There are kunai and shurikens, and there are thin nails, not only that, but also many explosive charms.

Regardless of the power, these ninjutsu props alone are worth a lot.

Sure enough, she is a rich woman.

Rich is willful!

Uchiha Mikoto shouted to Leng Tian at this time: "Captain, run away, she can't even control Saori's hidden weapon!"

Shengshu was also taken aback, he didn't expect Saori to use this trick.

He still remembers that in school, someone made a joke about Saori, but Saori couldn't stand it on the spot and opened the Umbrella of Thousand Faces.

This trick was used.

In the end, if it weren't for the luck that a teacher pulled the other party away in time, he would have become a dead soul under the umbrella!

Everyone has kept her distance since then.

So when Shengshu knew that he was in the same class as her, he didn't dare to make fun of her, and didn't even talk to her.

Even though this young lady is beautiful and charming, he doesn't want to offend this young lady somehow.

At that time, instead of dying in the hands of the enemy, he was killed by the young lady instead.

Leng Tian smiled lightly.

He didn't care about the hidden weapon in front of him at all.


Leng Tian condensed a lot of chakra in his hands.

And these chakras are quickly stabilized.

It's just like a spiral pill.


In the cold weather, clasp it with your fingers and make a gesture of bouncing it out.

"Finger magic power!"


A gust of wind popped out from Leng Tian's hand and flew towards the hidden weapon in front of him.

Leng Tian didn't stop at all, his hands kept making the same movements, every gust of wind accurately hit Saori's hidden weapon.

"Bang bang bang!"

Saori's hidden weapon deviated from Leng Tian's flick of the finger.

It seems to be covered with a big net around the cold weather, which is even more powerful than Huitian just now.

This is what Leng Tian thought of from Hinata's guardian gossip Huitian.

But the principle is based on Bagua Kongzhang as the basis of power, plus the improvement of the spiral pill left by Namikaze Minato.

This is also the shortcoming that Leng Tian thought of Rouquan not being able to attack from a distance.

Created this kind of ninjutsu to achieve an effect similar to that of Otsutsuki Kaguya's use of rabbit hair needles.

Although the magical power of the flick of the finger is much worse than that of the spiral pill, each one has the power to rebound.

In addition, the spiral pills in cold weather are smaller, and the seal is not known how many times faster than the spiral pills.

Leng Tian's original ninjutsu stunned the three members of the ninth class.

They did not expect that there is also magical ninjutsu.

At this time, Leng Tian reappeared in front of them, reprimanded with a serious face:

"It's too bad. Not only can your cooperation fail to exert its maximum power, it is simply interfering with each other!"

"Hmph! Teacher, with such strength, we can't defeat you!"

Uchiha Mikoto said dissatisfied.

"Really? Is it true that you haven't been given a chance?"

Leng Tian asked with a flat face.

Seeing that the three were not convinced.

Leng Tian said seriously: "It's because you didn't listen to me clearly from the beginning to the end. I said that the most important task is analysis!"

"First of all, you have to analyze the question I gave you, the content of the question is, defeat me and take the bell or force me out of this circle.

Since you have analyzed that my strength is higher than yours, you should think that hard work will not work. If you can think of using the scope of the circle to attack and compress my space from three aspects, maybe I will give you a chance. "

Hear the words of the cold weather.

The eyes of the three rope trees brightened.

Indeed, as Leng Tian said, he kept limiting his ability to give them opportunities.

It's just that the three of them didn't think about the favorable conditions offered by Leng Tian at all, and instead took it as a mockery.

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