the task of staying here to his father's disciple Orochimaru.

This in itself is already a kind of recognition and value, but Orochimaru doesn't think so.

He hopes to be able to go to the front line as soon as possible and make contributions.

Especially after he heard that Uchiha Fuqiu and Jiraiya had made meritorious deeds one after another.

After receiving the report from his subordinates, Orochimaru showed a slight surprise.

"I didn't expect this kid to have such strength. It's really enviable that Tsunade can receive such an outstanding apprentice."

Orochimaru pondered for a while, and immediately gave an order to the subordinates around him: "Promote Hyuga Lengtian to the team leader, and order him and the other four captains to destroy the Urenin in the rear!"

"Why did your lord suddenly promote that kid?"

The subordinate next to Dashemaru asked aloud.

Orochimaru said indifferently: "It's nothing, it's just that the kid's strength is a bit outstanding..."

For Orochimaru, the most important thing is to solve the troubles in the rear. Since the performance is excellent in cold weather, then make the best use of everything and remove the hidden dangers in the rear as soon as possible.

However, Orochimaru didn't report too much hope. According to the battle report, the reason why this time there was such a big result was because the opponent showed up deliberately and wanted to surround Sato and others.

And now after this battle, I believe that the ninjas of Rain Ninja Village would not dare to come to the door on such a large scale, and in the environment of the enemy in the Land of Rain, the opponent can find hiding places everywhere.

What's more, after entering the rainy day, the remaining traces of Yuren were quickly washed away.

Orochimaru's mission to Leng Tian changed, and the order for Leng Tian to lead one of the teams to hunt down Yuren soon spread to the rear.

After Leng Tian received the new order, a faint smile appeared on his face.

It seems that Orochimaru has also begun to recognize his strength, but this is not enough. He must use the advantage of the wind ear as soon as possible to eliminate the hidden dangers in the rear. Like Orochimaru, Leng Tian's mind is also on the front line.

As Tsunade said, the fastest place to improve your strength is always in battle, and it is in the battle of life and death.

He wants to use the fastest speed to find all the hidden rain ninjas, so that Orochimaru will really look at him differently.

He wants to tell Orochimaru that he is not an ordinary ninja, and he was the one who saw him away when he drove him away so contemptuously.

Chapter 88 Luring the snake out of its hole

When Leng Tian told Shengshu and the others the mission order, the three of them showed excited expressions.

"Haha, it seems that the higher-ups have finally realized our strength!"

"Hey, that's recognizing the captain's strength, not yours!"

After Uchiha Mikoto heard Nawaki's words, she looked disdainful.

"Hmph, in any case, we can go to a wider area in this way!"

Hearing Sheng Shu's words, Leng Tian nodded and said: "It is possible to go out of the patrol area and go to a farther place, but it also means more danger, and if your performance is not satisfactory to me, I will not count you! "

Hearing Leng Tian's words, the three of them all lowered their heads.

Compared with the strength shown by Leng Tian, ​​they were like toddlers.

Even Zhishu put away his contempt early on, knowing that fighting is not as simple as he imagined.

"However, I am very satisfied with your training these days. I believe that you will be able to go to the front line with me soon!"

At this time, Leng Tian suddenly praised.

Hearing what the captain said, the three of them nodded quickly.

"Captain! We will definitely impress you."

Naoshu assured with a face full of blood.

Seeing Shengshu's expression, Leng Tian shook his head and said solemnly.

"It's a good thing to be hardworking, but there is one thing, you must be calm and calm, especially Zhishu. If you are like this, you can honestly stay behind me, and remember that even in a disadvantage, as long as you are calm, you can find it." Chance!"


There are more and more supplies coming from Konoha these days.

According to the cold weather analysis, it seems that the battle between Konoha and Iwanin on the front line should be getting more and more intense.

With the arrival of supplies, the tasks behind Konoha became heavier.

The captains of the four teams were in a hurry to discuss how to protect these supplies.

Seeing Leng Tian coming back from patrol at this time, Sato immediately called Leng Tian over, wanting to hear his opinion.

After all, no one doubts that Leng Tiancai is the strongest ninja behind.

"It's too difficult to be on guard all day long, we must take the initiative!"

Leng Tian said on the spot.

"We know Captain Leng Tian's strength, but the enemy can't find it, and we have nothing to do!"

Another captain said.

Hearing what they said, Leng Tian smiled faintly.

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